Showing posts with label New World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New World. Show all posts

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Hello America and atheists

In response to the article

ATHEISTS EXPOSED! shared by Greg Liebig Sr.

I wrote a reply which I also would like to share with you here.

In the article the author does like he is God writing to the people of the United states of America.

“First, let it be known, that I created each and every person on this planet; also, That I Love Each And Every One Of Them. Furthermore, let it be known unto them, that I have a purpose for them now, during the millennial reign of my Son Jesus (Yeshua) and Then Throught All Eternity!
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - NARA - 515673 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
“My precious humans are eternal spiritual beings: yes, for the time being they are in flesh, blood and bone bodies, at death, that changes. When I send Yeshua to rapture up the church they will be changed as well. I am having you tell humanity this because it won’t be long before I tell My Son to get His Bride, the Church, the believers.”
Strange that this God calls those human beings eternal spirits, when He has created them as mortal elements in the universe.

Then that god speaks about the Satans or adversaries of God and the ones who fool the world, with their own false teachings.
As he (the Satan or devil) sees the approaching of Christ’s appearing, he and a few of his partners (doubt and fear) have really been stepping it up.”
One of his lies is,” God (Yahweh) does not exist.”
Another is, “Jesus (Yeshua) did not really die and rise again.”
“So, consequently he has turned a great number of people against me. He really does hate my precious humans.”
“Another one of his tactics is he has chosen very weak minded individuals to enlist in his destructive task and they have fallen for his lies, hook, line and sinker.
He tells them to go to various places and spread these lies. He even pushes his agenda onto governments. He even tells people that it is not right to have people display Godly things in government institutions; like the Ten Commandments for instance.
He has them say it is offensive to pray in public places.”
The author calls all those who do not want to believe and those who agreed to let such things happen "atheists, non-believers, heathen or just plain lost".  But he reminds the people they have to remember that God, no matter what happens, still loves these people: "don’t ever loose sight of that fact."

And that is very important: god loves His creation and all what we can see around us is part of that creation. All people on this planet earth are also created in the image of God and are loved by the Divine Creator.
He also gives them the necessary time to be able to find Him and to come closer to Him. though many also donot want to recognise the person God provided to save the world, He gave His only begotten son, to offer himself as the most justified ransom and to become the mediator between Him (Jehovah God) and men.

English: It is really a nice building. I took ...
A nice building in the United States of America. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
So therefore I also would call like that author to the United States of America and to other nations:

Hello America, are you not the New World, where so many of the Europeans went to because at the continent many denominations limited their people and because many governments brought strong limitations of all sorts of freedom?

Did you America also forgot that many of your ancestors looked for the Truth and looked for God His Word and His Will?

Though many descendants from those pioneers went far away from those Bible Students and Bible researchers, and prefered to follow 'standard churches' or even more 'mega churches'. With times (you or) they became not so interested any more in reading regularly the word of God, available in much more versions now in their own or in their new language. You also wanted to be called Christians but pick and choose which laws to live by and to impose on others living around you.
II (The Presidents of the United States of Ame...
II (The Presidents of the United States of America album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They prefered to make new gods, like the many movie stars, football and other sports idols, but also the fashion models and idols form other worlds like the cooking world. In this some did not mind to fit their other god, Jesus. So many americans are not willing to accept hat he was a real Jewish man, of flesh and blood, who could be seen by many, who was tempted more than once and who really was brought to death in a cruel way, but less cruel than many other tortured people.

God is an eternal spirit, who can not be seen by men or they would die. God also can not be tempted. that is all be written in the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God, many do not want to take for the words which are there black on white, but they do prefer to hold fast on tradition and denominational dogma's, like the 'Holy Trinity'.

Yes, America, wants to stay blind and does not want to have its eyes opened by the Biblical truth. Do they ever wounder if it is not because of their blindness, their ignorance that america is turning upside down?

But is it not the disease which is spreading all over the world, where money is the Manon, the new god worshipped by so many?
The Love of money is the root of all evil church in America and every other culture that has turned its back on Christ and his Father, the Only One God.  

The Biblical message has been corrupted to such a degree that seminaries are supporting a “priest class” that has elevated itself above the laity. This shift toward relying on a seminary educated expert trained in Christian theology to lead the church is inherently risky and flawed.  The body of Christ and it’s shepherds are to be vigilant with discerning and testing the doctrines being introduced into the churches.  The modern day Protestant denominations have completely capitulated the hard won gains of the Reformation and the American bible Student movement. America and with it other nations are re-instituting the old Catholic paradigm of ignorant congregation and all knowing priest class.  On top of the increase in creating Biblically ignorant congregations, America has hybridized Biblical Christianity with of all things “The American Dream”. 

The dream has been shattered.  The New Atheism has made it safer for people to declare their godlessness. 

Godlessness and Unbelief is it there to stay?!? Or not?

It can change, but we shall need time and lots of people wanting and daring to come out into the world to assign their love for Christ and to show the world the work this son of god has done, and which blessings we have received by his offering himself for us.

