Showing posts with label earthquake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earthquake. Show all posts

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Nepal earthquake & Heritage Children charity

Pashupatinath temple in Kathmandu, Nepal
Pashupatinath temple in Kathmandu, Nepal (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Trustees of the Heritage Children charity really appreciate all the donations received from ecclesias, individual brothers and sisters, the Swanwick weekenders and the Samaritan Fund. 

So far over 40,000 pounds has been received and all will be used to benefit those in Nepal whose lives have been tragically disrupted by the earthquakes. 

Since the first, on 25th April, some 358 aftershocks have affected the valley of Kathmandu, many 4 or 5 on the Richter scale, so you can understand that our brothers and sisters, now numbering 110, are still fearful and disturbed.

At present two trustees are visiting Nepal to make an assessment of need as well as assessing the plight of those members who are in isolation in Dharan and Sitali, so that necessary help can be given. 

It is already clear from correspondence with Nepal that the psychological effects on the members and their children has been marked, and one sister has been admitted to hospital for treatment.

On the visit, we will convey the love of all who have donated generously to this appeal via HERITAGE CHILDREN, and assure our brothers and sisters that the thoughts and prayers of the brotherhood are with them. 

Your brother by grace
Peter Fry

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Eostre, Easter, White god, chocolate eggs, Easter bunnies and metaphorical resurrection

Tomorrow many Christians celebrate Easter Sunday as the day to remember the Resurrection of some one they consider to be also God, though God according to the Holy Scriptures is a  Spirit Who can not die.

The Cross and Resurrection (Photo credit: Luz Adriana Villa A.)
As Easter approaches, many Christians struggle with how to understand the Resurrection. How literally must one take the Gospel story of Jesus’ triumph to be called a Christian? Can one understand the Resurrection as a metaphor — perhaps not even believe it happened at all — and still claim to be a Christian? And what do they want ot understand under being a Christian, because for many it does not exactly mean to be a "follower of Christ" but means more to be a follower of a trinitarian doctrine.

For the Americans who answered to the survey only 2 percent identified it as the most important holiday of their faith. For Christ Jesus 14 Nisan and 15 Nisan were two very important days, but most Christians do not even know what does days are and for what reason Jesus came together where.

Jesus Resurrection 1778
Jesus Resurrection 1778 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Having a society becoming more religiously diverse, the U.S.A. nation’s population has had to grapple with how to define its holidays and celebrations at the 2010 Barna poll which showed that only 42 percent of Americans said the meaning of Easter was Jesus’ resurrection. The results indicated that most Americans consider Easter to be a religious holiday, but fewer identify the resurrection of Jesus as the underlying meaning. The study also explored the degree to which Americans are likely to invite an unchurched friend or family member to attend worship service on Easter weekend.
“More people have problems with Easter because it requires believing that Jesus rose from the dead,” 
said the Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest and author of the new book, “Jesus: A Pilgrimage.”
“But believing in the Resurrection is essential. It shows that nothing is impossible with God. In fact, Easter without the Resurrection is utterly meaningless. And the Christian faith without Easter is no faith at all.”
It is strange to hear it from a a reverend who takes Jesus to be God, but than should know that death can not have any grip on God. Jesus who had his “last supper” before the festival of Passover, was taken hostage that night and tortured before he was impaled. On the wooden stake Jesus really died.

Among the Jews crucifixion was an anathema. (See Deuteronomy 21:22–23: “If a man is guilty of a capital offense and is put to death, and you impale him on a stake, you must not let his corpse remain on the stake overnight, but must bury him the same day. For an impaled body is an affront to God: you shall not defile the land that the Lord your God is giving you to possess.”)

They wanted to humiliate and frighten Jesus and his followers, and by putting Jesus on a stake in front of all to see, he had to be an example for those who thought they could speak against Pharisees and priests and against the ones in charge of the Empire.
Christian iconography usually shows the nails piercing the palms of Jesus’ hands on a horizontal beam. Nailing the palms of the hands is impossible, because the weight of the slumping body would have torn the palms in a very short time. The victim would have fallen from the cross while still alive.

