Monday 20 May 2019

Indulgence still offered by roman Catholic Church

Centuries ago Luther opposed the rulings about indulgences, but today they are still going strong by the Roman Catholics.

Pope Francis 02
No, Pope Francis won’t get you out of Hell for following him on Twitter.

The Vatican “jumped” on the heretical bandwagon in 2013 by offering “indulgences” to reduce time in “purgatory”, to those who follow Pope Francis on “Twitter” during World Youth Day.

Also in 2019 Pope Francis has granted a "plenary indulgence" for those taking partat the World Meeting of Families in August. Even those following events on TV and radio could achieve a partial indulgence as long as they recited the Our Father, the Creed and other devout prayers. 
The Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary, the Vatican body dealing with forgiveness of sins, said pilgrims would have to attend confession and Mass, pray for the Pope's intentions and participate in some function during the five-day event.

As foolish as this sounds to “intelligent” people, we must wonder if Catholics will ever “wake up” and realize their religion teaches a “false and fatal” gospel that leads them on the broad “road to destruction?”
is said by many protestants.
How many more “blatantly” false teachings must come out of the Vatican before Catholics realize they have been “deceived” about life’s most critical issue, the “salvation of their soul?”

Catholics, who believe a “purifying” fire will purge away their sins, are “deluded” victims of a “fatal” fabrication.
Pope Francis 04

The “diabolical” invention of a place for the purification of sins called “Purgatory” is not only a flagrant “denial” of the sufficiency of Jesus Christ, but also a “blasphemous” rejection of his precious blood as the only “purification” for sin. furthermore it continues thinking in the line that God would be a horrible tirrant wishing or loving to have His children tortured in hellfire or purgatory fire.

Pope Francis 03The “concept” of Purgatory became a Catholic “doctrine” around 600 C.E. due to the “fanaticism” of Pope Gregory the Great.
He “developed” the doctrine through “visions” of a purifying fire.

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Gregory said Catholics
 “will expiate their faults by purgatorial flames,”
“the pain is more intolerable than anyone can suffer in this life.”
Centuries later, at the Council of Florence in 1431, Purgatory was pronounced an “infallible dogma.”

Over the centuries, “billions” of dollars have been paid to Roman Catholic priests to obtain “relief” from sufferings in Purgatory’s fire.
The Catholic clergy has taught that purchasing “indulgences, novenas and Mass cards” can shorten the period of “suffering” in Purgatory.

There have been Catholics who have “willed” their entire “estates” to their religion so that “perpetual masses” could be offered for them “after” they die.
It is no “wonder” that the Catholic religion has become the “richest” institution in the world.
The “buying and selling” of God’s forgiveness has been a very “lucrative” business for the Vatican.

In 2014, the pope mentioned hell when calling the Mafia to conversion. In 2016, he said that people who do not open their hearts to Christ will end up condemning themselves to hell. The same year, he referred to hell as "the truth" and described it as being
 "far away from the Lord for eternity."
 In 2018 social media went crazy with reports that Pope Francis had denied the existence of hell.

The most extensive papal explanation of hell came in response to a 2015 question from a female scout who asked,
"If God forgives everyone, why does hell exist?"
 Francis acknowledged that this was a "good and difficult question."
The pope spoke of a very proud angel who was envious of God, reports Catholic News Service.

"He wanted God's place,"
 said Francis.
"And God wanted to forgive him, but he said, 'I don't need your forgiveness. I am good enough!'"
"This is hell,"
 explained the pope.
"It is telling God, 'You take care of yourself because I'll take care of myself.' They don't send you to hell, you go there because you choose to be there. Hell is wanting to be distant from God because I do not want God's love. This is hell."
Most contemporary theologians would agree with the pope. Hell is not about fire and brimstone; it is about our freedom to say no to God, our freedom to reject love and choose loneliness. If you believe in freedom, you have to believe in hell.

When we close our hearts and tell the world to go to hell, we are in fact choosing hell for ourselves. Hell is the absence of love, companionship, communion. We are not sent there; we choose it.
God did not create hell; we did.


