Showing posts with label eenheid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eenheid. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Willem J. Ouweneel wil ware volgers van de echte Jezus niet als christenen erkennen

Willem J. Ouweneel wil diegenen die op een van de punten van de Apostolische Geloofsbelijdenis (het Apostolicum) bewust en weloverwogen een andere visie kiest, niet als christen kunnen erkennen.

De Apostolische Geloofsbelijdenis (het Apostolicum) waar hij op zinspeelt gaat om
 de Drie-eenheid, Christus’ waarachtige godheid en waarachtige mensheid, de schepping, de zondeval, de verlossing door het werk van Christus, de lichamelijke opstanding van Christus én – te zijner tijd – van de zijnen, de wederkomst en de voleinding en – voeg ik eraan toe – de betekenis van de Schrift als het geïnspireerde Woord van God.
zegt Ouweneel.

Hierbij vergeet hij dat het God zelf is die zegt dat Jezus Zijn zoon is en dat de gelovigen in slechts één Ware God in die God van Jezus geloven. En die God van Jezus, die Jood was, is de God van de Joden en God van Abraham. In de Bijbel staat eer duidelijk omschreven dat Die Godheid een eeuwig alleswetende Geest is die geen enkel mens kan zien. Jezus daarentegen was door zeer veel mensen gezien, zonder dat zij erbij dood neervielen. Iets wat de trinitarische Christenen ook over het hoofd zien. Verder vergeten die trinitarische Christenen dat God een Alwetende Godheid is, terwijl Jezus heel wat dingen niet wist en zelf toegaf dat het niet aan hem gegeven was om zulke zaken te weten, omdat het enkel aan God is gegeven om dat te weten. Indien Jezus God is zou hij dat namelijk wel geweten hebben en ook hebben kunnen vertellen. Zeker als hij van de mensen hield, zou hij de zeer belangrijke zaken, zoals zijn terugkomst dan toch hebben kunnen melden, zodat iedereen zich tijdig zou kunnen voorbereiden.

Willem J. Ouweneel in "Wanneer kun je stellen dat een christen dwaalleer verkondigt?" schrijft op 19 augustus 2020:
Zes en drie weken geleden heb ik in twee columns in totaal twintig ‘dwalingen’ opgesomd. Maar ik wil er nu nog wel graag aan toevoegen dat er ruwweg twee soort ‘dwaalleringen’ bestaan: fundamentele en niet-fundamentele dwaalleringen.
Het verschil daartussen is heel simpel. Christenen kunnen over allerlei zaken verschil van mening hebben, terwijl zij zich toch één weten in Christus. Dan hebben we het over niet-fundamentele dwaalleringen. Maar fundamentele dwaalleringen zijn zo ernstig dat je je moet afvragen of je, als je zulke leringen aanhangt, wel behouden kunt worden.
Voor een van zijn lezers zijn de leer van dopen an sich wel een fundamenteel beginsel van het christelijk geloof (Heb. 6:1-2). Opvattingen over geloofsdoop en kinderdoop zijn daar wel direct aan verbonden, toch kan die schrijver zich voorstellen dat ze wel van een ander minder fundamenteel niveau zijn. 

Maar moet men zich niet de vraag stellen wat die doop eigenlijk inhoudt en tot welk geloof men wil komen. Een baby of kind onder een bepaalde leeftijd kan helemaal niet besluiten tot welk geloof het wil behoren en wat het wil of kan geloven.

Ouweneel geeft toe dat
Christenen kunnen over allerlei zaken verschil van mening hebben, terwijl zij zich toch één weten in Christus.

