Showing posts with label immortal soul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label immortal soul. Show all posts

Monday, 12 November 2012

Is there an Immortal soul

In the 2001 Translation – An American English Bible we did find:

The Immortal Soul Problem

One of the reasons why there can be no Hell of eternal torture is because a person would need an 'immortal soul' to be sent there. In other words, a portion of his or her personality would have to be incapable of dying. And although this doctrine is taught by almost all religions, it simply can't be found in the Bible. In fact, one of the things that differentiates the Bible from most (if not all) pagan religions and their sacred writings (such as the Koran), is that the Bible alone teaches that a dead person can be resurrected (brought back to life)… but only if God wills it. So nothing inside us is incapable of dying (immortal).
Why, if you go to Genesis the Third Chapter, you'll find that it was the Opposer (Satan) who first taught that men wouldn't die, for we read at Genesis 3:5, 'Then the snake told the woman, You won't stop living and die. But, God knows that on whatever day you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you will be gods who know good and evil.'
We find this first lie directly contradicted what God had just said at Genesis 2:16, 17, 'You are free to eat from all the trees of paradise, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Bad. Because, on whatever day you eat from it, your life will end and you will die (Gr. thanato apothaneisthe, or, death from dying).'
Obviously souls can die, for notice what a soul is. Genesis 2:7 tells us this: 'Then God formed man from the dust of the ground, breathed the breath of life against his face, and he became a living creature (Gr. psychen zosan, or, person/soul living).'
Now, the words we translated as living creature here were psyche in Greek and Nephesh in Hebrew, and both words are the same ones that are translated as soul in other Bibles. So the Bible's own definition of a soul, is that it's something made from the dust of the ground and has the breath of life… thus, it is a whole living person or animal, not something that lives inside. In fact, throughout the Bible animals are referred to as souls also. So psyche really means (as we have often translated it) a living creature.
Actually, the best true Bible definition of the Greek word psyche is what the word implies in modern psychology, 'the inner person,' not, 'the immortal person.' With this understanding, we can see how God could refer to 'My Soul.' He wasn't speaking of the individual we all believe that we know, but of the person He is on the inside.
As history shows, the pagan Egyptians believed that they had immortal souls, but righteous Hebrews made no mention of such a belief anywhere in the Sacred Scriptures of Israel (OT). It was only in the latter part of the millennium proceeding the time of Jesus that we first see this doctrine starting to creep into Jewish teachings.
Then, did Jesus and his Apostles teach that we have an immortal soul? No, for those two words (immortal soul) don't appear together anywhere in the Bible. In fact, the words immortal and immortality (Gr. athanasia or undying) can only be found in three places in the Bible, and let's see how the word is used in each of these cases:
  • 1 Timothy 6:15, 16 – 'He will show himself at his own set time… the blest and only ruler, the King of those who rule as kings and Lord of those who rule as lords; the only one who has immortality and who lives in unapproachable light; he who no man has seen or can see.
  • 1 Corinthians 15:53, 54 – 'Then that which is decaying will put on cleanliness, and that which is dying will put on immortality. But, when that which is dying puts on immortality, the words that were written are fulfilled, Death is swallowed in victory.'
So in the first case, we can see that Jesus is immortal, and in the second case we can see that immortality is offered as a reward to the righteous… so, it is not a possession of the wicked… thus they have no immortal soul that can be sent to burn in Hell.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

The Soul not a ghost


without measure." The same reasoning would show that 
man himself, as existing in this life, is a ghost, for God is 
called a man, Exo. 15 : 3, " The Lord is a man of war." 
The same principle of false reasoning would convert a 
man's heart and eyes, as well as the heart and eyes of 
beasts into so many ghosts, for they are called by the 
same name as the eyes and heart, hands, and feet of God. 
And a tree must have sense and feeling, because it is said 
to have life as well as men. But what sort of theology 
is this ? Cannot God possess an attribute that may be 
entirely spiritual, yet called by the same name as one in 
man that may be entirely corporeal ? If he cannot, then 
how shall he be able, out of these stones, to raise up 
children unto Abraham ? Matt. 3 : 9. Surely the souls 
of these children would be corporeal, if made out of stones. 

Again, God's soul cannot be separated from himself; 
for if it can, then is he two Gods. " But to us there is 
but one God." 1 Oor. 8 : 6. Allow God's soul to be him- 
self as nephesh when applied to God, is twice translated. 
Jer. 51 : 14, " The Lord of hosts hath sworn by his ne- 
phesh" (by himself). Also in Amos 6:8; or him, as in 
Pro. 6 : 16. " These six things doth the Lord hate, yea, 
seven are an abomination of his (nephesh,) of him ;" and 
we obtain the correct idea. As nephesh, the soul, com- 
prehends the whole being of God, so does the same term 
comprehend the whole being of man ; and never means a 
principle that can live independently of the man or beast, 
to both of which the term nephesh is indiscriminately ap- 
plied ; and is twenty -five times correctly translated " them- 
selves." Let two examples suffice for the present. " He 
teareth (his nephesh) himself in his anger." Job 18:4. Did 
Job tear his immaterial and immortal ghost ? u Back- 
sliding Israel hath justified herself, (her nephesh) more 
than treacherous Judah." Jer. 3:11. Has a nation a 
ghost ? 

Nay, but every nation has a being. Here, then, the 
arguments of Luther Lee, and those of like (" ptrecious .?") 
faith, are overthrown by the translators themselves, though 
they were believers in the immortal-soul theory. It is 
vain to endeavor to array the soul, which is the man him- 
self, with the attributes of independent conscious existence, 
spirituality, immateriality, and immortality, against the 
plainest declarations of God's Word.