Find also to read
  1. Pope Francis grants indulgences for Dublin participants
  2. Pope to grant indulgences at Dublin World Meeting of Families
  3. Pope Francis Grants Indulgence to the Faithful during the 50th Anniversary of the Diocese of St. Petersburg

Controversial Pope

Lots of bishops having to chose the new pope thought to be on the save side by going for a simple humble South American Bishop.

It turned completely against their expectations, now having a pope who dares to say other things than lots of conservative bishops want to have the people hear.

Pope Francis is “turning” out to be one of the most “controversial” popes in modern history since his “election” to the papacy on March 13, 2013.

Some of his saying are called contradictory to Catholic teachings and even to his own sayings. 
For example:
  • The day he was elected pope he said he would “pray to Mary” for the protection of Rome.
  • Later he appeared to “contradict” himself by saying, “He who doesn’t pray to the Lord, prays to the devil.”
Concerning the salvation there seems a battle of thought by Catholics and Protestants, people saying by the death of Christ salvation is given to all. Though when the pope said everyone, “even atheists,” are redeemed with the “Blood of Christ” this was considered by many Catholic priests a heresy.
To enhance his “progressive” reputation, Pope Francis has written a long, open letter to the founder of La Repubblica newspaper, Eugenio Scalfari, stating that non-believers would be forgiven by God if they followed their consciences.

Worse was the pope his questioning who he was to judge for example gay people.
  “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?”
Pope Francis “faulted” again the Roman Catholic church, according many Catholic clergy for focusing too much on “gays, abortion and contraception”, saying the church has become “obsessed” with those issues to the detriment of its larger mission to be “home for all”.


Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, Cardinal Blase Cupich, former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Cardinal Godfried Danneels, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Cardinal Kevin Farrell, Bishop Gustavo Óscar Zanchetta, Bishop Juan Barros, and Father James Martin, SJ., find lots of harm is caused by Pope Francis’s words and actions over several years, which have given rise to one of the worst crises in the history of the Catholic Church.

They wrote a letter following the 2017 “Filial Correction of Pope Francis,” which claimed that the pope Francis had
 “effectively upheld 7 heretical positions about marriage, the moral life, and the reception of the sacraments, and has caused these heretical opinions to spread in the Catholic Church.”
Four cardinals subsequently issued public demands for clarification to Francis. Francis did not “reply” to either request, prompting a group of  62 Catholic priests, theologians, and academics to issue a “filial correction” formally accusing him of “propagating” seven heretical positions and urging him to “correct” those positions.

Catholics attacking their own so called infallible pope

The Roman Catholics always say the Bishop of Rome is the true leader of the Roman Catholic Church who as Peter's heir to the throne is the infallible pope.

After Easter several letters found the light wherein Catholic clergy and scholars, have accused Pope Francis of “heresy”.

The pope’s “theological orthodoxy”, particularly after the publication of his 2016 post-synodal apostolic exhortation on “marriage, divorce and Holy Communion” in the Latin title “Amoris Laetitia” (The Joy of Love) and what they see as his inappropriate handling of the “sex abuse” crisis is considered according them constituting heresy.

A letter, dated “Easter Week", exhorts bishops to “investigate” the claims of heresy against Francis and, if they find them “valid”, to admonish him to “renounce” those heresies or “remove” him from the papacy.
“Taken together, the words and actions of Pope Francis amount to a comprehensive rejection of Catholic teaching on marriage and sexual activity, on the moral law, and on grace and the forgiveness of sins,” the open letter states.

The letter’s authors “clarified” that there is a demonstrable link between Francis’ “rejection of Catholic teaching” and what they see as his preferential “treatment” of clergy friendly to his views who have been accused of “sexual” misconduct.

The 20-page letter lays out its intentions in the very first line:
“first, to accuse Pope Francis of the canonical delict of heresy, and second, to request that the bishops take the steps necessary to deal with the grave situation of a heretical pope.”

The letter writers base their “accusation” on the pope’s alleged embrace of positions “contrary” to the Catholic faith as well as his overt “support” for prelates who have shown “disrespect” for the Church’s “faith and morals.”

Much of the material offered as evidence of heresy comes from “Amoris Laetitia”, and deals with “sexual ethics and sacramental theology”, while a large section of the letter is devoted to showing the pope’s misconduct by
 “praising clerics and laity who advance these heresies, or by naming them to influential posts, or by protecting clerics of this kind from punishment or demotion when they have committed gravely immoral and criminal acts.”