Bij die hele verscheidenheid van denken bij de verschillende christelijke denominaties zijn er wel erg wezenlijke verschillen. Ook betreft de beleving van dat geloof en het al of niet gebruiken van beelden of beeltenissen en symbolen is er een groot verschil, waar volgens ons geen eenheid onder Christus valt op te merken. Want Christus volgde de Joodse wetgeving waarbij volgens de Torah (de Wet van God) duidelijk werd gesteld dat er geen beeltenissen van God mochten of mogen gemaakt worden nog aanbeden worden; In heel wat christelijke denominaties zien wij wel mensen neerknielen voor beelden en priesters beelden bewieroken. Dat is volgens de God van de Bijbel heiligschennis en iets verwerpelijks.

Zij die geloven in Christus Jezus moeten de vraag stellen in welke Christus zij wensen te geloven:
  • de God van de Bijbel
  • de God die Jezus aanbad en tot wie Jezus nu voor de mens een voorspreker of bemiddelaar is
  • de god die een groot deel van kerken in het Christendom eren
Door te beweren dat diegenen die de Drie-eenheid niet aanbidden maar enkel de Enige Ware God van Jezus aanbidden, geen christenen zouden zijn, wordt hij in feite een anti-Christ. Hij stelt zich namelijk op tegen hen die de Christus zijn leer wensen op te volgen en niet de dwaalleren van andere mensen dan de mensenzoon zijn leerstellingen.
In feite zijn zij die Jezus als zoon van God aanvaarden en hem niet een god de zoon maken, de echte ware christenen, want zij houden zich niet enkel aan Jezus leer, maar houden zich ook aan Gods Wet, om slechts één Ware God te aanbidden en dat is de Elohim Hashem Jehovah.

Friday, 14 October 2011


Unity is when you share fellowship with...
Chuck Runge

Unity is when you share fellowship with brethren in Christ,
and excuses are no longer necessary.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Commitment to Christian unity

When the pope, at Westminster Abbey in London where he participated in an ecumenical celebration of Vespers on September 17, said:   "Our commitment to Christian unity is born of nothing less than our faith in Christ. ... It is the reality of Christ's person, His saving work and above all the historical fact of His resurrection, which is the content of the apostolic 'kerygma' and those credal formulas which, beginning in the New Testament itself, have guaranteed the integrity of its transmission. The Church's unity, in a word, can never be other than a unity in the apostolic faith, in the faith entrusted to each new member of the Body of Christ during the rite of Baptism. It is this faith which unites us to the Lord". did he wanted all around to believe that the Roman Catholic Church is the only apostolic church?

Speaking for a trinitarian public he could further say: "I come here today as a pilgrim from Rome, to pray before the tomb of St. Edward the Confessor and to join you in imploring the gift of Christian unity. May these moments of prayer and friendship confirm us in love for Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, and in common witness to the enduring power of the Gospel to illumine the future of this great nation". Because we think he would not like to see the non-trinitarian Christians in unity with their church.

Important to remember is: "Here we cannot help but be reminded of how greatly the Christian faith shaped the unity and culture of Europe and the heart and spirit of the English people. Here too, we are forcibly reminded that what we share, in Christ, is greater than what continues to divide us".
Benedict XVI recalled how this year marks the centenary of the modern ecumenical movement which "began with the Edinburgh Conference's appeal for Christian unity as the prerequisite for a credible and convincing witness to the Gospel in our time. In commemorating this anniversary, we must give thanks for the remarkable progress made towards this noble goal through the efforts of committed Christians of every denomination. At the same time, however, we remain conscious of how much yet remains to be done. In a world marked by growing interdependence and solidarity, we are challenged to proclaim with renewed conviction the reality of our reconciliation and liberation in Christ, and to propose the truth of the Gospel as the key to authentic and integral human development".

You can wounder what the Church's unity should be. Is a unity in the apostolic faith not to believe what the apostles themseves believed? And would this not mean that all Christians should keep to the first centuries believe of those who really  knew Jesus from first hand? But more important should Christians not go back to their leader they are proclaiming to follow?

Normally we all should strive to Christian unity, but we should be following all that Jesus asked us to do. We should keep to the tasks he gave to his disciples. In case Trinitarian Christians would like to their idea that Jesus is also God they should also accept those who keep to the words of Jesus and his Holy Father. In the Holy Scriptures their relationship is clearly described.

The Vatican see themselves as the “mother” church. The universal church. The word Catholic means “universal”. They see other Christian churches as wayward daughters that need to be brought back under her wings. The Pope’s ambition therefore is to become head of all Christian religion. But do we not have to look at what the Scriptures gave as warning to the next generations? Revelation 17:2 says that the “kings of the earth” have committed fornication with the harlot woman of Rome.

What happened yesterday is important for Christians to see in the light of the Bible.
As the Anglicans and Catholics all sang together in London (latter day Tyre) we heard not joyful words but the singing of “an harlot” as prophesied in Isaiah 23. “Tyre shall sing as an harlot”. The singing which began in 1996/7 is reaching a crescendo. The judgement of latter day Tyre will soon come. The next chapter says “the noise of them that rejoice endeth…” Isaiah 24:8

Get to know more in the  Weekly World Watch 12th - 18th Sept 2010‏

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Call for prayer to help with unity crisis

Peter Wisniowski on behalf of the Church St. Ecclesial Arranging Board writes

Greetings in the Master's Name!

The Church St. Ecclesia wishes to warmly invite all the ecclesias to join with us in a day of prayer to petition our Heaveny Father during this difficult time. The attached letter seeks the involvement of every member to join with us in a day of prayer on, God willing, Sunday July 11, 10:30 AM, 2010 EST. The purpose of this is to join hearts and hands to call upon our God to help with our unity crisis and the many problems facing the Brotherhood in this day and age. It is with great desire that we humbly ask you to consider agreeing with this initiative and sharing this request with your ecclesias. We believe that we all seek to worship in spirit and in truth and that, as one body, we yearn for Biblical unity. And we know that God can help, for nothing is impossible for Him!

Church St. Ecclesia has greatly responded to this prayer meeting request and will have a half hour early start time before our breaking of bread service , having arranged ahead of time the brethren who will offer up prayer for Biblical unity and other necessary things. We will have a continuous sequence of prayer with little interuption and end with the memorial. You may however have your own way of performing this prayer meeting - whatever works for you. As stated in the accompanying letter , we wish this day of prayer go even beyond the borders of this province. Please pass this message on far and wide!

Your brother by Providence,
On behalf of the Church St. Ecclesial Arranging Board,
Peter Wisniowski

2013 update:

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Monday, 1 February 2010

Wees druk bezig met het belangrijke teken van geloof

Christelijke Overdenking

Maandag 1 februari 2010
Galaten 5:6
Galatians 5:6 (52 kb)
  • Statenvertaling
  • GNV
  • NBG 1951
  • NBV
  • Het Boek
"Want in Christus Jezus heeft noch besnijdenis enige kracht noch voorhuid, maar het geloof, door de liefde werkende." (Ga 5:6 STV)
"Want als we één zijn met Christus Jezus, dan maakt besneden-zijn of niet-besneden-zijn geen verschil. Van belang is alleen geloof dat zich uit in daden van liefde."
"Want in Christus Jezus vermag noch besnijdenis iets, noch onbesneden zijn, maar geloof, door liefde werkende."
"In Christus Jezus is het volkomen onbelangrijk of men wel of niet besneden is. Belangrijk is dat men gelooft en de liefde kent, die het geloof zijn kracht verleent."
"Voor wie bij Christus Jezus hoort, is het al of niet besneden zijn volmaakt onbelangrijk. Het enige wat telt, is geloof dat zich in liefde uit."
Overdenking van vandaag:Phil Ware

Is het je ooit opgevallen hoe druk we bezig zijn met dingen die belangrijk zijn, maar dit zijn nog steeds niet de meest belangrijke dingen van ons geloof? Bij deze strijd gaat dikwijls het belangrijkste van allemaal verloren. In de eerste eeuw had deze strijd vaak te maken met Jood/heiden kwesties. Terwijl ras, cultuur en erfgoed belangrijk zijn, is eigenlijk het meest belangrijk het tonen van geloof door de liefde. Is het niet interessant dat in onze high-tech wereld van vandaag de belangrijkste kwestie hetzelfde is als het tweeduizend jaar geleden was - het geloof tot uitdrukking brengen door de liefde?

Liefdevolle Heer, help ons alstublieft elke muur te breken die uw mensen verdeelt en scheidt. Vergeef ons onze bekrompenheid en vooroordelen jegens elkaar. Maak in ons een diep verlangen los om de eenheid van de hemel in onze wereld van vandaag te delen. In de naam van Jezus, het zoenoffer voor alle volkeren van de wereld, vraag ik dit. Amen.

Engelse versie/ English version > Do not foget the important sign of belief

Monday, 11 January 2010

Jullie zullen hiervan getuigenis afleggen

Van 18 tot 25 januari worden alle christenen voor de 102e keer uitgenodigd om samen te bidden voor de eenheid.
,,Jullie zullen hiervan getuigenis afleggen’’ (Lukas 24,48) is dit jaar het thema van de gebedsweek voor de eenheid van de christenen. De gebedsweek wordt over de hele wereld gehouden en is een initiatief van de Wereldraad van Kerken en de Pauselijke Raad ter bevordering van de Eenheid van de christenen.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Being one in Jesus, Jesus in us and God in Jesus

John 17:23 "... I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."
Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Eenheid in Jezus en Jezus in ons en God in hem

Phil Ware    How will the world come to know that God sent his Son? Through our unity. How will the world know that God truly loves us as his children? When we live together in unity. What is that unity? That's harder to define. The basis of unity comes from our love for Jesus, our love for each other, and our devotion to his will. These things lead to a life of character so consistent with the will of God that he can be seen living in us! Yet for this kind of unity to be seen by the world, it has to be visible in the way we work with each other in the cause of the Gospel, the way we handle our differences, the way as a group that we consistently treat people of the world, and the way we come together in areas that clearly matter to God. May it only be so!

    Father, please help us, your children, come together in ways that honor you, reveal your character, and lead others to call on Jesus as Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

Eenheid in Jezus en Jezus in ons en God in hem

Christelijke Overdenking

Donderdag 13 augustus2009

Johannes 17:23

  • Statenvertaling
  • GNV
  • NBG 1951
  • NBV
  • Het Boek

"Ik in hen, en Gij in Mij; opdat zij volmaakt zijn in een, en opdat de wereld bekenne, dat Gij Mij gezonden hebt, en hen liefgehad hebt, gelijk Gij Mij liefgehad hebt." (Joh 17:23 STV)

"ik in hen en u in mij. Zo zullen ze volmaakt één zijn, en dan zal de wereld weten dat u mij gezonden hebt en dat u hen hebt liefgehad zoals u mij hebt liefgehad."

"Ik in hen en Gij in Mij, dat zij volmaakt zijn tot een, opdat de wereld erkenne, dat Gij Mij gezonden hebt, en dat Gij hen liefgehad hebt, gelijk Gij Mij liefgehad hebt."

"ik in hen en u in mij. Dan zullen zij volkomen één zijn en zal de wereld begrijpen dat u mij hebt gezonden, en dat u hen liefhad zoals u mij liefhad."

"Doordat Ik in hen ben en U in Mij bent, zullen zij een volmaakte eenheid zijn. Dan zal de wereld erkennen dat U Mij gestuurd hebt en dat U net zoveel van hen houdt als van Mij."


Overdenking van vandaag:

Hoe zal de wereld weten dat God zijn Zoon stuurde? Door onze eenheid. Hoe zal de wereld weten dat God echt van ons houdt als zijn kinderen? Wanneer we samen in eenheid leven. Wat is die eenheid? Dat is moeilijker om te definiëren. De basis van de eenheid komt van onze liefde voor Jezus, onze liefde voor elkaar en onze toewijding aan zijn wil. Deze dingen leiden tot een leven met een mentaliteit in overeenstemming met de wil van God waardoor gezien kan worden dat God in ons leeft! Maar voordat dit soort eenheid gezien wordt door de wereld, moet het zichtbaar zijn in de manier waarop we met elkaar werken met het evangelie als beweegreden, de manier waarop we omgaan met onze verschillen, de manier waarop we als een groep consequent de mensen van de wereld behandelen, en de manier waarop we samen komen op gebieden die duidelijk belangrijk zijn voor God. Laat het zo mogen zijn!



Vader, help ons alstublieft, uw kinderen, samen te komen op een manier die u eer brengt, die u mentaliteit laat zien, en anderen ertoe brengt Jezus als Heer aan te roepen. In de naam van Jezus Christus, bid ik. Amen.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Be Honest

Be Honest

Paul exhorts us in I Timothy 2:2-3 to lead a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour.

Being honest in the sight of all men means that we must be completely straightforward and truthful in our dealings with others -- and also to ourselves. We say we have accepted the Truth and claim therefore that we are honest. But do we continue to make mischief and tell lies?

To be honest is hard

Sometimes we find it hard to be honest because we don’t want to upset anyone. To take a very trivial example: we see a friend and we don’t think that her clothing is at all appropriate but we are afraid to say so and end up complimenting her. Is that being honest?

In speaking the truth we have to be gentle and considerate, but sometimes even that can bring hurt feelings.

Complete honesty

We are supposed to be missionaries preaching the Lord Jesus Christ in word and action. He was always totally honest and true ­ as we must be! He was not only honest in the sight of all men, he was totally honest before God. And he will help us in our aim to be honest before God, for only then will our honesty be complete. Look how he helped Peter to overcome his shameful dishonesty. And he did it in deepest love.

The Lord hates lying lips

Sometimes we tell lies and excuse them as jokes when they are found out. “Like a madman shooting firebrands or deadly arrows is a man who deceives his neighbour and says, ‘I was only joking!’” (Prov. 26:18-19). This kind of behaviour is often seen in children and because it is not corrected it continues into manhood. It is never too early to learn that complete truthfulness must be a way of life from childhood onward. These things the Lord hates ­ a proud look, a lying tongue, a false witness who tells lies, and he that sows discord among brethren.

The evils of repetition

We must be on our guard that we are not taken in by lies just because we hear them over and over again. We must also make sure that we ourselves are not guilty of trying to convince others of something that is not true by the use of repetition. Remember that mob in the theatre in Ephesus? They wanted everybody to believe that the goddess Diana was real. So they just shouted and screamed and chanted in unison “Great is Diana of the Ephesians” for a couple of hours until everybody was hoarse. But the idol was as dead at the end of all those “vain repetitions” as it was at the beginning. Let us not be so proud as to refuse to give up a false opinion we have, even though the truth has been revealed to us.

Recently I spoke to a sister concerning a brother and family member about some misunderstanding that had taken place. The sister made it clear that there was nothing I nor anyone could do to convince this brother that what he heard was a lie. He is stubborn and too proud to let go of self and be humble. We deplore this behaviour in others. Let us also be sure that we despise it in ourselves as well.

Dwell together in unity

In Psalm 133, we are reminded that it is good and pleasant for brethren to dwell together in unity. The final blessing of eternal life will come only to brethren and sisters who dwell together in unity. Spreading lies and believing them causes discord and unhappiness. What a hateful thing to sow seeds of bitterness in a united family and cause unnecessary strife! This is the old nature of man, but for those who are washed in the blood of the Lamb, this should not be named among us. Our faith should be stronger than to tell lies.

A new medium for lies

The Internet and E-mail have provided a new medium for spreading lies about those whom we may not like. We can hide our identity while still causing pain to others. I have been appalled at the misuse of the Internet by brethren who should know better. I know one sister who has suffered intense distress because of untrue things circulated widely about her, in some cases by brethren who have never even met her. It should never be like that in the family of God.

Why should anyone ­ especially a brother or a sister ­ tell such lies deliberately? Is it to accomplish evil? Why go naked to such a work when there are many beautiful garments ready to hand? It is easy to feel bitter and find covering which might even deceive ourselves.

Be thankful

We have much to be thankful for today through the mercies of God shown in the saving name of Christ Jesus. That’s why many of us who have lying lips like Ananias and Sapphira don’t drop down dead immediately as they did. There is still time to start a life of truthfulness. How long are we going to wait before we,

Speak the truth and speak it ever, cost it what it will.

He who hides the wrong he did, does the wrong thing still.

Brethren and sisters, we cannot lie our way through to the Kingdom. Instead, be honest and true. Be truly serious about the word. Be true to one another."

Gerzel Gordon - Editorial
The Caribbean Pioneer - May 2002

Thursday, 16 April 2009

The Ecclesia

The Ecclesia

"Christadelphians adopt these principles by common consent in seeking to preserve their faith and way of life in each of their congregations (often called ecclesias ­ a word carried through from the Greek of the New Testament and meaning an assembly).

The community is held together by the common consent of each congregation to the agreed fundamentals of belief and practice as found in the Scriptures. The Christadelphian community has no superintending body, no hierarchy or supra-authority other than the Word of God and the overlordship of Christ. By these means Christadelphians order their affairs in submission to God and His Son. Christadelphians believe that their arrangements are as nearly in accord with first century Christianity as they can achieve.
The community has its own blemishes and has not been able to avoid schism over the years. Happily considerable healing of this has occurred in recent times.

Scripture teaches that preservation of unity is to be striven for and the tendency to fragmentation to be deplored. But unity must be upon sound principles. For this reason, ecumenism as a means of bringing together fundamentally different groups does not find favour with Christadelphians. In any case, our points of difference often make us unacceptable to others.

The weekly breaking of bread service in Christadelphian meetings is the centre of their expression of fellowship in Christ.
Members regularly assemble in this way and meet in other Christadelphian ecclesias when they are on holiday or visiting in other places or other lands. The fellowship thus expressed is
remarkably alive and there is a real family bond among Christadelphians wherever they go.

It is possible for the exclusiveness of the breaking of bread service to be regarded as unfriendly by non-Christadelphians, particularly those who like to have an open fellowship. As the reader will have gathered from what has gone before, Christadelphians base their fellowship on a common faith and a common way of life. We are heartily glad to welcome new members by belief and baptism, but we do not extend our breaking of bread service to any one who might care to come along irrespective of his belief or behaviour. We regard this as fundamental to our existence. Fellowship is not simply friendship.
It is sharing all that is precious in the truest sense. We believe that to be worth preserving."

Brother Harry Tennant
The Christadelphians - What they Believe and Preach

Monday, 19 January 2009

Gebedsweek voor de eenheid van de Christenen

BRUSSEL (KerkNet) – Van 18 tot 25 januari vindt de 'Gebedsweek voor de Eenheid van de Christenen' plaats. Dit jaar werd gekozen voor het thema: ‘In uw hand zullen ze één worden', een passage uit Ezechiël 37, 17.19. De teksten zijn uitgewerkt door vertegenwoordigers van de Koreaanse bisschoppen en de Nationale Raad van Kerken in Korea, beiden drager van de inspanningen voor vrede en verzoening tussen Noord- en Zuid-Korea. We lezen: “Als christenen verwachten wij de dag waarop God de gescheiden delen zal herenigen. Dan zullen wij God loven en danken voor de verzoening die hij brengt en voor zijn eeuwige schepping.” Ook de profeet Ezechiël leefde in een tragisch verdeeld land en streefde de eenheid van zijn volk na. De teksten werden ter goedkeuring voorgelegd aan de Pauselijke Raad voor de Eenheid van de Christenen en de Commissie Geloof en Kerkorde van de Wereldraad van Kerken. De gebedsweek voor de eenheid heeft dit keer een extra dimensie, omdat nog tot 29 juni een Paulusjaar plaats heeft en op 15 juli wereldwijd de vijfhonderdste verjaardag wordt herdacht van de hervormer Johannes Calvijn (1509-1564).


