Showing posts with label misery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label misery. Show all posts

Monday, 31 October 2011

New articles for October 2011

While in September war was imminent according to Israeli commander and hundreds of thousands had come on the streets in Israel the Unites States and Europe found also many hundreds of people who were undignified whith todays situation.
In September Israel had attacked and Egypt had entered a severe crisis but the common people showed their anger and dislikes.

This month in the Ecclesia we gave attention on the Name of God and looked at its use in several languages and Bibletranslations.

Also the economic troubles and Bank tribulations could not escape our attention. After the American debacle, the Lehman Brothers brought a lot of Belgian people in a position where they lost all their savings. On top of that the Belgian Banks burned their soup as well.
Dexia-debacle met venijnig staartje.
Politically Belgium saw some light and got somewhere on the good way in the worst political crisis since it short existance. Doorbraak in grootste regeringscrisis van België

We discussed how a Christian has to behave him or herself in such a situation and which responsibility we do have to take about our environment.

We spoke about the many diversions people looked for and what sort of entertainment got him away from our real purpose and essence of life. We could see that also today we still have A god between many gods and that a lot of people still keep choosing for the wrong hero.

We showed that it has become more important today to know the importance of the Creator of heaven and earth and everything aroundיהוה. When we look at the world and see what human beings try to do with the creation we know that no mater what the world may be thinking we should honour always only The Only One Elohim who creates and gives all, but we should also dare to speak to Him using His Name. Though when we do hear many Christians speak, we hear them using strange words for a believer in the Most High and we do not often hear Gods real Name, but often we hear His titles used in a strange way, not really honouring the Elohim Hashem. Lots of Christians are afraid to utter their opinnion when it goes against the general contemporary attitude. they are afraid not going to be accepted by the community and fear to fail. Faal beter
Faal beter #2 Jij en de ander

We can wonder What is your greatest fear? not to use Gods Name?
Some one or something to fear #2 Attitude and Reactions
Some one or something to fear #3 Cases, folks and outing
Some one or something to fear #4 Families and Competition
Some one or something to fear #5 Not afraid
Some one or something to fear #6 Faith in the Most High
Some one or something to fear #7 Not afraid for Gods Name

In Flanders the population of the poor is growing fast and we can find more families where there is no possibility to consume three meals a day:Geen drie maaltijden voor kind. Several parents have no possibility to buy the necessary products for their children anymore. With the growing population some people are afraid that we shall not be able to feed all those mouths. From the several articles you shall be able to find out that God has foreseen in His Plan that we all shall be able to live nicely. So it can be interesting to look at the World Population Watch - see - where a magic figure of 7 Billion  is brining a reality of acute awareness to take care of each other (- purely for interest not a doomsday prediction.)

Britain changes rules to the act of settlement. What does this mean and why is it significant? > CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEKS WWW 23rd - 29th Oct 2011‏

In > Niet winkelend we show how certain evolution in the belief of people made that we do came in a situation which is not worth for a civilised population to live in. In November we shall go deeper into that because professor Verhaeghe does not agree with what I am saying that a lot of what happens today in the financial and work market happens because of the loss of values and morals. We look also on what others think about The origins of Occupy Wall Street and about the Complex Equality. We also looked at the metaphor for the lost generation. >Metafoor over een generatie but also dare to say we to the great indignation question the incident in the university buildings in Brussels > Verontwaardigd over Indignados. (The photographs of the damage say enough about the attitude of certain people today.)
This outrage or outcry we hear today may be understandable, but how should we behave as Christians? To know how we best can react we also should try to understand all the parties and look at the historical and political situation.
Anti-Crisis anger calling out
Op straat voor waardigheid #1 Zieke broertje
Op straat voor waardigheid #2 Grote broer
Op straat voor waardigheid #3 de Rest van de Familie
Op straat voor waardigheid #4 de Erfenis

The economical crisis also showed that there is some division in Europe and questions the position of each individual in the system.Verdeeldheid bijgelegd.

Europe has enjoyed many decades of growth in wealth and well-being, based on intensive use of resources. But today it faces the dual challenge of stimulating the growth needed to provide jobs and well-being to its citizens, and of ensuring that the quality of this growth leads to a sustainable future. Humanity should be aware that it has become high time to take care of our neighbours, humans but also plants and animals around us. If we would like to have something to eat in a few years time, we shall have to do something against the pollution and about the greediness of certain people.

