Showing posts with label Olivet Prophecy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Olivet Prophecy. Show all posts

Friday, 14 October 2011

WWW Updates

Brother Andy Walton let us know:


This weeks WWW is now available.
To view it please click on the following link. You can either open it and view now.
Or you can save it and view it later. It may take a minute to download. If you are not able to download please reply to this email requesting the WWW as an attachment. I will then email the WWW to you as an attachment. This may take a day or two as it is not automated!
In this weeks WWW

Syria threatens to rain missiles down on Israel.

Weekly World Watch ARTICLES

I gave a talk recently on Daniel's 70 week prophecy and how it links to the Olivet prophecy.
Click here to download a PDF of the slides. (1mb)
Within the PDF is the link to download the AUDIO.

I gave a talk recently on the significance of Queen Elizabeth II in relation to Bible prophecy.
Click here to download a PDF of the slides. (7mb)
Within the PDF is the link to download the AUDIO.

Another article you may be interested in is about how Jesus might return.
Click here to download the PDF of this article.

Another new article is on the question of God's involvement in the earthquake in Haiti.
Click here to download the PDF of this article

I have written an article on the significance of the Pope's visit to the Dome of the Rock in relation to the Olivet Prophecy.
Click here to download the PDF of the new article.
Weekly World Watch AUDIO
There are a number of audio (mp3) talks you can download to listen to. Some are prophecy related but some are exhortational.
Click here to visit the AUDIO page on the website
Weekly World Watch THEMES -updated for 2010
All the WWW slides for last year have been grouped into themes.Suppose you want to view everything the WWW reported on in 2010 relating to Korea - just click the link below and then select the subject you want to view. There's everything from Israel to Russia, from financial collapse to natural disasters. It is amazing to view a whole year on one theme and WATCH God's hand working in the world.
Click here to visit the THEME page on the website
Weekly World Watch CD's
There are currently 6 CD available to order. They are all powerpoint with audio taken from talks I have given. I will gladly post free of charge if money is an issue. A new CD is now available called "The Hope of Israel".
Click here to visit the CD order page on the website.
Internet Protection
It is vital to ensure that we have internet protection. SAFE EYES is the best program I have found to do this. It protects everyone (kids and parents), it is tamper proof and can be installed quickly. According to the London School of Economics 90% of children between the ages of 8 and 16 have accidentally accessed pornography. In most cases these sites were stumbled upon while searching for information that was homework related. As brethren and sisters of Christ we are responsible to ensure we do not view such things either accidentally or on purpose. I commend SAFE EYES to EVERYONE! It does cost money but in my opinion (and I have used it for 5 years) it is worth EVERY penny.
Click here to go to the SAFE EYES website
Powerpoint Viewer
If for any reason you cannot open the Weekly World Watch link you may not have powerpoint installed on your computer.
You can download a free powerpoint viewer by clicking on the link below. It is only a small file.
Free Powerpoint viewer