Friday, 2 January 2009

Baptised sister not of higher status before God then an unbaptised young male?

Robin Hughes from New Zealand wrote in a Facebook topic:

When an unbaptised young male is allowed to speak is not the baptised sister not of higher status before God?
One of the issues involved is that of usurping authority. If she is not usurping authority then that eliminates that as an issue in that particular situation.

The issue of Disorder in the meeting is not valid if its building harmony.
Don't get legal on this. Its not a matter of God having made this rule and so everyone must do this or that there is not such a rule and so therefore we can do whatever we like. We have freedom in Christ and yet Love constrains us.

What are the issues the apostles were looking at? Is it really about sisters being weak or is it really about brothers being weak?

Adam failed to Lead the woman in the beginning. The woman failed to follow. So it appears we are each condemned to do what we are weakest at. That which we need to learn and do.

We know that Jesus's view of woman was much better then that of the Jews. Jesus brang the woman forward out of the Womans part of the synagogue to the mens part so that he might heal her.

Pauls teachings although they may seem harsh on woman was actually liberating considering how they had been treated prior to this.

Through christ the woman had found Freedom at last. The issue of taking their head coverings off arose and Paul showed good reasoning for keeping the head covering on when praying and prophesying. Something he reminded them was demanded by Roman Law.

Paul had much concern for the disorder entering the Eclessia due to the new found Freedom in Christ. One of the long list referred to the speaking of the women some of which were uneducated. Asking Questions in the meeting that were very disruptive. So rather then this they should ask at home so that the meeting could proceed in order.

As for teaching the bible gives the children that is the unbaptised to be taught by her. This is largely due to the need for someone to take responsibility for their education and tuition. This is a priveledge and not something to be taken lightly. Under Jewish practice the Rabai probably did a lot of this teaching.
The woman having a lesser Role is a myth. Its just as important as the Male's who are expected to lead for their growth and development a very difficult thing for males who find it much easier to do what their wives tell them. The woman naturally finds it easy to lead and so it is to her to learn in quietness and meekness.

So this is my view. Everything that is in scripture is for our learning. Walk in Love. Err on the side of caution. Do not create a stumbling block for your brother/sister. If a woman is to read or speak it should be not usurping the brothers role, that is of authority, that if they ask her to read or speak and it be with the consent of those brothers present. Any situation when the unbaptised is allowed to read or speak the Sisters should definately be allowed to speak.

The responsibility of Love goes both ways. Whether you are strict or liberal to walk in love to act out of love and care for your brothers and sisters rather then out of Fleshly legalistic desires. For legal thinking is of the world and the thinking of Love and care comes from the spirit.

One of the things that God loves most Is unity
and One of the things he hates most is divisiveness.

Shouldn't we be taking these things into consideration when looking at issues. Whatever is not of Love is not of God.

Jesus's Teachings were Love. His doctrine is to Love God and one another. If you miss the basics of the truth when examining the details of walking in love. Then you have completely missed the point. When an issue arises I believe God is more concerned about how we behave then who is right.
Its more important to do what you believe then believe what is right. We know this from the scripture. We know that although Paul had Freedom in Christ that love constrained him that although sometimes we have the freedom to do things that doesn't mean its the right or most loving thing to do.