In a 2011/2012 research on sediment disturbances bring in its study of cores and seismic activity near the Dead Sea (International Geology Review + Discovery News suggested: * + ** ) scientific data relating to the event described in Matthew 27. Those sediment disturbances can be combined with Biblical, astronomical and calendrical information to give a precise date of the crucifixion: Friday, April 3rd, 33 C.E.

Geologists Jefferson B. Williams, Markus J. Schwab and A. Brauer examined disturbances in sediment depositions to identify two earthquakes: one large earthquake in 31 B.C.E., and another, smaller quake between 26 and 36 C.E. In the abstract of their paper, the authors write,
“Plausible candidates include the earthquake reported in the Gospel of Matthew, an earthquake that occurred sometime before or after the crucifixion and was in effect ‘borrowed’ by the author of the Gospel of Matthew, and a local earthquake between 26 and 36 AD that was sufficiently energetic to deform the sediments at Ein Gedi but not energetic enough to produce a still extant and extra-biblical historical record. If the last possibility is true, this would mean that the report of an earthquake in the Gospel of Matthew is a type of allegory.”
This quake, occurring during Jesus’ crucifixion, would have been too minor to be described by non-Biblical histories, but major enough to terrify the surrounding centurions.
Matthew explicitly reports strong seismic activity as the occasions of both the storm on the Sea of Galilee Jesus stilled in 8:24 (seismos megas) and the moving of the stone sealing Jesus’ tomb and in 28:2 (seismos . . . megas). In 27:51, he reports that the earth was shaken (he gE eseisthE) and stones split, but does not use the adjective “great” as in the other references.

The soldiers at the stake were confronted with the death of that Jewish rabbi, son of Miriam (Mary) and Joseph from the tribe of king David. They had seen the water coming out of his body and no doubt were convinced he was really death.

Those who know god can not die and as such also would not be able to stand up from the dead, would love to have others to believe the resurrection or that Jesus literally rose from the dead, should be taken only symbolically.

New York University professor Scott Korb, 37, a non-practicing Catholic, who once wanted to become a priest, says:
“The miracle of a bodily resurrection is something I rejected without moving away from its basic idea.”
“What I mean is that we can reach the lowest points of our lives, of going deep into a place that feels like death, and then find our way out again — that’s the story the Resurrection now tells me. And at Easter, this is expressed in community, and at its best, through the compassion of others.” 
That change — from a literal to a metaphorical approach — has given the story more power, he said.
“There is only one story to be told of a single man who dies and then rises,” Korb said. “But if we think about the metaphor of the Resurrection, that allows us to return to the story year after year and find new meaning in it.”
Reg Rivett, 27, finds the repetition of the Easter story a big problem. A youth minister at an evangelical house church near Edmonton, Canada, he said his belief that Jesus literally rose from the dead is central to his Christian identity and faith. Nonetheless, he still has conflicting feelings about how the Resurrection story is used in some circles.
“You hear about it year after year or at the end of every youth event — ‘This is why Jesus came and why he died,’” he said. “We tack it on to the end of everything and that is not what it should be. It’s like we’ve taken something that is very sacred and made it very common.”
That leads to some internal conflict on Easter Sunday, even as he goes to church with his family and joins them for a big meal.
“It becomes something I need to do and I do it out of respect for others,” he said.
To restore the Resurrection and the Easter story to its appropriate place, Rivett said, the church should “build” toward it throughout the year — place it in its context within the whole biblical saga.
“It is another story about Jesus, another piece of the whole Bible, but at the same time it is such a significant piece,” he said. “Neglecting it completely would be wrong, but over-saturation is wrong, too. It is hard to find a balance.”
Today we do find an over-saturation of the Easter tradition in the shops, where from the beginning of March they are already selling Easter eggs. Several Christians strangely never oppose such fertility symbols, and enjoy fantasising telling their kids about bells coming from Rome and throwing the eggs all over the garden, and hiding eggs all over in the house.Not many Christians seem to oppose those  symbols of fertility “handed down from the ancient ceremonial and symbolism of European and Middle Eastern pagan spring festivals.

