Showing posts with label pictorial language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pictorial language. Show all posts

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

The Metaphorical language of the Bible

To become a good Christian and to reach holiness it is essential to read the bible and to try to understand it. For some is the language of the Bible to old-fashioned. But for those we can only advise to look for a more contemporary translation. Today nobody in our Western world can bring in the excuse that he cannot find a Bible in a language he or she cannot understand. Everybody should be able to find several Bible translations on the market and one in a smoothly readable language which should be acceptable for that person. But one must take the biblical language used into account at reading the Holy Book.

On Saturday March 13 2010, god willing, the Dutch speaking Brethren in Christ shall keep their annual studies and meeting day in ‘t nieuw Kerkehuis, at the corner Daltonstraat/Leusderweg in Amersfoort. During that day we will take one of the most striking characteristics of biblical language use under eyes. It is the language which deters many people undeserved and where some have difficulty to come in to it.
Striking at the different denominations in Christianity is also how diverse people wish to approach those Biblical texts. Also the statements of the church communities lie sometimes far from each other, with the one which find that we need everything to take literally and the other one which find that it must be taken all figurative or as a tale.

On the study day the Dutch Brethren want show that it is a pity in fact that the figurative language and metaphors, which are characteristic for the Bible, are insufficiently recognized. Because it is just that metaphorical language that lets us to penetrate into the core of the biblical message. It is just the imagery language which that revives the book.
In the seminar the Brethren want to show three frequently used forms of picture language: the Parable, personalisation and the foreshadowing. It are the two last forms that ensure most problems in the church. Personalisation lets, as it happens, many believe that there is spoken of real people whereas it concerns individual characters, characteristic properties or situations. One gets also pictures which convert abstract terms into easily to understand (and recognisable!) key words. One must recognise them however. By personalisation, as it happens, many persons are confused or to found to mix the personages. Many cannot see or do not want to see the red wire which runs through the whole book.

The three forms of pictorial language can give us a deeper insight in truth and in the person of Christ Jesus. That are live pictures which provide the highest necessary insights, which we have necessary for a pure term of Jesus' position with respect to his Father and with respect to us as His children. But also for a pure insight in the real intention of the Mosaic law on the one hand, and the shortcomings of the Old Treaty on the other side. An insight that is necessary to be able to recognise what now exactly is the added value (and what not!) of the New Treaty in Christ, where our salvation eventually nevertheless depends on.
The Dutch Christadelphians want be supervisors of trainees who want to help us on getting a better insight to Bible reading.
It is, as it happens, this way only that we can become good bible readers when one has insight in the language use of those 66 books of the Holy Scriptures.
Everyone we would like to invite to attend a captivating study day and chance of making contact with other believing Christians and to gather sociably with bible study and two meals.

Dutch text / Nederlandse tekst >Studiedag rond Bijbelse Beeldtaal
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