Showing posts with label indonesië. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indonesië. Show all posts

Monday, 31 December 2018

Door aardbeving, vloedgolf en tsunami getroffen Indonesië

Op zaterdagavond 22 december werd Indonesië, slechts enkele maanden na de aardbeving en vloedgolf in Sulawesi, opnieuw getroffen door een tsunami.

Het subdistrict Panimbang, gelegen aan de zuidkant van Pandeglang, is een van de zwaarst getroffen gebieden en is moeilijk te bereiken.
Behalve ondersteuning aan de gezondheidscentra, biedt een team van Artsen Zonder Grenzen eveneens zorg via een mobiele kliniek en bereiken zij op die manier ook slachtoffers die werden geëvacueerd naar hoger gelegen gebieden.

De tsunami heeft – volgens de laatste cijfers van 23 december van de Indonesische minister van Gezondheid, op maandagochtend 24 december – voorlopig 227 mensenlevens geëist. 900 mensen raakten gewond, 430 personen zijn vermist, 10.105 mensen werden geëvacueerd en 556 huizen hebben schade opgelopen. Nog niet iedereen is geëvacueerd en sommige gezondheidscentra hebben het aantal slachtoffers nog niet doorgegeven, dus wordt verwacht dat deze cijfers in de komende dagen nog zullen stijgen.

Vroedvrouw Dina Afriyanti controleert de vitale functies van een patiënt, die werd geraakt door vallend puin, in het gezondheidscentrum van Labuan. © Jedeth Mamora. Java, 23 december.
Vroedvrouw Dina Afriyanti controleert de vitale functies van een patiënt, die werd geraakt door vallend puin, in het gezondheidscentrum van Labuan. © Jedeth Mamora. Java, 23 december.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Weekly World Watch 31st Oct - 6th Nov 2010‏

“If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.” (Ezekiel 33:6, New International Version)

  • The fate of Jerusalem is one of the most difficult issues Israelis and Palestinians would have to try to resolve in a peace deal. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he will not relinquish east Jerusalem, captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast War and annexed. Successive Israeli governments have tried to assert control over east Jerusalem by suppressing any official Palestinian activity in the city.
  • The Bible says that Jerusalem will become a “burdensome stone” for all people. In other words nations will become weighed down with Jerusalem.
  • William Hague [British Foreign Secretary] warned that the window of opportunity for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was closing and failure by the two parties to reach agreement would be a "serious setback".
  • Germany and France have worked out a proposal for an EU Treaty revision whereby a permanent stability fund would be established and stricter enforcement mechanisms would be created. The proposed changes would give Germany considerable influence over the financial future of its fellow EU member states.
  • Tension is increasing between Russia and Georgia. It is definitely a place to watch.
  • Andy warns:  Catholicism is the only religious organisation that is a nation state as well as a religion. Therefore the Holy See (the Papal government) has a seat at the UN. The Papacy influences governments, rulers and kings around the globe. The Papacy influences other religions and peoples. It has no language or territorial or national barriers. It influences more than any other organisation in the whole world – for ill. The Pope is the little horn of Daniel 7 who stands against EVERYTHING that God stands for. He will come to his end and be replaced by Christ.
  • A surge of searing gas raced down the sides of Mount Merapi at highway speeds, setting houses and trees ablaze and blackening the bodies of those caught in its path. + Volcanologists had predicted last week the eruptions would ease off. But they have continued to grow in intensity. We continue to see creation groaning in travail and know for certain that the labour pains will only worsen as we near the end. All these things we see are warnings to us all to repent, turn to God, trust in Him and wait for our salvation to come. There will be no excuse as we stand at the judgment seat. We cannot say that we did not see the signs our Lord’s return was close.

Weekly World Watch 24th - 30th Oct 2010‏


In this weeks WWW

  • Pope makes comments about Israel
  • The latest diplomatic battlefield between Israel and the United Nations. Known as Rachel's Tomb to Jews and the Bilal Rabah mosque to Muslims, the site was included in a resolution by Unesco
  • Pope Benedict XVI has urged Israelis and Palestinians to push for peace in the Middle East and not to give up hope of a settlement.
  • Russia's troubled nuclear weapons programme is back on track after the Russian Navy successfully test-fired a new intercontinental ballistic missile for the second time in a month.
  • An international terrorist alert over an al-Qaeda parcel bomb plot has been triggered following the discovery of a package containing explosive material at a British airport.
  • Terrorism has gone quiet for the Western world for some time but we know that those who want to bring destruction have not been idle.
  • The Creator’s promise in the Bible that the Promised Land belongs to the Jewish People is no longer valid, a Catholic synod declared.(2)
  • After fires in Russia, now water raging with Tsunami in Western Indonesia which strikes and kills over 400 (sea in the Bible symbolic of nations and people.)

(1) In Dutch about
United Nations making comments about Israel: Het graf van Rachel
(2) Synod: Jesus cancelled Biblical ‘Chosen People’ > Synode: Jezus annuleerde Bijbels 'Gekozen volk'