Christadelphian Hall - Town Street (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
For Christadelphian Meal a Day Fund UK, the international family of charities founded by the Christadelphians, it looks like 2015 has been a challenging year, with income relatively low through the year until December.
Their total income rose eventually to 666,659 pounds, which was below their long term average and 31% down on a particularly generous 2014. However, with reserves carried forward from last year, they were at their November meeting able to support all their long term projects for 2016, plus during the year a smaller number of very worthy *one off* projects mainly providing clean water.
Currency exchange variations helped the Christadelphian Meal a Day Fund to the tune of a little over 30,000 pounds but this is unlikely to be repeated, as sterling weakens again. Recognising the downward trend in their annual income, and the sharply upward trend in costs in Africa, they will take steps to review and reduce their long term commitments.
Christadelphian Meal a Day Fund spent circa 668,000 pounds across a range of projects which go to support poor communities with clean water, agriculture, primary healthcare and education, plus three orphanages and several special centres for disabled children.
During 2015 they supported over 2700 children altogether, and provided more than 700,000 meals thanks to your continued support. Two-thirds of their spend went to feeding and water projects (33%), and to the Homes and orphanages they support (35%), the rest to education/schools (16%), medical and hygiene projects (9%) and community self help and training (6%).
The Fund continues to put 95p in every pound donated directly to work in these projects, dramatically better than any of the major charities due to the amount of voluntary work undertaken for the charity by its trustees and members, and by CBM UK.
They and we thank all who have helped them in this way.
The above figures are subject to audit. If you have any questions about CMaD or its finances, or wish to see the final audited accounts, please email bro Stuart Barrett at stuart@meal-a-day.org
And, if you would like regular email updates about their work – please sign up at http://www.meal-a-day.org/e-newsletter/