We have come to a position where we have many fragile creatures pushed in a corner of extinction. the stronger ones should come up for the weaker ones we discussed in the European Parliament:Kwetsbare mens in het Europa van morgen #1 Colloquium
Some think Christians may not rise their voice or may not interfere with politics, but we should be aware that we cannot let certain things happen. Also we do have to come up for the Creation of our beloved Most High Elohim. Therefore several believers came together to share their ideas of how to continue as a nation and to discuss which measures we all should take or how we can stand up as one nation to protect mother earth and show the world that it has to respect the Creation of the Most High Creator, though some humans themselves want to play for god creator. >Sense or nonsense of “Human Fragility”

In the mean time several protesters went on to the streets to show their indignation. But in Brussels and Rome some of those los Indignados showed how we as humans really should not behave. Los Indignados occpyed New York and other cities: Van Evere naar Occupy Antwerp. We are reminded of the Anarchy on the streets a few months ago. What can be learned from the August riots?

We did not only see violance against buildings, cars and parcs. Lots of damage is done to those who are very fragile in our community.

Violence against disabled children while we have to find four-in-10 disabled young ‘poor’.
We wonder what the prospects can be for our children and look at the position we as believers do have to take. We also should dare to call on the governments to recognise the urgency of the situation and take immediate steps to reduce child poverty. We should not think it is just an Aziatic, African, South-American and Flemish situation. There is also a Bleak forecasts for children in the UK .

How can we let it happen that in Belgium 1 in 6 children lives in poverty today?
Is there a hungerweapon? >Hongerwapen
Lappendeken als uithangbord? What can we offer those kids? Droevig vooruitzicht voor jonge kinderen. Therefore we looked also at the International Day for 
the Eradication of Poverty
and dared to asked what you would do and think of your life when you would die today >Indien u nu zou sterven. If Today Was Your Last Day On Earth?

would you be settled with what you think today? Would you be scared? > If Today Was Your Last Day On Earth?

Those children who live in poverty have a bleaker forecast because they cannot have a social formation in youth clubs or extra tuition in music, word or movement theatre. they also have more chances to be bullied at at school. this has really become something that happens more and more and we see it spreading in the work units of adults, where several people are already driven to take their own life.
Onbesef van pesten op school

Ecological economics in the stomach #1 Alarmbell
Ecological economics in the stomach #2 Resources
Ecological economics in the stomach #3 Food and Populace

The world had to loose one of those persons who recognised who is behind all the things we see around us. For many years she tried to get some damage undone which humans had caused to the Creation of the Most High. She tried to save humans by saving trees. > Tree Planter Maathai died

The world lost also a dictator and international terrorist. What are the implications for the Middle East now Gaddafi is dead? CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEKS WWW 16th - 22nd Oct 2011‏
His dead brought freedom for many. So also in Israel and Gaza people were happy for newly liberated friends. What is the significance of Israel releasing 270 murderers for one Israeli soldier? Could it be a prelude to conflict? What does the Bible say about this? > CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEKS WWW 9th - 15th Oct 2011‏

Going a little-bit further in the past: The Palestinians had voted at the Security Council and the UN General Assembly.  You can read what brother Andy Walton thought what might happen? > CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEKS WWW 11th - 17th September 2011‏

In summer the Bible Exhibition at Tewkesbury was blessed with well over 500 visitors in just 4 days! They have also had around 20 people sign up to the seminars. It shows that there are still people interested in hearing about God's word and his plan and purpose - even in these last and very dark days.

Perhaps in our writings we bring not such nice tidings, looking at all this misery, political difficulties, economical and other crimes, but we show also that we can have better prospects as well, but are ourselves also responsible for a lot of things which happen today and shall happen in the near future. Next month, going on about our stance in the Fragile environment I shall dare you to confront with the disastrous figures the scientist brought forwards at the congress in the European Parliament about Fragility. We then shall look with Dr.E. Herr at the relation between the Bible and the Cosmos and with Dr. Le Bichon how we shall be able to work for a better humane community when we try to bring others also over the border of our mysterious feeling and get as many as possible to see how we have to honour our Only One God by giving full honour also to His Creation.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

English texts update September 2011

In Christa-Delphos Welcome we brought a welcome to new visitors and mentioned also the news of us not going to bring so many articles any more on this platform.

