"You have seen night wrapped in her sable mantle woven with gems and stars
— there they shine as ornaments worked by the needle of God in that brilliant piece of tapestry which is spread over our heads...
They are nothing, but just a tiny portion of the skirts of God that drag in the dust.
But...man cannot conceive...that all the stars and constellations of stars might be put together and threaded into a string
— made into a bracelet for the arm, or a ring for the finger of Jehovah."
-A View of God's Glory
by C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892)
"The Maker should have honour from his works,
they should tell forth his praise:
and thus they should praise his name —
by which his character is intended.
The name of JEHOVAH is written legibly
upon his works, so that his power, wisdom,
goodness, and other attributes are therein
made manifest to thoughtful men, and thus
his name is praised.
We can never extol
him better than by repeating his name.
-The Treasury of David; Psalm 148
by Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-92)
"The heavenly bodies are ruled
by Jehovah's decree
- they cannot pass his limit,
or trespass against his law.
His rule and ordination can never be
changed except by Jehovah, himself.
-The Treasury of David; Psalm 148
by Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-92)
"Praise ye the LORD (Jehovah). Hallelujah!
The exhortation is to all things in earth or in heaven.
Should they not all declare the glory of him
for whose glory they are, and were created?
"JEHOVAH", the one God, should be the one
object of adoration, Hallelujah!"
-The Treasury of David; Psalm 150
by Charles H. Spurgeon
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-92)
— there they shine as ornaments worked by the needle of God in that brilliant piece of tapestry which is spread over our heads...
They are nothing, but just a tiny portion of the skirts of God that drag in the dust.
But...man cannot conceive...that all the stars and constellations of stars might be put together and threaded into a string
— made into a bracelet for the arm, or a ring for the finger of Jehovah."
-A View of God's Glory
by C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892)
"The Maker should have honour from his works,
they should tell forth his praise:
and thus they should praise his name —
by which his character is intended.
The name of JEHOVAH is written legibly
upon his works, so that his power, wisdom,
goodness, and other attributes are therein
made manifest to thoughtful men, and thus
his name is praised.
We can never extol
him better than by repeating his name.
-The Treasury of David; Psalm 148
by Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-92)
"The heavenly bodies are ruled
by Jehovah's decree
- they cannot pass his limit,
or trespass against his law.
His rule and ordination can never be
changed except by Jehovah, himself.
-The Treasury of David; Psalm 148
by Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-92)
"Praise ye the LORD (Jehovah). Hallelujah!
The exhortation is to all things in earth or in heaven.
Should they not all declare the glory of him
for whose glory they are, and were created?
"JEHOVAH", the one God, should be the one
object of adoration, Hallelujah!"
-The Treasury of David; Psalm 150
by Charles H. Spurgeon
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-92)
Spurgeon near the end of his life. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |