Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts

Sunday, 3 October 2021

Invitation to renew connection

 We are very pleased to find you here as a reader. We are also very thankful for all those regular readers and people who had subscribed themselves for receiving updates of newly placed postings.

After more than 4000 articles had been posted on the "Our World" blogspot, it sometimes took too long for the website to be fully visible and scrollable. For this reason, we have moved the entire site to a better working platform. We hope that the site will now be easier to use for the writer as well as for the reader.

Beginning as "Christadelphian world", the site came from the MSN groups to the platform of Multiply, only to be transferred to Blogspot from Blogger in anticipation. But that temporary placement seemed to be a permanent one until now.

If you were subscribed here to be informed of new postings, we would like to ask you to subscribe again to receive new articles, but this time at the WordPress site "View on the world".

Saturday, 25 September 2021

Our World on Blogger coming to its end

Since a few months, there seem to be problems with Blogger, making it not practical to open articles via tags. Also opening the home page takes on several browsers too much time. Even reducing the home page to only 5 articles did not bring a solution.


From 2021 September 25 I shall provide the articles which I would normally publish on "Our Word" on two platforms: The religious matters shall be placed mainly on Broeders in Christus or  Brethren in Christ, and the other news facts shall receive a place on From Guestwriters

As long as these WordPress websites allow the old system of publishing and do not force the block editing, that system is the best system of blogging and the easiest, giving the most facilities and offering also more viewers than many other systems.

I sincerely do hope to be able to find you there at those WordPress blogs as well as my other personal views and comments blog: Marcus Ampe's Space.

See you there!

Friday, 9 October 2020

2019-2020-2021 Twee seizoenen vol veranderingen #1


Onverwacht bleek in de internetwereld plotseling een rage van vernieuwingslust opgetreden te zijn. Google kwam eerst met het nieuws van veranderingen in Blogger. Enkele maanden gaven zij ook te kennen dat de Google Sites zouden wegvallen in een nieuwe versie, namelijk / De vroegere websites, gemaakt in het oude systeem zouden zogezegd converteerbaar zijn. Dat lukte echter niet voor onze Ecclesia site, omdat deze te groot bleek te zijn. Dat gaf tot gevolg dat al de pagina's manueel overgebracht moesten worden naar het nieuwe Site Google systeem. Om dit te doen heb ik de oude ecclesia site opgesplitst in vier nieuwe websites: een Nederlandse, Duitse, Franse en Engelse website.

Het plaatsen met een aangepaste layout en met de nodige linken vroeg echter heel wat werk dat meerdere dagen, om niet te zeggen maanden in beslag nam.

Vorige weken zaten wij voor een maand in Frankrijk met slecht of geen internet, zodat ik daardoor niet degelijk kon doorwerken. De komende dagen zal ik dan de Biblestudents website verder in orde moeten brengen.

De sites voor de Belgische Christadelphians mogen nu wel al toonbaar geacht worden. Nu moeten dan nog verder al de linken op de WordPress pagina's aangepast worden om terug te kunnen werken. Om de linken in de artikelen te gaan aanpassen is onbegonnen werk.

Al dat werk moet natuurlijk zijn nut hebben. Hiertoe is het belangrijk dat meerdere mensen in contact komen met onze websites.

Daarom durven wij nu ook de oproep doen om mee te helpen om onze websites kenbaar te maken. Vergeet alsjeblieft niet: elk aandeel, like, re-tweet, +1, abonnement en pin op een van onze websites betekent nog een goedkeuring voor onze website, waardoor tegelijkertijd ons 'sociale kapitaal' en onze 'zoek crediteerbaarheid' toenemen. Zulke aanduidingen om ons te verhogen met een "like" of "ster" doet ons in de ranking verhogen, wat belangrijk is om door de zoekmachines hoger op de lijst geplaatst te worden, zodat wij niet op de 100&100&100ste plaats zouden staan maar naar voren komen, om wie weet eens op de eerste pagina te komen bij de 25 eerst geselecteerden.

