Showing posts with label vergoeding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vergoeding. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Understanding The Atonement

A new book entitled Understanding The Atonement by brother Matthew Trowell has just been published and lots of debates went on throughout the Christadelphian community.

It concerns one of those things which created a lot of dispute and perhaps some ridicule splits between Christadelphian friends and ecclesiae.
Even whith this publication there seem to be contradictions going around.

Richard Morgan  :Matthew is a Bible student and he doesn't use dead men's words to interpret ...the Scriptures.

One brother wrote: The Atonement is, as any Christadelphian should know, and as John Thomas so fervently argued in Elpis Israel, only one half of the gospel message. The Kingdom of God being the other half. And second, why state sufficient scriptural detail? Is this book a stripped down arguement of the Atonement with minimal scriptural support, in other words - The Atonement Lite?
An other brother reacted: "A quick review of the contents of this book shows that only 75 pages out of 220 pertain to the atonement. Most of the book is completely off topic." and rightly ads: "A Biblical approach would compare and contrast the scriptures, and not pick and choose writings of men to show our partisans were the good guys."

Dan Garan finds that: " It's not really intended as a preaching tool, but a resource for Christadelphians--to present the mainstream view of the atonement in simple terms and to contrast that with divergent views that have cropped up over the years."

Do you want to see through the mists of language and thought that have clouded this most wonderful of all themes in Scripture for far too long?    

You can buy the book: it is available to order or download a free PDF copy at
  1. The Purpose of God
  2. The Nature of Man
  3. The Nature of Christ
  4. The Work of God
  5. Our Hope in Christ
  6. The First Extreme “Clean-Flesh”
  7. The Second Extreme “Andrewism”
  8. What is ‘Sin’?
  9. A Sacrifice For Sin
  10. How Did Christ Benefit?
  11. Types and Shadows
  12. False Conclusions
  13. Sin is Real
  14. Releasing The Angel Inside
  15. Unity of The Faith

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Hertfordshire Spring Bible School 2011

The next Christadelphian Hertfordshire Spring Bible School has been arranged for the Spring Bank Holiday week, Monday 30th May to Friday 3rd June, God Willing.

The overall theme for the week is the quotation: "The Times of Restitution of All Things."

The subjects and the study leaders for the main studies are to be:

“Then shall the lame leap as an hart”

Bro Tim Beall

“All things are for your sakes”

Bro Paul Danks

Prophecies of the Restoration

Bro Tim Plant

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Ransom for all

Jesus gave himself for us all. He 'sold' his body as a ransom.


Crucifixion for suffering

 On this Group you already could find: Yesterday He died for meA Living Faith #6 Sacrifice, God wants to be gracious to you,
Corcovado jesus
Corcovado jesus (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

 On our sistergroup we had some postings on this subject:

Ransom for All – Searches

Clean Flesh #1 Intro

There is no need to execute a sentence twice for sin

Who is Jesus #2 Jesus Christ, man who died

2016 update
  1. Why do we need a ransom? 
  2. Grace and beloved by God 
  3. Ember and light the ransomed of Jehovah
  4. Ransom for all > Ransom for All – Searches
  5. God's Special Gift 
  6. Your Sins Are Forgiven
  7. Ketuvim, Writings, Hagiographa, Five Megillot and Messianic Scriptures
  8. Being sure of their deliverance

About the Atonement and the Lamb of God we had some Dutch articles like: Dankbaar voor verkregen offer, het zoenoffer, Jezus moest sterven, lam van God, onschuldig lam

Betreffende Jezus zoenoffer of loskoop offer kan u verder volgende teksten vinden: onder Losprijs
of onder Zoenoffer

Lam van God #1 Oude Tijden

Lam van God #2 Jezus moest sterven

Lam van God #3 Christus stierf als onschuldig Lam #3 Losprijs

Lam van God #3b Christus stierf als onschuldig Lam

Lam van God #3c Christus stierf als onschuldig Lam NT teksten

Niemand heeft zulk een grote liefde als hij die zij leven gaf voor zijn vrienden

Plus verder:

Gisteren stierf hij voor mij

God wil u gunst betonen

De Knecht des Heren #3 De Gewillige leerling

De Knecht des Heren #4 De Verlosser

2013 + 2016 update:

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