Showing posts with label bijbelschool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bijbelschool. Show all posts

Monday, 31 October 2011

German Winter Bible School

The Christadelphian Gemiende Esslingen will hold its annual Winter Bible School in Loerrach, Germany from, Lord Willing, from December 28th, 2011 to January 2nd, 2012.

It is held at a Youth Hostel at the very south-western tip of Germany, a short walk from the Swiss border and at the southern reaches of the Black Mountains. It is a short drive to Basel, Switzerland and the Eastern border of France at the Rhine River.
Dates: December 28th, 2011 to January 2, 2012
Location: Lörrach Youth Hostel which is situated in the foothills of the southern Black Forest. The city of Lörrach adjoins Basel in Switzerland and France is also only a stone‘s throw away. Access to Basel airport, or Lörrach train station is simple as is the journey by road. We will have full and exclusive use of the whole youth hostel as they are normally closed during this period.  This is the “Tourist view” of the hostel!  Never fear, all rooms are heated and we Germans make sure there are no draughts!  In fact the youth hostel has its own flair in winter!
Speakers: Brother Andy Hale from England for the morning and Brother David Nicholls from Wales for the evening studies. We also plan to have a special session for young people after the evening meal.
About the Bible School

By promoting warm fellowship in a spiritual family setting we hope to encourage and strengthen each other to remain steadfast until our Lord returns. It is also a special chance to start the new year with like minded brothers and sisters in the bond of God’s Word.

Intensive time spent in God’s word, as well as the opportunity for meaningful discussions invariably result in as all coming away spiritually uplifted each year. Join us if you can! Have a look at the gallery of past years to gain an impression of the atmosphere and friendship fostering time available to all who attend.
For more details visit the Esslingen Ecclesial website:

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Hertfordshire Spring Bible School 2011

The next Christadelphian Hertfordshire Spring Bible School has been arranged for the Spring Bank Holiday week, Monday 30th May to Friday 3rd June, God Willing.

The overall theme for the week is the quotation: "The Times of Restitution of All Things."

The subjects and the study leaders for the main studies are to be:

“Then shall the lame leap as an hart”

Bro Tim Beall

“All things are for your sakes”

Bro Paul Danks

Prophecies of the Restoration

Bro Tim Plant

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

How do you become a "Virtual" Bible School attendee?

How do you become a "Virtual" Bible School attendee?  It's easy.  Here are three steps:
1. Obtain a set of Bible School CDs or audio tapes.  If  you or your ecclesia don't have an audio library, know that the WCF has a large selection of recordings that will allow you to listen in on some wonderful past Bible School classes.  Here is a link to the section in the WCF Resource Center where you will be able to order from literally hundreds of subjects, speakers, and even hymns and songs.;  
2.  Set aside a specific time each day to listen to the classes.  If you commute to work, listen to your classes on the way to and from the office each day.  If you are at home, consider playing the classes at the same time your brothers and sisters might be sitting in on "live" classes at Bible School.  
3.  If at all possible, make a point to get together with another Brother or Sister during the week.  Meet for coffee.  Invite them over for dinner.  Plan your own "ice cream social".  Find ways to encourage each other as we see the day approaching.  If you're like me, one of my favorite parts of Bible School is the fellowship shared with friends.   
Have a great week.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Christadelphian Family Bible School

The Hayes, Swanwick, Derbyshire
Saturday 23rd May - Friday 29th May 2009
Christadelphian Family Bible School

Dear Brethren and Sisters,

Greetings to you all in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Only 3 months to go before our next Family Bible School!! I hope that this doesn’t set too many alarm bells ringing.  Rather is it mentioned as a gentle reminder of things you may still have to do; for instance, make sure that you are booked in!, and if you make sure that other brethren and sisters have booked in as well, we all need confirmations and reminders in one way or another!  Looking at it from another angle, how wonderful that in only 3 months time we will, God Willing, once more be able to share the joy of fellowship around The Word of Life.  We will be able to leave behind the things of the world and concentrate on ‘the things of the Kingdom’.

What is the world offering us today?  A new President of the U.S.A., replacing Mr. Bush, ‘a professed Christian’ who when asked about whether he believed all of the Bible, Mr. Bush replied: “Probably not.  No, I’m not a literalist, but I think you can learn a lot from it “. As for Mr. Obama, in his inaugural speech he misquotes scripture on several occasions and even refers to Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount as being “so radical that even our own (USA) defense system couldn’t keep it”.  He asks the question “what Scripture should we use to guide us?”.  He then almost mockingly misquotes Leviticus and Deuteronomy as well as the words of Jesus.  What a comfort to “know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men”.
Then, of course, there is the World wide economic situation, brought about by the love of materialism, “For the love of money is the root of all evil:  which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows”.
Brethren and Sisters, these things should at least make us sit up and take notice, and remember the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, “Surely I come quickly. Amen.  Even so come Lord Jesus.”

Our first speaker each session this year will be Bro. Jonathan Cope and he will be looking at “Lessons from the Life of Samuel” under the following headings:          
Monday: “I have lent him to the Lord”
Tuesday: “Speak, for thy servant heareth”
Wednesday: “The Word of Samuel came to all Israel”
Thursday: “Make us a King to judge us”
Friday: “I have provided me a King”
Dining Room. Seats will again be reserved for those who wish to keep the same seats for the whole week and if
so, they should contact Sis. Sandra Harding on 01564 826176 by 18
th March.  Families with children up to 8 years will be allocated seats in the children’s area and children up to and including 11 should sit with their parents.

Help Forms. So far not many of these have been returned, but we do need help, so we would really appreciate it if you could return them. If you have lost it or not had one please contact Sis. Rachel Sutcliffe on 01327 342668 and she will be happy to send you one.
We look forward to another week of strengthening and being strengthened along the way.
On behalf of the Bible School Committee,
Graham Harding.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Bijbelscholen in Amerika in zwaar weer

Bijbelscholen krijgen het steeds moeilijker

copyright 2008© Manna-Vandaag
Bijbelscholen en theologische opleidingen in de Verenigde Staten krijgen het steeds moeilijker. Een van hen heeft de deuren al moeten sluiten, voor anderen dreigt hetzelfde. Reden: De financiële crisis, waardoor beleggingen zijn ‘verdampt’ en giften fors teruggelopen.
Het Salt Lake Theological Seminary (foto), de enige christelijke onderwijsinstelling in Mormoons gebied in de VS, heeft al moeten sluiten. Financieel was het niet langer te bolwerken. Medewerkers van de school hebben erin toegestemd twee maanden zonder salaris te werken, zodat in die tijd een oplossing gevonden kon worden voor de problemen. Maar de oplossing bleef uit en ten slotte moest worden besloten de school te sluiten. De 54 studenten konden moesten hun studie afbreken.

De financiële crisis zal dit jaar ook andere christelijke onderwijsinstellingen treffen. Naar het zich laat aanzien zal een aantal daarvan het niet kunnen bolwerken en gedwongen worden te sluiten, schrijft Christianity Today. De koepelorganisatie Association of Theological Schools zegt dat alleen een snelle opleving van de Amerikaanse economie zaak nog zou kunnen keren, maar ze verwacht niet dat dat het geval zal zijn.

Woordvoerster Eliza Smith Brown zegt dat de ATS er van uitgaat dat 20 procent van alle bijbelscholen zodanig in de problemen zal komen dat hun voortbestaan op het spel staat. Het betreft vooral scholen die weinig of geen financiële reserves hebben en dus geen klappen kunnen opvangen, zegt ze.