We are pleased to find that the articles we now place on the WordPress pages are generating more visitors a day. And that is what we would love to see: more people reading about our ideas.

But we also notice that people do not dare to subscribe or do not want (yet) to receive updates so that they can know when a new article is published.
It does not harm to subscribe and it is free. At no cost or hidden agendas you can receive a notice in your mailbox when a new article is published. That is also for this site; By becoming a member you shall be able to get a notice by every new publication or to receive a rapport of what has been published in the past week.

On the other websites some article can be interesting to have a look at.
You shall be able to find:

Major points of Christadelphian belief

יהוה Creator of heaven and earth and everything around

A god between many gods

The wrong hero

God about His name “יהוה“

Posted on September 22, 2011. Filed under: Bible Study and Bible Reading, Jehovah God Elohim Yahweh | Tags: , , , , |

The Bible and names in it

Salvation, trust and action in Jesus #1 Suffering covered by Peace Offering

Salvation, trust and action in Jesus #2 What you must do

Salvation, trust and action in Jesus #3 as a Christian

Self inflicted misery #1 The root by man

Self inflicted misery to bear 1.     The root by man For some the Book of Job offers no simple answer to the problem of suffering. But it should shed a light on how nobody can escape the problems of this world and shall be able to find himself confronted with misery at one or another [...]

Self inflicted misery #2 Weakness of human race

Self inflicted misery to bear 2.     Weakness of human race Man’s neglect and misuse of his own life has corrupted the stream of human life itself, and left evils which fall on succeeding generations. These, again as part of natural law, may manifest themselves as hereditary weaknesses and tendencies to disease. The very stuff of [...]

Self inflicted misery #3 A man given to suffer for us

Self inflicted misery to bear 3.     A man given to suffer for us About 2000 years ago a man named Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in the land of Israel. His birth, mission, death and resurrection were foretold by the prophets of the Old Testament of the Bible and revealed to us [...]

Self inflicted misery #4 To whom to listen

Self inflicted misery to bear 4.     To whom to listen As Christians we better listen to the one whose title we use in our name: Christians. The Christ, Jesus or Yeshua, the Nazarene often talked about his Father who showed His love to the world. The master teacher knew that many people accused his loving [...]

Self inflicted misery #5 A prophet without a hedge around him

Self inflicted misery to bear 5.     A prophet without a hedge around him Though God loved Jesus He did not put hedge about him. Perhaps we can say God had blessed the work of his hands but God had not put a wall round him and no protection when Jesus was in need not to [...]

Self inflicted misery #6 Paying by death

Posted on July 29, 2011. Filed under: Life and Death, Suffering, Thought | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |
Self inflicted misery to bear 6.     Paying by death The people Jesus brought to live had to die again. As long as the world did not come to face the End of the Times, the world had to pay for her sins by death. You could say that is the penalty God has given us [...]

Self inflicted misery #7 Good news to our suffering

Self inflicted misery #8 Pruning to strengthen us

Self inflicted misery #9 Subject to worldly things

English Artticles from July-September 2011

In Christa-Delphos Welcome we brought a welcome to new visitors and mentioned also the news of us not going to bring so many articles any more on this platform.

We are pleased to find that the articles we now place on the WordPress pages are generating more visitors a day. And that is what we would love to see: more people reading about our ideas.

But we also notice that people do not dare to subscribe or do not want (yet) to receive updates so that they can know when a new article is published.
It does not harm to subscribe and it is free. At no cost or hidden agendas you can receive a notice in your mailbox when a new article is published. That is also for this site; By becoming a member you shall be able to get a notice by every new publication or to receive a rapport of what has been published in the past week.

