Showing posts with label fallen angel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fallen angel. Show all posts

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Because men choose to go their own way

The recent natural disasters around the world have caused many people to ponder whether these occurrences could be judgements from God. Some say that God is judging humanity because of its increasing immorality. Some say God is sending these calamities as punishment for our rebellion against Him. Are these people right? Are tornados, floods, earthquakes, wildfires, and the like, judgements from God?

Because men choose to go his own way and God allowed him to, because He the Creator did not want to be a dictator. The standard, for living a complete life, God has given us is also not liked by many men. Lots of people refuse to keep to those simple standard rules which would make life much more easier.
The Satan prowling the earth is the evil around us, which we can encounter every day.

We should be stronger then all the temptations around us. As Job who shunned evil and even was blameless we should fear God not for what happens today, but for what is going to come at the End Times and at Judgement Day. We should try to find out what our knows our weaknesses and our strengths are and should work on it so that we can become like Christ Jesus.

We also should point out to the world that Planet Earth has to face attacks from Civilisations who do not want to recognise Jehovah God as their creator. In case we can convince others also to live according to the Law of God a lot of problems who have been dismissed.
There does not exist some creatures who would be Fallen Angels and can be called responsible for the problems of this earth. We ourselves are the ones to blame.

Read more about it in:

  1. Profitable disasters

  2. Bad things no punishment from God
  3. Japan’s nuclear disaster reason to think twice
  4. A risk taking society
  5. Securing risks

Monday, 13 September 2010

Join the debate about the position of fallen angels

On Facebook you can find a discussion to which we would like to invite you to debate about the matter of hell, fallen angels and the position of sinners after their death.
Jesus who was Wounded for our transgressions and died for all sinners was directed by humans to go into hell. The day Jesus died his soul was delivered in the hands of God, though an innocent man, who did not do any sin, he was placed in hell. What did the Holy man do when he was considerd by many the Messiah Jesus three days in hell? Did he not succeed to save the people who were supposed to be there to be tortured for their sins? Was his dying on the stake to pay for all sins of humankind a measure for nothing? Because when Jesus as the Lamb of God sprinkled his blood on this world for forgiveness of all sins, it looks like God not accepting this offer when He ask the sinners first to go to purgatory or to send them to hell even before Jesus can judge them at the end times, when the Messiah would return to judge the living and the death.

Please read more about the position of Jesus in hell and his relationship with so called Fallen Angels in:

Jesus three days in hell

Jesus and the fallen angels in hell

Fallen Angels

dead and after

Dutch speaking readers can also find more articles like;
Do we have to be afraid of a devil? Moeten wij bang zijn voor een duivel
Afraid for Fallen Angels > Bang voor Gevallen Engelen

Gevallen Engelen, Uitgerangeerden

You are welcome to join the debate on Facebook on the reaction about Does God Exist?
"A true story..." plus Einsteins saying concerning our own responsability about evil.

Ook Nederlandstalige lezers worden vriendelijk uitgenodigd om mee in het debat te treden op Facebook en verder in te gaan op de bovenvermelde artikelen en over wat de Bijbel zegt over engelen, duivels, demonen, vagevuur, hel en over wat Jezus hier op aarde kwam doen en nog later bij zijn terugkomst zal doen.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Where does Satan lives?

I would like to ask people who believe in the devil:

If Satan is a person and when there are angels who did not want to follow God, where do they stay?

In case Devils were originally angels-with-angel-'bodies' but fell in the rebellion of the past (Genesis 6--the demon possessed Kings, and the violence in the earth)did They 'left their habitation' or 'abandoned  their sphere of authority' (in heaven, a la Jude/2Pet) and came to earth to possess human bodies--in a Satan-led power grab, perhaps to experience OUR kind of sensory 'escape'(?). This would entail that they gave up their 'angelic bodies' to indwell humans. But living in humans would mean that we do have a spirit living in us, or that a demon (as a sort of person) can live in us. The ring-leaders of the rebellion (except Satan) were cast into the abyss (Jude/2Pet again) But then would not all the other spirits lost their hosts /in the Flood/? In case there are still devils hovering around they became it after the flood.They were not consigned to the abyss /yet/ then--so they continue to needhosts (now that they cannot get their old 'angelic' bodies back). 

2 Peter 2: 4 Certainly if God did not hold back from punishing the angels that sinned, but, by throwing them into Tar´ta·rus, delivered them to pits of dense darkness to be reserved for judgement; 5 and he did not hold back from punishing an ancient world, but kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness, safe with seven others when he brought a deluge upon a world of ungodly people;

When devils or evil spirits are  being fallen angels would they not be punished and being destroyed by God? The fallen angels or the angels that did not keep within their original authority and left their own habitation are kept in darkness. Is there not meant under the ground?

Jude: 6 And the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place he has reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.

Would this not mean that all those angels are like the dead people without life and without a conscious body, feeling nothing and being just like dead? Shall they not be saved up to appear at the end of times by the judgement day because God hold the wicked until the Day of Judgement?

2 Peter 2: 9 Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial, but to reserve unrighteous people for the day of judgement to be cut off, 10 especially, however, those who go on after flesh with the desire to defile [it] and who look down on lordship.