You, like every other humans on the face of this planet, have one overwhelming and stupendously important need … to be forgiven for the sins you have already been condemned for, and released from the death sentence that you have already been sentenced to. No matter what happens in this world, as long as Christ shall not have returned, all people shall share the same 'lot', the same burden of finding death at the end of the road. We all shall die, believers and unbelievers.
But do know, afterwards there shall be something different for believers and non-believers. Than it shall be too late to change direction  God has given each of us and you, time enough to think, to consider, to find out, to look for the right way, for the right path.


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Thursday, 21 March 2013

Festival of Freedom and persecutions

Rabbi Joseph B. SoloveitchikA group cannot be called am [nation] if there is no solidarity says Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik. Am is indicative of a readiness to share, a sense of compassion. The Jews were taken out of Egypt and were freed not because of their spiritual grandeur, but simply because they were charitable to one another; there was a feeling of solidarity among them, and they were prepared to follow the instructions of the God of Mozes.

Soon the Jews will be celebrating the Festival of Freedom. For us Christians that is also an important occasion to remember.

We have to remember all the wonders God brought unto the earth to show His Greatness. Though even today the Wonders of God on this earth can be seen every day, not many people do want to see them or do not believe in the Hand who is behind all those blessings.

Today we are confronted with a lot of wars going on all over the world. When we hear and see how many earthquakes and natural disasters are coming over the world where children oppose their parents and religions fight against other religions, than we have the free choice to either see the signs God is giving to the universe or to ignore what is happening as a prophesied element in the history of the creation.

The climax of the Exodus story is the construction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem:
If He had brought us into the land of Israel, and had not built for us the Beit Habechirah (Chosen House; the Beit Hamikdash) Dayenu, it would have sufficed us!
The central importance of Holy Temple in the Passover story and in Judaism must never be forgotten:
Thus did Hillel do at the time of the Beit HaMikdash: He would combine Passover — lamb, Matzah and Maror and eat them together, as it said: “They shall eat it with Matzah and bitter herbs.”
The nexus of the City of Jerusalem, the Holy Temple and the Kingdom of Israel in Judaism must never be forgotten:
Have mercy, L-rd, our G-d, upon Israel Your people, upon Jerusalem Your city, upon Zion the abode of Your glory, upon the kingship of the house of David Your anointed, and upon the great and holy House which is called by Your Name.
Jerusalem will be fully rebuilt:
Rebuild Jerusalem the holy city speedily in our days. Blessed are You, L-rd, who in His mercy rebuilds Jerusalem. Amen.

Lots of Europeans recoil the way “Israel” the country is setting up a wall and is discriminating other people. Often they forget that those secular Jews and the fundamentalist Jews are not presenting a proper picture of the active believing Jewish people, the People of God.

In Belgium we are confronted enough with real religious Jews, who act totally different from those we see battling in Israel. Though some Jews over here also may take on an attitude of considering themselves a more important and 'clean' people than the heathen population.Because many cut themselves off from the civil world they often have like many Muslims a wrong idea about Christians and Christendom. They should not forget how it where many Christian believers in the 1930ies and 1940ies saw what was happening in Europe and tried to save those who also believed in the God of Israel.
At the same time it where their own brethren in the New World who perhaps where not so interested in those Jewish brethren of the Old World. If in the 1940s those American Jews had responded to the call for help that came across the ocean from the ghettos in Poland, Lithuania, and the Baltic lands, they might have saved hundreds of thousands of Jews. Rabbi Soloveitchik  also thinks that the Jewish community did not respond to that call. "I thought at the time that the Jewish community was falling apart," he says," that there was no sense of solidarity, of being together, of suffering together." Today he agrees: "It was a terrible crime on our part…and we have not purged ourselves from the great crime we committed, tolerating the destruction of six million Jews."

I bring up this holocaust drama because somehow it was also part of God His Plan and the start of the new Israel. It should also be a lesson for many of us. As Pesach nears, these words should set our consciences aflame. Today, some of the world’s most inspirational Jews suffer continual persecution and brutality. Masked troops destroy their communities under cover of darkness and jail their children without due process, traumatizing families and empowering the enemies of Am Yisrael.

Our world should make a big difference between Zionism and True Israel.

Rabbi Soloveitchik says: "Zionism means defending Jews and building Eretz Yisrael. People who hurt Jews and surrender Israel to Islamist neo-Nazis are not Zionists, no matter how fluent their Hebrew is." But does he not forget that fundamentalist Jews taking over the land of others, though they might think it is given by God, should ask for the land and come to the land to use it as it is instructed by the Most High Elohim Hashem?

All people should be aware that nobody shall be able to hinder God His Plan. Soon we shall be confronted with the reality of the prophesies coming to conclusion.
No matter what happens Israel shall be the Land of the Israelites, Israel God's People.

As on the night the blood of the lambs was brought on the doorposts to give a sign to the messengers of God, we today should give the right sign to God. We should bring the blood of the Lamb on the virtual doorpost of our Faith life. With the Passover the Jews began their unique relationship with God. On Passover God redeemed their but also our ancestors from the slavery of Egypt. And on Passover Jehovah made a commitment to stand by Israel, his chosen people, forever. They should become more aware of that and act to this special position. They should more to seek to fulfil their mission to be “a light unto the nations.”