Saturday 11 May 2019

Forming a Christian bond

We should be aware that a Christian fellowship lives and exists by the intercession of its members for one another, or it collapses.

In our society each individual has his or her own responsibility and should feel and show his or her connection with the others in the group.

Each person in a way should put himself or herself at the side giving himself or herself in the hands of God, doing the will of God and willing to help the community of the Body of Christ to grow.
each person calling himself or herself a Christian must bear the burden of a brother and a sister.

Monday 6 May 2019

Akkoord tot een staakt-het-vuren tussen Palestijnse leiders in Gaza en Israël

De afgelopen dagen is er heel wat heen en weer geschoten tussen Gaza en Israël.

Volgens het ministerie van Gezondheid in Gaza kwamen negentien Palestijnen om bij Israëlische bombardementen. Onder de doden zijn een zwangere vrouw en een baby van van vier maanden. Zeker zes Palestijnen waren militanten van de islamistische groep Hamas, of bondgenoot Islamitische Jihad, zeggen de twee organisaties.

Aan de Israëlische kant van de grens kwamen vier burgers om door raketbeschietingen. Er was ook zeker één antitankraket bij, zeggen de Israëlische autoriteiten. De secretaris-generaal van de Verenigde Naties, Antonio Guterres, riep zondag op tot 'maximale terughoudendheid' en een 'onmiddelijk de-escalatie'.

Na het ergste geweld in de regio sinds de oorlog van 2014 kwam door bemiddeling van Egypte een staakt-het-vuren van kracht vanaf maandagochtend 6 mei om 4.30 uur. Een Egyptische verantwoordelijke, die anoniem wil blijven, bevestigt het nieuws aan AFP. De woordvoerder van het Israëlische leger gaf geen commentaar.

Een raketaanval vanuit Gaza. In Israël vielen zondag vier doden, in Gaza waren dat er negentien. © Reuters

Uitdrijving bevolking provincie Idlib

Van een bufferzone voor de provincie Idlib lijkt er de afgelopen tien dagen niet veel meer over te blijven.

De burgers in Idlib  lijken de dupe van een nieuw offensief van het regime te zijn. Idlib is het laatste rebellenbolwerk dat nog niet heroverd is door het regime van president Bashar al-Assad. Er wonen zo'n anderhalf miljoen mensen. Verschillende jihadisten uit andere delen van Syrië hebben zich de laatste jaren in de provincie gevestigd en zich tussen de bevolking gemengd of zich in nieuwe groeperingen herenigd. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), de lokale afdeling van Al-Qaeda, is de grootste radicale beweging die er actief is.

Het Assad-regime gebruikt sinds lange tijd ook weer helikopters met vatenbommen, gevuld met explosieven en granaatscherven. Uit die aanvallen blijkt duidelijk dat het er om gaat om zo veel mogelijk slachtoffers te maken.
Wanneer de Witte Helmen ter plaatse zijn om mensen van onder het puin te redden nadat de helikopters hun bommen dropten, krijgen ze te maken met Russische of Syrische gevechtsvliegtuigen die een tweede bom gooien op de getroffen locatie. Daarna volgt dan weer een golf van artillerievuur.

De bombardementen hebben duizenden bewoners uit hun huizen gedreven. Volgens Ayman K.van de lokale hulporganisatie de Witte Helmen zijn in het zuiden van Idlib zo'n 50 grote en kleine steden compleet leeg. De inwoners zijn naar andere steden gevlucht of zoeken hun heil in opvangkampen aan de Turkse grens. De grens zelf blijft stevig gesloten. Ankara is bang voor een enorme vluchtelingenstroom waaronder wellicht ook jihadisten die doorreizen naar Europa.

Thursday 25 April 2019

From thoughts to actions and destiny

Watch your Thoughts; they become your words.
 Watch your Words; they become your actions.
   Watch your Actions; they become your habits.
   Watch your Habits; they become your character.
 Watch your character; it will become your destiny. 

Van gedachten naar woorden en acties tot aan je bestemming

Let op je gedachten; ze worden jouw woorden.

