Showing posts with label mensenrechten. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mensenrechten. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Pakistaanse schoolhandboeken voeden op tot Discriminatie

Nawaz Sharif Parody
Nawaz Sharif Parody (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
De Commissie Rechtvaardigheid en Vrede van de Pakistaanse bisschoppen protesteert tegen de handboeken in de lagere scholen. Die zetten volgens de commissie aan tot onverdraagzaamheid en discriminatie van de religieuze minderheden, in plaats van de vrede en het samenleven te bevorderen.

De commissie bestudeerde 22 handboeken van lagere scholen in de provincies Sindh en Punjab. “Ze bevatten vele onjuistheden en talrijke passages die ronduit beledigend of discriminerend zijn voor de religieuze minderheden”, zegt Peter Jacob, algemeen secretaris van de commissie. “In 2009 noteerden wij 45 klachten over de handboeken. Vandaag zijn dat er 122.” De commissie documenteert in een uitvoerig rapport de passages die aansporen tot discriminatie. Het rapport werd deze week overhandigd aan de nieuwe Pakistaanse premier Nawaz Sharif, met een verzoek tot tussenkomst.

Peter Jacob: “Onze kinderen worden al vanop de schoolbanken opgevoed tot discriminatie. Handboeken geven historische gebeurtenissen vertekend weer en jongeren worden aangespoord tot vooroordelen en onverdraagzaamheid ten aanzien van de religieuze minderheden. Dit betreft de mensenrechten, de godsdienstvrijheid en de toekomst van ons hele onderwijssysteem.”
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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Eerste moslim-mensenrechtencommissie start deze maand

Midden vorig jaar werd de "Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission" officieel opgericht met achttien commissarissen. De leden van de commissie zijn advocaten, activisten, academici en diplomaten, onder wie vier vrouwen. De commissie moet advies geven aan de OIC-raad van ministers van Buitenlandse Zaken. Het voorbije jaar heeft ze vooral voorbereidend werk gedaan, zoals het uitwerken van procedures en het vastleggen van prioriteiten.

De commissie wil naar eigen zeggen eerst werk maken van de rechten van vrouwen, kinderen en minderheden en van het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict. "In de voorbije maanden hebben een aantal prioriteiten vastgesteld", zegt voorzitter Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin. "Later deze maand in Jeddah moeten onze werkzaamheden starten. Deze commissie wil in het bijzonder de misvatting rechtzetten dat de Islam en universele principes van de mensenrechten tegenstrijdig zouden zijn."

Lees meer > Eerste moslim-mensenrechtencommissie start deze maand

Friday, 16 July 2010

Martin Luther King's Dream Today

Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King jr., spoke on June 22nd 2010, at a meeting of the Working Group on Human Dignity, in the European Parliament in Brussels.
Please read her thoughts on the role of civil rights movements and the protection of life, which is a main topic of interest for her.

Martin Luther King's Dream Today - Thoughts by his Niece
Dr. Alveda King
“The message I share comes from my heart, from love of life and family, and from an inherited sense of duty to defend the most vulnerable in society.
My talk today and my work as a civil rights activist are based on three very simple truths –
* that every human being is worthy of respect by virtue of his being human;
* that at no time does anyone’s life become less human or more human;
* that each human life begins at its physical beginning
As a result of these three propositions, every single human being, born or unborn, has rights and those rights should be respected by society and protected under law.
Repentance is the first step in a soul being saved; it’s also the first step in a culture being changed. I know this because I have seen my culture, my America, change in my lifetime.
So much bloodshed and heartache happened because some people in the United States thought that African Americans were not worthy of respect. We were spat upon. We were clubbed and beaten. And we were lynched. We were killed because we were regarded as less than fully human. So it is with the lives of unborn babies – who are womb-lynched today.
But racism not only oppressed African Americans, it seared the consciences of the oppressors. People found that the fabrications of racists made their own lives more comfortable, more convenient, and they became invested in those falsehoods. They depended on those falsehoods. And so they believed, what they knew in their hearts to be untrue. So it is with the lies of abortionists today.
Today’s unborn are yesterday’s blacks – best kept out of sight and out of mind lest they remind us of the injustices we commit. The problem for abortionists and their supporters, though, is the same problem racists and segregationists faced: reality. Unborn babies won’t go away. So the work of the abortion industry has been to deny the humanity of those they exploit and discriminate against.
But what if, like the Texas abortion clinic director who recently quit her job when she saw the ultrasound image of the baby she was helping to abort, we can no longer rationalize away what we’ve been doing all these years? What if the truth becomes so clear and so compelling that society simply can’t go on being indifferent or complicit in the big lie? Well, that’s when we have to do what is against our nature – we have to humble ourselves, admit our wrongs and change our ways.
And that, in fact, is what my country did because of the civil rights movement. America changed because Americans were touched in their hearts – hearts that the Bible tells us are inscribed with God’s law. We can try to deny our consciences, indoctrinate or medicate our minds so that we can’t or won’t think, but a sense of right and wrong has been given to each and every one of us. It is that very moral awareness that changed America’s culture on racism.
I believe it is that same moral awareness that can change any culture on abortion. It won’t happen overnight. But it is already happening.
In our hearts, we know this. For too long, though, we have looked the other way. We have not wanted to get involved. We have convinced ourselves that people will never change when it comes to abortion. I’m here to tell you that this is not true. I have seen change, in myself, in others, and in my nation. What happened with slavery and racism is now happening with abortion. Those in power who can speak up for the persecuted must do so, we are our brothers’ keeper and what happens to him, happens to us.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote from a jail cell, “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Whether a child is aborted in Birmingham, Alabama or Birmingham, England, that abortion is an assault on what my Uncle Martin called the Beloved Community.
My Uncle Martin had a dream. He dreamt that we would live out that which is self-evident – that all men are created equal. He called on America to admit our wrongs and turn from them.
Today, I call on all of us, regardless of nationality, race or religion, to admit our wrongs and turn from them. I believe that the denial of the right to life is the greatest injustice we face in the world today. There is no compassion in killing. There is no justice in writing people out of the human race.
I only ask: How can such a dream live on - the dream of equality for all - if we kill our children? How can the dream live on if we deny others their basic human dignity and respect? How can the dream live on if we do not act on their behalf?”

- "Europe for Christ!"