Velen zijn er zich nog onvoldoende van bewust hoe zij zonder veel inspanning toch kunnen helpen.
U kunt ons helpen door ons in staat te stellen een enorme hoeveelheid 'sociale aandelen' te verwerven, zodat we niet alleen onze SEO-signalen en de zichtbaarheid van onze site versterken, maar waarbij u het ons gemakkelijker zou kunnen maken om inhoud te creëren met waarde voor ons klantenbestand.

Bij Blogger bracht de vernieuwing eerst heel wat problemen mee, waardoor het bijna onmogelijk en zeer tijdscomsumerend was om een artikel te plaatsen, waardoor ik het bijna had opggegeven om nog verder in Bloggerberichten te plaatsen. Maar gelukkig heeft Google een goede oplossing gevonden om het weer allemaal werkbaar te maken en om weer makkelijker labels te plaatsen.


Bij mijn terugkomst uit Frankrijk merkte ik echter terug een hele verandering op. Dit maal in Blogger, waar zij hun Gutenberg Block Editing systeem aan iedereen hebben opgedrongen. Dat systeem om teksten te plaatsen is enorm tijdvretend en zeer onhandig. Uiteindelijk heb ik wel een oplossing gevonden om het gedeeltelijk te omzeilen en nog verder teksten naar eigen zin te publiceren. Maar vraag is, hoe lang dat nog zal kunnen.
Op 23 oktober 2011 werd het 200ste artikel op Ecclesia website geplaatst. Vandaag staat de teller daar op 1732.

In ieder geval heb ik de komende dagen mijn handen nog vol om de verscheidene pagina's in de WordPress sites up-to-date te maken zodat al de linken op die pagina's weer terug zullen werken.

Hopelijk zal u ook enkele van mijn andere websites komen bezoeken


Vindt verder ook

  1. Populaire zoekvragen over God op Google
  2. Overstap van MSN Spaces naar 
  3. Beëindiging MSN Spaces brengt overstap mee naar Wordpress
  4. Belofte voor 2018-2019
  5. Nieuwe Google-sites
  6. Over gaan tot een juiste focus
  7. Indien Blogger haar oude vorm niet behoud
  8. Looking for Free Blogs and blogging
  9. In case Blogger goes further with her new interface
  10. New Google Sites
  11. WordPress appears to have fallen off its best horse
  12. A Classic Editor versus Block Editor
  13. Help us to get better known


Mijn persoonlijke websites:

  1. Marcus Ampe Profiel
  2. Marcus Ampe's Space

De Christadelphian Websites 

  1. Broeders en zusters in Christus of Christadelphians
  2. Belgisch Christadelphians Ecclesia Brussel-Leuven
  3. Belgische Brüder in Christus
  4. Christadelphes Belges
  5. Belgian Christadelphians
  6. Christadelphians (WordPress)
  7. Broeders in Christus (WordPress)

Saturday, 1 August 2020

In case Blogger goes further with her new interface

In July, the new Blogger interface became the default for all users. Google promised to have the legacy interface to be still be available as an option. A few months ago, I tried out the new interface and label system. The way to label is very annoying and time consuming; When I type a new label it takes a long time before the letters appear. To look for the old labels and to click on them takes also a lot of time. The whole systemù becomes then very annoying and non-productive.

They recommend trying the new interface by clicking 'Try the new Blogger' in the left-hand navigation and gave the opportunity to file any critical issues encountered. I gave my remarks and noticed I was or am not the only one.

I tried out the new version of Blogger, but went back to the old interface, though todays it was set again in the new interface. In case I shall not be able to use the old interface I plan to stop writing articles in this platform and to start a new "Our World"  or newssite on WordPress which gives also more facilities.

When you are a blogger on blogger as well, what is your experience and how do you look at the new interface?

I would love to hear reactions from other bloggers.

Indien Blogger haar oude vorm niet behoud

Sinds kort worden wij maar langs alle kanten aangeraden de nieuwe Google site en Blogger te gebruiken.

In juli werd de nieuwe Blogger-interface de standaard voor alle gebruikers. Die nieuwe interface heb ik geprobeerd, maar al snel terug naar het oude gebracht. Vandaag stond het echtr terug in de nieuwe interface.
Volgens Blogger zou kan de verouderde interface nog steeds beschikbaar als optie, wat ik dus verkies. Ook al raden zij me aan de nieuwe interface te proberen door op 'Probeer de nieuwe Blogger' te klikken in de navigatie, maar ik ondervind daarbij geen verbetering maar wel een verslechtering. Ik heb de problemen al vorige maanden gemeld, maar er wordt precies niets aan gedaan.

Die nieuwe Blogger is waardeloos en neemt onnoemelijk veel tijd in beslag om artikelen te labelen, waardoor het niet praktisch meer is. Indien wij de vroegere vorm van labellen niet kunnen handhaven zullen wij genoodzaakt zijn om dit platform te beëindigen en over te gaan naar WordPress waar wij zeer goede ervaring mee hebben.

Ik zal het nog

Friday, 14 February 2014

Certain people trying to stem freedom of speech

This early morning I was very surprised to find my blog Christadelphian World blocked for public viewing because of a complaint to Google for inappropriate postings.

I am convinced this action against my writings and also taking away others to react on my writings is a breech of freedom of speech, plus a childish and cowardly action undertaken by a person living in a country which was part of the Soviet Union.  Though that person living it that country up North came originally from the United Kingdom he might have taken over dictatorial ideas of the previous oppressors.

He took care that my defence on the accusations he had made publicly were placed on my own website and where supplemented by other people who have seen the same atrocious action that person undertook in the Christian community.

His behaviour and managing to censure other people calls for the question how it is possible that one person can get so much power that he can silence those he does not like! This is bringing democracy and the freedom of speech in danger.

First of all I apologise to those people who made a comment on my articles:Duncan Heaster en Carelinks onverbiddelijke verhinderaars and No reconciliation possible between CBM and Duncan Heaster from Carelinks and could not find their remarks published. it sincerely is not my fault, and I find it strrange that I do not have any control over the texts that are written and comments that are made on the writing on thise platform. Very scary!
 I did send a request to Google to reconsider the accusation of inappropriate writing.

Either it was one person on his own who wants to silence me, or it is an organisation which backs their dictatorial leader and is prepared to do anything to please him, not considering if it is right and justified. The organisation which has the element "care" in in its name as such did not proof until know that it wants to care for those who want to share the love of God.  it also has the element "link" in its name, though since years our small community wants to link with other baptised Christadelphians which reside in Belgium. We also would have loved to give people who ask us for an address to meet, an address of a meeting place where they could find like-minded people.

It is because that person and his organisation do not want their members to meet with CBM members that it is impossible for us those who are in need of fellowship.

In the past we always have made advertisement for a book written and edited by the person who is against us. We also still said the last weeks, to people who phoned us to take contact with that organisation which refuses to arrange contacts with us. We did not mind to send them forwards to an organisation who did not want to share brotherhood with us. But for us it was more important that the people interested to learn about God and his Son could have regular fellowship and Bible study with people who believed in the same things we do.

For the same reason I also ask people when we can not reach them are they are unable to come to us, that they would take up a Bible study with the Jehovah Witnesses, and ask them to come to us if they have further questions. We also ask anybody interested to pose their questions on the internet itself.

Naturally when an other organisation seems to be able to stem the course of our replies, we have entered a very dangerous situation of an outsider bringing censorship on our own, and not their site.

Clearly someone of their organisation is taking much care to follow everything I am writing; Either there is a mole by my subscribers or there is someone taking much time to follow the many websites I present to the general public. In case there is a spy under my subscribers we do find it a pity such a person comes to us with such bad intentions and to cause such nuisance.