 Let op je woorden; zij worden je acties.
 Let op je acties; ze worden je gewoonten.
 Let op je gewoontes; ze worden je karakter.
 Let op je karakter; het zal je bestemming worden.

English version / Engelse versie > From thoughts to actions and destiny

Children of God - mentioned in Scripture

 “Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself; I am the LORD.” (Le 19:18 Webster)

 “28  Say not to thy neighbor, Go, and come again, and to-morrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee. 29  Devise not evil against thy neighbor, seeing he dwelleth securely by thee.” (Pr 3:28-29 Webster)

 “1   A Psalm of David. LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? 2  He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart. 3  He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbor, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbor.” (Ps 15:1-3 Webster)

 “37  Jesus said to him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38  This is the first and great commandment. 39  And the second is like it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 40  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” (Mt 22:37-40 Webster)

 “36  Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbor to him that fell among the robbers? 37  And he said, He that showed mercy on him. Then said Jesus to him, Go, and do thou likewise.” (Lu 10:36-37 Webster)

 “Love worketh no ill to one’s neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.” (Ro 13:10 Webster)

 “Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification.” (Ro 15:2 Webster)

 “Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another.” (Eph 4:25 Webster)

 “13   For, brethren, ye have been called to liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. 14  For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 15  But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one by another.” (Ga 5:13-15 Webster)

 “If ye fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well:” (Jas 2:8 Webster)


 Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Kinderen van God - aangehaald in de Geschriften

Kinderen van God - aangehaald in de Geschriften

 “ Neem geen wraak op een volksgenoot en koester geen wrok tegen hem. Bemin uw naaste als uzelf. Ik ben Jahwe.” (Le 19:18 WV78)

 “28   Zeg niet tot uw naaste: ‘Ga heen, kom maar eens terug!’ Of: ‘Morgen geef ik het u wel’ - terwijl gij het nu hebt. 29   Beraam tegen uw naaste geen kwaad, terwijl hij niets duchtend naast u leeft.” (Spr 3:28-29 WV78)

 “1    Een psalm van David. Heer, wie mag toeven binnen uw tent, wie wonen op uw heilige berg? 2   Die wandelt oprecht en gerechtigheid doet, die de waarheid hartgrondig belijdt, 3   die niet rondbrengt wat hem op de tong komt. Zijn medemens brengt hij geen kwaad toe, hij laadt geen smaad op zijn naaste.” (Ps 15:1-3 WV78)

 “37   Hij antwoordde hem: ‘Gij zult de Heer uw God beminnen met geheel uw hart, geheel uw ziel en geheel uw verstand. 38   Dit is het voornaamste en eerste gebod. 39   Het tweede, daarmee gelijkwaardig: Gij zult uw naaste beminnen als uzelf. 40   Aan deze twee geboden hangt heel de Wet en de Profeten.’” (Mt 22:37-40 WV78)

 “36   Wie van deze drie lijkt u de naaste van de man die in handen van de rovers gevallen is?’ 37   Hij antwoordde: ‘Die hem barmhartigheid betoond heeft.’ En Jezus sprak: ‘Ga dan en doet gij evenzo.’” (Lu 10:36-37 WV78)

 “ De liefde berokkent de naaste geen enkel kwaad. Liefde vervult de gehele wet.” (Ro 13:10 WV78)

 “ Laat ieder van ons bedacht zijn op het welzijn en de stichting van zijn naaste.” (Ro 15:2 WV78)

 “ Daarom, doet de leugen weg en laat ieder met zijn naaste de waarheid spreken, want wij zijn elkanders ledematen.” (Efe 4:25 WV78)

 “13    Broeders, gij werd geroepen tot vrijheid. Alleen, misbruik de vrijheid niet als voorwendsel voor de zelfzucht. Integendeel, dient elkander door de liefde. 14   Want de hele wet is vervat in dit ene woord: Gij zult uw naaste liefhebben als uzelf. 15   Maar als ge elkaar blijft bijten en klauwen, vrees ik dat ge elkaar in het eind zult verslinden.” (Ga 5:13-15 WV78)

 “ Als gij evenwel de koninklijke wet vervult volgens het woord van de Schrift: Gij zult uw naaste liefhebben als uzelf, is alles in orde.” (Jak 2:8 WV78)


Engelse versie / English version: Children of God - mentioned in Scripture