As God liberated the Judaic slaves from Egypt He will save the slaves of this world, who confine to Him and follow His Instructions. Those that keep to the Law of God shall be saved. They shall be able to look forward to the Greatest Feast of Freedom. The Great Passover.

We should light our candles and be ready to see the light of God and be worthy to welcome the Lamb of God when he, Jeshua (Jesus) returns.

The Seder should be a moment of gathering where all those who know God, love the Most High, are wiling to celebrate the liberation of slavery in Egypt, share the love of God and want to show others that Jehovah is a God of love inviting all to the dish on which Jesus also sat a few hours before his death.

The Seder, like many festive occasions, provides a great opportunity to get others to know the wonders God did, to share family experiences and exchange personal stories of traditions (our own and others) so that it  will help to diminish the fear that comes from difference and misunderstanding which divides this world of people, who are all created in the image of God.

Edgar Bronfman, Sr.  looked at the long book with many different ideas. Jews spend hours discussing its profound teachings. Yet there is one theme that stands out as cardinal concept. 
For not only one has risen up against us, but in every generation they rise up against us to annihilate us, but the Most Holy One, blessed be he, always delivers us out of their hands.
Bronfman  has produced a new Haggadah for himself and other American Jewish critics of how Israel defends itself against it enemies.
Bronfman rewrites the standard, family favorite “Dayenu” song stating
“And if we deliver peace between ourselves, the Palestinians, and our Arab neighbors … that will be enough!”
He concludes with
 “commit ourselves to supporting every idea, every effort, and every carefully crafted plan that seeks to lead Palestinians and Israelis, Jews and Arabs—indeed all of the world’s clashing people—out of the dark and narrow straits of fear and violence, out of the strictures of hatred and war, and into the spiritual Jerusalem—the true Promised Land—an open and peaceful place flowing with the milk and honey of justice, compassion, and freedom for all.”


Please do find to read:

  1. A Jewish Theocracy
  2. Observance of a day to Remember
  3. Around the feast of Unleavened Bread
  4. Observance of a day to Remember 
  5. Day of remembrance coming near 
  6. Pesach 
  7. Korban Pesach
  8. 1 -15 Nisan
  9. 14 Nisan a day to remember #1 Inception
  10. 14 Nisan a day to remember #2 Time of Jesus
  11. 14 Nisan a day to remember #3 Before the Passover-feast
  12. 14 Nisan a day to remember #4 A Lamb slain
  13. Pesach and solidarity 
  14. Seven days of Passover


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Thursday, 14 March 2013

Latin America enters Vatican top

Pope Benedictus XVI
Pope Benedictus XVI (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
After Benedict XVI ended his troubled eight-year papacy last month, announcing he was no longer up to the rigors of the job, the Catholic Church had to look out for a new leader. Ratzinger became the first pontiff in 598 years to resign. The 115 cardinals who are younger than 80 and eligible to vote chose their new leader after two days of voting.

Yesterday, Wednesday March 13, 2013, 5 minutes past seven white smoke came out of the chimney of the Sistine Chapel, where many eyes of the world looked at. One hour later came the oldest deacon to say "Abemus Papam".

On the fifth ballot enough cardinals chose for one man to take over the duties of the retired pope Ratzinger.. The Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, took on the duty and to my mind it was the first of contemporary popes who asked the people to pray for his duties.
English: Cardinal Jorge M. Bergoglio SJ, Archb...
Cardinal Jorge M. Bergoglio SJ, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, celebrating mass at the XX Exposición del Libro Católico (20th Catholic Book Fair), in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Coming from the Latin world which was considered a few years ago to be too rebellious this man is fully aware of the poverty of that part of the world and as such his choice of the name Franciscus (Francis), evoking the Saint of Assisi and his commitment to the poor, may be a sign of his program. It’s been more than 500 years since the first evangelization in the Latin New World, and it became high time that the Roman Catholic church showed the world that it is really a world church and not an Italian bastion.

Pope Francis, the 266th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church, is seventy-six and was born to Italian immigrant parents and was raised in the Argentine capital. He reportedly came in second when Benedict XVI was elected. He was born in Buenos Aires, in 1936. He is the first ever from what old Popes call the New World.


President Obama was among the first world leaders to congratulate Francis in a message that emphasized the pope’s humble roots and New World background.
“As a champion of the poor and the most vulnerable among us, he carries forth the message of love and compassion that has inspired the world for more than 2,000 years — that in each other we see the face of God,” Mr. Obama said in a message released by the White House.
“As the first pope from the Americas,” the president added, “his selection also speaks to the strength and vitality of a region that is increasingly shaping our world, and alongside millions of Hispanic Americans, those of us in the United States share the joy of this historic day.”

The last months we could see that there where some power struggles in the Vatican and the last few years the Catholic Church had to tackle a lot of scandals. Pope John Paul and Benedict managed to continue the conservative line and get more power to the top.  The Roman Curia needs a clean up and reform, handling the sex abuse crisis and cleaning up the Vatican bank
The Roman Catholic Church as the church in general needs people in charge that understands the problems of the church at present and take the effort to come closer to the people and their current problems.
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