I do hope by Google would be people with more sense, than those childish persons who are fighting against such a small fly like me.

Though I must confess the Australian organisation of the above so called Christian and Christadelphian organisation seem to have weird ideas of my power. (See about that lower concerning taking somebody in fellowship and putting him out of fellowship)

In Belgium, we always have been open to the man who accuse me now of slander and who is trying to block me from writing. He even asked Facebook to withdraw me. Probably it is also him who asked Google to withdraw the writings on Blogger. (For that part I must say I do not know if it is him, so it could also have been somebody else who this time managed to do what the leader or the man living in Riga could not do).

We would have loved to welcome Mr. D.H. and people he had baptised in our midst and we did not want otherwise that those baptised Christadelphians in Belgium and Holland, would come together in unity. Our world is to small and we are not with enough to go into small units which would have no voice as such. Combined forces could do so much more.

Because in May 2012 we still had not come to a conclusion and could not have the so called caring Christadelphians meeting with us because the sir of the North refused us to fellowship with them, I called him Mr. ('mister') in the term of address, instead of 'brother', so the organisation took it as I had disfellowshipped him.

In October last year having seen that the person also was on a Christadelphians Unite Group and he himself asked for addresses of other Christadelphians I thought the time was ripe to come to reconciliation and offered him to join forces again. He kept refusing and coming back on my old writing.

We (the Belgian Christadelphians) let the person know that for us it would be best if we could bury the previous period of conflict as one to forget and make steps to rebuild trustworthy contacts. We wanted and still want unity and respect for all members in the Body of Christ.

After months of trying to come to reconciliation I at last went into the pen publicly and defended myself in front of those who questioned me. It was no intention of me to make false statements that could damage a person his reputation. The things brought forward in the Dutch and the English articles can be crosschecked for their viability. (In the comments I also had given a translation of the Dutch text in English and told the Flemish readers the part I forgot to write in the Dutch article but wrote in the English article.)

To Christadelphians we can show the files from the CBM and our discussions with D.H. and C.H. his wife, so that the readers of my articles can make up their mind and see if I did tell lies or that I reacted on facts which did really happen and where said by D. H..

After I had written the articles on this platform I got to know from a member of the Belgian Christadelphians that the organisation from Australia, with the C from Care in their name, would be willing to continue talks in case I re-installed Mr. D.H.

So in Australia they consider my talking to the person of the North by not calling him brother any more, would have included a worldwide taking away of his fellowship in the Christadelphian community. I would never have thought that I would ever be considered to be so powerful to be able to decide who can fellowship or can not fellowship in the worldwide community of Christadelphians.

So it was a strange reaction of that organisation. For my part there was no reason at all we would not take in Mr.D.H. as our brother.

! But what he has done now, after still refusing to have brethren and sisters in the faith meeting with each other, continuing to blame me and to assault me, accusing me of slander, plus him trying to block everything I bring into my defence, so that I could have the right to speak, makes reconciliation impossible.

I can only sincerely state that the whole situation of Mr. D.H. not allowing baptised C.l. members to have fellowship with our CBM baptised Christadelphians, in my eyes him not willing to have us meet together in Belgium, is an unchristian act, which after many trials to come to reconciliation got us nowhere further, except much more agitation and extra difficulties for our members with the CBM now too.

A person being able to stop having published reactions on what I placed in my articles, is a very dangerous person and also a very dangerous situation for the freedom of speech. It is a real infringement of what people should be able to share ideas and communicate with each other. Taking away such a possibility to communicate and to exchange ideas is going into the law of democracy and liberty.

I also do not know how it comes that I can have no control myself of what is written on my own webpages, and why I myself am not able to judge what can, may or could be added as comments to what I have written.

I wonder what organisation is behind such censorship and why they do not have to come those matters with the people involved.

All bloggers should be aware of such a dangerous situation of censorship by somebody, out of our control.


Please do find the concerned articles where the comments disappeared:
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