According to Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend, the hunt for Easter eggs, supposedly brought by the Easter rabbit,
 “"is not mere child’s play, but the vestige of a fertility rite."” Some cultures believed that the decorated Easter egg “"could magically bring happiness, prosperity, health, and protection."”  (Traditional Festivals).
The name Easter, used in many lands, is not found in the Bible. The book  Medieval Holidays and Festivals tells us that 
“the holiday is named after the pagan Goddess of the Dawn and of Spring, Eostre.”
Eostre or Eastre (hence Easter) goddess of fertility, according to the legend, opened the portals of Valhalla to receive Baldur, called the White God, because of his purity and also the Sun God, because his brow supplied light to mankind,”(The American Book of Days)

Like many European pagan customs the Church in its early days adopted the old pagan customs and gave a Christian meaning to them so that they could give the people something in which they beleived already for ages. They also knew people would not put away their traditions so easely and than would not convert to Catholicism.

The festival of Eostre was in celebration of the renewal of life in the spring and marked for many people who lived from the land, the sign that they could go back onto the fields to bring in assurance for their livelyhood. Without a good harvest they could not survive. Therefore it was felt important to do good to the gods so that they would be blessed.

for the Catholic church it was easy to make it a celebration of the resurrection from the dead of Jesus, whose gospel they preached, because they presented Jesus as the new life and the bringer of light and life for all.

This adoption explains how in certain lands the Easter customs, such as Easter eggs, the Easter rabbit, and hot cross buns, came about. Concerning the custom of making hot cross buns,
 “with their shiny brown tops marked by a . . . cross,”
 the book Easter and Its Customs states:
 “The cross was a pagan symbol long before it acquired everlasting significance from the events of the first Good Friday, and bread and cakes were sometimes marked with it in pre-Christian times.”
Nowhere in Scripture do we find mention of these things, nor is there any evidence that the early disciples of Jesus gave them any credence. In fact, the apostle Peter tells us to
 “form a longing for the unadulterated milk belonging to the word, that through it [we] may grow to salvation.” (1 Peter 2:2)

So why did the churches of Christendom adopt such obviously pagan symbols into their beliefs and practices? and why do people keep to those traditions of hiding eggs, eating Easter bread or cross buns?

Why when lots of people do not accept a taking out of the dead as a possible event, do they keep telling stories to their children of Easter bunnies and egg throwing bells.

For sure many do not put much accent on the real person they say they are celebrating. Not much is known about his ransom offer and on who he really was and on what he really did.

Christians should come to see the importance of following the teachings of Christ Jesus and on knowing the man Jesus about Whom God said 'This is my beloved son'.

Let us remember that that son of God really gave his life, died, and was taken out of the dead after three days in hell (the grave).


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Friday, 14 October 2011

WWW Updates

Brother Andy Walton let us know:


This weeks WWW is now available.
To view it please click on the following link. You can either open it and view now.
Or you can save it and view it later. It may take a minute to download. If you are not able to download please reply to this email requesting the WWW as an attachment. I will then email the WWW to you as an attachment. This may take a day or two as it is not automated!
In this weeks WWW

Syria threatens to rain missiles down on Israel.

Weekly World Watch ARTICLES

I gave a talk recently on Daniel's 70 week prophecy and how it links to the Olivet prophecy.
Click here to download a PDF of the slides. (1mb)
Within the PDF is the link to download the AUDIO.

I gave a talk recently on the significance of Queen Elizabeth II in relation to Bible prophecy.
Click here to download a PDF of the slides. (7mb)
Within the PDF is the link to download the AUDIO.

Another article you may be interested in is about how Jesus might return.
Click here to download the PDF of this article.

Another new article is on the question of God's involvement in the earthquake in Haiti.
Click here to download the PDF of this article

I have written an article on the significance of the Pope's visit to the Dome of the Rock in relation to the Olivet Prophecy.
Click here to download the PDF of the new article.
Weekly World Watch AUDIO
There are a number of audio (mp3) talks you can download to listen to. Some are prophecy related but some are exhortational.
Click here to visit the AUDIO page on the website
Weekly World Watch THEMES -updated for 2010
All the WWW slides for last year have been grouped into themes.Suppose you want to view everything the WWW reported on in 2010 relating to Korea - just click the link below and then select the subject you want to view. There's everything from Israel to Russia, from financial collapse to natural disasters. It is amazing to view a whole year on one theme and WATCH God's hand working in the world.
Click here to visit the THEME page on the website
Weekly World Watch CD's
There are currently 6 CD available to order. They are all powerpoint with audio taken from talks I have given. I will gladly post free of charge if money is an issue. A new CD is now available called "The Hope of Israel".
Click here to visit the CD order page on the website.
Internet Protection
It is vital to ensure that we have internet protection. SAFE EYES is the best program I have found to do this. It protects everyone (kids and parents), it is tamper proof and can be installed quickly. According to the London School of Economics 90% of children between the ages of 8 and 16 have accidentally accessed pornography. In most cases these sites were stumbled upon while searching for information that was homework related. As brethren and sisters of Christ we are responsible to ensure we do not view such things either accidentally or on purpose. I commend SAFE EYES to EVERYONE! It does cost money but in my opinion (and I have used it for 5 years) it is worth EVERY penny.
Click here to go to the SAFE EYES website
Powerpoint Viewer
If for any reason you cannot open the Weekly World Watch link you may not have powerpoint installed on your computer.
You can download a free powerpoint viewer by clicking on the link below. It is only a small file.
Free Powerpoint viewer

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Newsweek asks: How ignorant are you?

Apocalypse Now
“While he was sitting upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: “Tell us, When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?” And in answer Jesus said to them: “… and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another…” (Matthew 24:3-7)

In the March-April issue of Newsweek the question is posed who ignorant you are, and there is looked at the changing world full of earthquakes, tsunamis, meltdowns, economies on the brink, pestilences [disease epidemics], food shortages, so much fighting on in the world, revolutions, wars?

In the 20th century, well over 100,000,000 people have been killed in wars, more than four times as many as in the previous 400 years put together!, and that was just a start it seems. The killing continues and gets into extreme forms. (Hutus against Tutsis, Muslims against Hindus and Christians, etc) Yes even religion against religion. Does that not ring a bell?

The 21st century is still young, and it has already suffered a spate of catastrophic earthquakes across the world -- from Haiti to Chile and New Zealand. The numbers of people exposed to risk has risen from thousands to millions.
Tsunami risk is also growing in coastal mega cities. Videos of the unstoppable advance of the waves driving through Sendai were a terrifying reminder of a tsunami's power.

When we look around us we hear also a lot of stories of people enjoying a lifestyle which seems at first great to them but utterly destroys them.

Interesting would it not be to take the Newsweek article and compare all that being summerized to what is written in the Bible.

When you look into the Bible do you not recognise certain situation foretold? Bible prophecy foretold the moral collapse so evident throughout the world today: "In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power . . . Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse." (2 Timothy 3:1-13)

When you look at the signs: can you just stay ignorant?

Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days

Friday, 15 April 2011

We are ourselves responsible

We are ourselves responsible Originally placed on Apr 12, '11 1:58 PMe
Dutch version / Nederlandstalige versie: Wij zijn zelf verantwoordelijk

In the magazine of the Leuven Hospital Gasthuisberg in an interview by Jan van Rompuy with elder patients I could read that an elderly couple was not pleased with God about not helping them after they prayed so much and burned so many candles. The man of the lady with cancer has lost any hope in God and had abounded Him because He clearly would or could not help him.

Every time we hear about a disaster and we are confronted with a lot of disastrous pictures on television people shout that this is because of a terrible and injustice God. Others shout that it is a punishment of God. But when they would read the Bible properly they would be able to find out that it would probably not be a penalty from God.

 Genghis Khan said: “I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”

Many religions say that their gods send punishments to those or these.

On the occasion of the Intensity 9 earthquake and the devastating tsunami  that ravaged Japan some time ago, and the threat of toxic radioactivity emerging from the damaged nuclear reactors, friends of mine have asked me whether we could consider these calamities as punishments from God.

First of all we have to question if punishment by God is compatible with the biblical affirmation that “God is love”. It is true that we find examples in the Bible where God brings over a punishment to certain persons or even several people or even towns. In the Bible we can find how the Jewish race developed and were given laws. They could accept those laws or ignore them. We learn how they settled in ancient Israel, and how it says God sometimes punished them for disobeying his commands, which led to them changing their ways. (e.g. Read 2 Samuel chapters 12 & 13 and look what happened after the king and one of his sons became estranged: 2 Samuel chapter 15-19, 21)

Often wickedness in places are mentioned as the reason why god came to punish them. The  conservative group Repent America in the US for example claimed that the hurricane Katrina in New Orleans was an 'act of God' in judgement on the city because there was the annual event 'Southern Decadence' which brought together thousands of homosexuals, enabling them to celebrate their sexuality. The hurricane hit New Orleans and flooded up to 80% of the city, taking up more than a month just to clear the water and still now you can find debris and not restored placed yet.

If this tragedy occurred because God is angry at New Orleans, what was the point of the awful devastation and loss of life wrought in Mississippi and Alabama? Why was then the French Quarter, the district where the event was to be held, one of the least devastated parts of the city so far?
Also the disbarred lawyer Fred Waldron Phelps, Sr. (born November 13, 1929) an American pastor heading the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), an independent Baptist church based in Topeka, Kansas,  claims that many devastating events, such as September 11th, the December 2004 Tsunami, deaths in Iraq, and the horrific Hurricane Katrina are the result of God's wrath against gay people.

Also for the Indian Ocean earthquake and following tsunami in December the 24th 2004 with a magnitude of between 9.1 and 9.3, the third largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph in the world, people said it was God punishing the Muslims and unbelieving Hindus. but also a lot of Christians lost their life.

Some people argue that if God is the same yesterday, today and forever why are we not punished in the same ways?

God has revealed Himself in history in His Covenant and through His covenant to Abraham and his descendants as a helping, delivering, guiding sympathetic positive God with a nice design for His creation. God had given men freedom, but new he was not going to make much of it. For the misstep of the first men God set up a sacrificial system that pointed to the future in which He would redeem man back to Himself. Under the law, man was shown how God dealt with man's sin nature. Mankind was accountable to God depending upon which dispensation they lived. Was there Innocence, Conscience, Human Government, Promise, Law, Grace or shall it happen in the time of Divine Government.

With the coming of Jesus Christ and his finished work on the wooden stake we have come in the time of Grace. Jeus' offer  has liberated all humankind. Today God deals with us through the finished work of Christ. Jesus has offered his body as the ultimate Lamb and therefore God does not require any offers any more. Now, men are held accountable, not by their conscience but by their acceptance or rejection of God's grace. Grace is the unmerited favour of Almighty God. He provides through Christ, the means by which we can receive eternal life. The judgement God will send over the stubborn and bad people shall come when Jesus returns and when God will raise them up at the last day. No punishment before that time, not on this earth, not in a purgatory or in a hell.

God has not changed and for Him those who can hear the voice of those who preach the Good News, the Gospel of Good Tidings, the Liberation by Christ, and do not want to listen, repent and come to God shall have to face their punishment and destruction after Armaggedon and the resurrection, to face the second death.

God's will is that all be saved, yet He will not override the free-will of every person to accept, or reject His salvation. He is not a tyrant and does not want to force anybody in His ideas. Everybody has received a free will and can do as he or she likes. But every person shall have to be responsible for their own deeds.

What ever we fabricate we shall have to bear the consequences of our acts. We can not escape our responsibility. The only problem is what certain individuals do can affect more then one person. That is not Gods fault, but it stays the fault of human, who thought he could manage it on his own. Therefore we have to be very careful with what we do. Not only for ourselves but also for those around us.

We do have to be careful with our behaviour and reactions to others, but also with our use of natural products. We should calculate the risks of all things. Because whatever we do or use it can affect us but also our neighbour, even the whole earth.

Do you want to go on your own? Would you prefer to come under the wings of Christ Jesus and accept God as the only one God to whom belongs the earth?

What risks are you willing to take and how do you want to safeguard yourself?

Continue reading in following articles:

Japan’s nuclear disaster reason to think twice

A risk taking society

Securing risks

In Dutch you can find:

Nucleaire ramp in Japan doet mensen twee maal nadenken

Energie met vergiftigd geschenk

Nemen van Risico door de maatschappij


2014 January update:

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Monday, 7 February 2011

January 2011 in the news


Weekly World Watch 1st - 8th Jan 2011‏

There was a Huge gas find for Israel Nations gather for war over Israel's oil find Nations arrive in Israel and surrounding nations to influence the peace process

  1. The UN has turned down Lebanon’s demand to intervene in delineating its sea border following Israel’s discovery in the Mediterranean of the Leviathan gas well – billed as the world’s biggest find in a decade. UN Spokesman Martin Nesirsky explained that UNIFIL’s mandate applied to coastal waters, not to delineating maritime lines.
    The enormous find of gas off Israel’s shores has the potential to become an enormous destabilising influence in the region. This article explains it could easily lead to conflict.
    We know for certain from the scriptures that when Russia attacks Israel it is because it sees a spoil worth taking.
  2. How interesting that at the time the nations are beginning to question maritime maps of the ocean bed to establish who owns what – we also see the rumblings of conflict between rival nations.
  3. Australia's wettest spring on record gives Queensland to face 'biblical' flood covering an area of the size of Germany and France!
  4. The true impact of the natural disasters that occurred in 2010 are still to be fully felt.
    Altogether a total of 950 natural catastrophes were recorded last year, including five “great natural catastrophes:” the earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and central China, the heat wave in Russia and the floods in Pakistan. 2010 not only resulted in substantial losses, but also an exceptionally high number of fatalities – nearly 300,000.
    We now see food prices rising quickly due to the crop destruction with nations like Russia banning grain exports. Jesus spoke of a time to come when there would be great earthquakes and famines. We see large scale famine as a distinct possibility with these events. Whatever happens though NOTHING will separate US from Christ.
  5. When the natural order of things stops working it causes alarm. Just today over 1000 dead birds have literally rained down in Italy! Mainly turtle doves but also other birds like pigeons. There is a very interesting passage in Amos which connects falling birds and warning & alarm! (Amos 3:5-7)

Further we got a.o. in the
Weekly World Watch 9th - 15th Jan 2011‏

  1. Palestinians say they'll go to UN for recognition
  2. Lebanon's government collapses after Hezbollah pulls out
  3. Israeli troops on alert after Lebanese government falls
  4. Brazil was reported in the Weekly World Watch slides just one month ago. They were the first nation to recognise an independent Palestinian State. One month later they have suffered their worst ever natural disaster.
  5. An extensive study of tree growth rings says there could be a link between the rise and fall of past civilisations and sudden shifts in Europe's climate.
    The natural disasters we have been recently witnessing are a tiny foretaste of the tremendous upheaval that is to come -  which will usher in the long awaited Kingdom of God.

Weekly World Watch 9th - 15th Jan 2011‏

More natural disasters and crisis in Lebanon.
  1. The push continues for a Palestinian state. The Palestinian foreign minister says he will seek United Nations recognition for a Palestinian state in September and is currently lobbying for votes worldwide.
  2. 2005 was a tumultuous year for Lebanon. The prime minister of Lebanon Rafik Hariri was assassinated. This provoked the “Cedar Revolution” where hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets.
  3. A senior Israeli military officer says thousands of troops in the north are on alert following the fall of the Lebanese government.
    Authorities are concerned that the political turmoil in Lebanon will spill over into renewed violence on the Lebanese-Israel border. For Lebanon itself, the boom that has followed decades of turmoil could be brought to a shuddering halt as violence resumes.
  4. Last year (March 2010) the US and Russia concluded a deal to cut their deployed arsenals of nuclear missiles by 30%. With great fan-fare it was announced this was the biggest breakthrough for arms control for two decades. Operational strategic nuclear weapons would reduce from 2,200 to 1,550. Now Russia is developing a replacement for the world's most devastating intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in a move that risks reviving a global nuclear arms race.
  5. Brazil was reported in the Weekly World Watch slides just one month ago. They were the first nation to recognise an independent Palestinian State. One month later they have suffered their worst ever natural disaster.
  6. Roman rise and fall 'recorded in trees'
    Climate instability is linked to the stability of civilisation. As we see increasing natural disaster we can expect increasing instability of the nations. Again we see how the two are linked. We believe that God causes the initial disaster which in turn changes the course of history with nations falling and rising. The final natural disasters will see the fall of the kingdom of men and the rise of the kingdom of God. The natural disasters we have been recently witnessing are a tiny foretaste of the tremendous upheaval that is to come -  which will usher in the long awaited Kingdom of God.

Weekly World Watch 16th - 22nd Jan 2011‏

  1. In Bible language the king of the north has come south – down towards the mountains of Israel – to pledge support for those who want Israel removed from the land.
    The president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev said "Russia's position remains unchanged." and pledged his nation's continued support in helping the Palestinians acquire a modern, unified and sovereign state.
  2. Russia wants to be very involved in “finding a solution” to the conflict of the Middle East.
  3. EU pushed to get tougher with Israel. European diplomats are calling for strong action against Israeli policy in a secret document made public recently.
    The report mentioned recommends the following steps: that East Jerusalem be treated as the capital of a future Palestinian state; that EU officials decline Israeli security in the eastern sector of the city; and that EU politicians refuse to visit Israeli government offices located beyond the Green Line.
  4. The Stuxnet computer virus, created to sabotage Iran's nuclear programme, was the result of collaboration between at least one Western power and the Israeli secret service, a British cyber security expert has found. 
  5. South African flood deaths rise following weeks of heavy rains that began in December.
    Meteorologists say southern Africa's floods are caused by El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which has also been linked to recent flooding in Australia and the Philippines.
    Jesus tells us that at the time he returns there will be earthquakes in various places. There will be famines. There will be plagues and pestilence. Interestingly the word translated “earthquake” is also translated as “tempest” in the New Testament. 