On the other websites some article can be interesting to have a look at.
You shall be able to find:

Major points of Christadelphian belief

יהוה Creator of heaven and earth and everything around

A god between many gods

The wrong hero

God about His name “יהוה“

Posted on September 22, 2011. Filed under: Bible Study and Bible Reading, Jehovah God Elohim Yahweh | Tags: , , , , |

The Bible and names in it

Salvation, trust and action in Jesus #1 Suffering covered by Peace Offering

Salvation, trust and action in Jesus #2 What you must do

Salvation, trust and action in Jesus #3 as a Christian

Self inflicted misery #1 The root by man

Self inflicted misery to bear 1.     The root by man For some the Book of Job offers no simple answer to the problem of suffering. But it should shed a light on how nobody can escape the problems of this world and shall be able to find himself confronted with misery at one or another [...]

Self inflicted misery #2 Weakness of human race

Self inflicted misery to bear 2.     Weakness of human race Man’s neglect and misuse of his own life has corrupted the stream of human life itself, and left evils which fall on succeeding generations. These, again as part of natural law, may manifest themselves as hereditary weaknesses and tendencies to disease. The very stuff of [...]

Self inflicted misery #3 A man given to suffer for us

Self inflicted misery to bear 3.     A man given to suffer for us About 2000 years ago a man named Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in the land of Israel. His birth, mission, death and resurrection were foretold by the prophets of the Old Testament of the Bible and revealed to us [...]

Self inflicted misery #4 To whom to listen

Self inflicted misery to bear 4.     To whom to listen As Christians we better listen to the one whose title we use in our name: Christians. The Christ, Jesus or Yeshua, the Nazarene often talked about his Father who showed His love to the world. The master teacher knew that many people accused his loving [...]

Self inflicted misery #5 A prophet without a hedge around him

Self inflicted misery to bear 5.     A prophet without a hedge around him Though God loved Jesus He did not put hedge about him. Perhaps we can say God had blessed the work of his hands but God had not put a wall round him and no protection when Jesus was in need not to [...]

Self inflicted misery #6 Paying by death

Posted on July 29, 2011. Filed under: Life and Death, Suffering, Thought | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |
Self inflicted misery to bear 6.     Paying by death The people Jesus brought to live had to die again. As long as the world did not come to face the End of the Times, the world had to pay for her sins by death. You could say that is the penalty God has given us [...]

Self inflicted misery #7 Good news to our suffering

Self inflicted misery #8 Pruning to strengthen us

Self inflicted misery #9 Subject to worldly things

Friday, 2 October 2009

Pain and Suffering is inevitable but Misery is optional

"Pain and Suffering is inevitable but Misery is optional."
- Anonymous

"God did not promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain.
But he promised us strength for the day, comfort for tears and light for the road."
- Author unknown

"For what credit is there if, when you sin and are harshly treated, you endure it with patience?
But if when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it, this finds favor with God.
For you have been called for this purpose,
since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps."

1 Peter 2:20-21

God our Lord, I thank you that I can feel your guiding hand.
Give that I always can overcome the problems that could happen to me.
Make that I can  come stronger out of the struggles.
Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Pijn en lijden is onvermijdelijk, maar Miserie is optioneel

Christ Suffering
Christ Suffering (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

2013 update:  

Enhanced by Zemanta

Monday, 16 February 2009

Gospel = Good tidings, good news, a good message

No one of intelligence will dispute the meaning of the word “Gospel;” it signifies “good tidings,” good news, — a good message. Nevertheless, often what many consider “a real gospel sermon” is understood to signify bad tidings — tidings of eternal misery to the great mass of our race — to all except the little flock of God’s faithful people who respond to a “gospel” of accepting Jesus or spending eternity in miserable suffering. As a consequence the preacher of a “gospel sermon” is expected to figuratively shake the congregation over an abyss of everlasting torture, making as strong an effort as possible to intimidate them thereby to a thorough reformation of life, in hope of thus escaping an awful eternity.

 - Restoration Light

Read more >
The True Gospel

  • The Roman Catholic faithgospel
  • The Calvinistic Gospel (Calvinsists, Presbyterian, Congregationalists, Baptists, and many Lutherans and Episcopalians).
  • The Arminian Gospel (Methodists, Free-Will Baptists)
  • The true Gospel, Gospel of blessing to all the people (gospel of peace,gentleness, patience, meekness)
Quote: All that ever went before our Lord’s preaching was not the Gospel, but merely types and promises which foreshadowed it.