Weekly World Watch 23rd - 29th Jan 2011


  1. Tens of thousands of Egyptians fed up with crushing poverty, unemployment and corruption poured out of mosques after Friday's noon prayers and battled police with stones and firebombs.
  2. Egypt has been Israel’s closest Middle East ally. Mubarak has worked with no less than 8 Israeli prime ministers and was of course the leader that signed a peace agreement with Israel in 1979. It was at that time that Egypt positioned itself on the side of Saudi Arabia, as head of the pro-American camp. The fading power of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's government leaves Israel in a state of strategic distress. Without Mubarak, Israel is left with almost no friends in the Middle East; last year, Israel saw its alliance with Turkey collapse.
  3. Oil prices surge on Middle East unrest.
  4. Less than 24 hours after the breakdown of its nuclear dialogue with the six world powers in Istanbul, Iran announced plans Sunday, Jan. 23, to send a fleet of warships, including a home-made destroyer, on operational and intelligence-gathering missions to the Red Sea and on to the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal.
  5. Ireland is upgrading its diplomatic relations with the Palestinian territories in recognition of progress being made by the Palestinian Authority, and is condemned by the Israel's government.
  6. Violence. The scenes that perhaps 20 years ago would have shocked us to our core are now so regular and common place its just another suicide bombing like at Moscow's Domodedovo airport.
    The world has become so violent that it must be similar to the days of Noah.
    When God looked down on the world around 4,500 years ago it was described as being “filled with violence”. The word violence means just that but also cruelty and injustice. As we see innocent victims blown up as they went about their own business we see extreme cruelty, total injustice and terrible violence. We live in the days of Noah

Weekly World Watch 30th Jan - 5th Feb 2011‏

This weeks WWW is now available.
To view it please click on the following link. You can either open it and view now.
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In this weeks WWW

Uprising in Egypt + some fascinating Bible verses that speak of these events...

We don’t need Wikileaks to tell us what the Bible has told us in advance. We read in the scriptures that the nations (at the time of end) will be in a race to make weapons – to prepare for war. We read in Zechariah 14 of the final battle over Jerusalem.
In this chapter we read of the effects of the war. Many have noted that the effects mentioned in this chapter to those who perish in the war are very similar to the effects caused by nuclear weapons. Flesh dissolving as people stand there, their eyes and tongues melting away. These are the effects of a nuclear weapon. They may be used…

  1. We have been watching incredible scenes in Egypt this week. Thousands and thousands of people determined to remove their government. But there has been much violence in the process with fighting between those Egyptians who want President Mubarak to continue in power and those (the majority it appears) who don’t.
  2. We've seen Iran essentially take control of Lebanon, where its proxy, Hizbollah, has ousted a relatively pro-Western prime minister and inserted its own candidate. We've seen the King of Jordan rush to sack his cabinet amid escalating protests. We've seen reports that similar demonstrations are planned for Syria, where the president, Bashar Assad, will find it far harder to get away with gunning down the crowds than his father did in 1982. And most dramatically, we are seeing the regime in Egypt – the largest, most important Arab country – totter, as President Mubarak faces unprecedented popular protest, and the likelihood that he will have to step down sooner rather than later.
  3. Egyptian officials blamed "terrorists" for an explosion which tore into a gas pipeline from Egypt to Israel and Jordan, and sent flames towering into the sky near the Gaza Strip. A leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt told the Arabic-language Iranian news network Al-Alam on Monday that he would like to see the Egyptian people prepare for war against Israel.
  4. Protest wave spreads out over Arab neighbours. Unrest in Tunisia, Yemen and Jordan.
    In the gospel of Luke, Jesus describes the nations (multitudes) rising up against nations (multitudes).
  5. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said the Middle East is facing a "perfect storm" of unrest and nations must embrace democratic change.
  6. Tension in the Middle East and Asia has given rise to an escalating atomic arms and missiles race which has “the direct potential to lead to nuclear war,” leaked diplomatic documents disclose.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Increase Earthquakes

There were some 61 earthquakes measuring above 5 Mw on the Richter scale during 2009, some
causing tsunamis and most resulting in loss of life.
The increasing frequency of earthquakes since 1948 has scientists alarmed.

The Lord Jesus warned of the increase in wars, earthquakes, famines and diseases in answer to the question by His disciples:’What signs will there be of your Coming?’ To those who heed the warning, His arrival on earth will mean their Saviour has come!
But Jesus had a message for those who ignore Him.
Luke 13:4 Those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell and slew them, do you think that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you, No: but, except you repent, you shall all likewise perish.
It is time to make our most important decision.
“Even so, Come, Lord Jesus.”

- YBIC, Arthur Wright

Dutch translation / Nederlandse vertaling > Toename van aardbevingen
2013 update 
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