Showing posts with label studieweek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label studieweek. Show all posts

Friday 8 July 2011

Waiting for Gods Salvation

There is, God willing, planned subject to the will and blessing of our Heavenly Father, a week for brethren and sisters, young people and children to come aside from the world for a week and concentrate our minds on those things which we know to be true.

The Christadelphian Hertfordshire Spring Bible School are God willing, to consider the general theme for the week of:


There will be three main sessions each day on the following subjects led by the following brethren:

"The Passover" led by Bro Mark Evans of Napton

"What shall befall Israel in the latter days" led by Bro Richard Mellowes of Caerphilly


"The Kingdom of God" led by Bro Stephen Egginton of Stourport

There will also be topical evening studies and opportunity to consider the daily readings each day. There will be seperate lessons and related activities for the children and young people. There will also be activities organised for those who wish each afternoon, including a visit to a museum of Biblical interest.

COSTS: Full board, including lunch on both Monday and Friday.
Under 4 years: Free
4-6 years: £55 (£69 en-suite)
7-13 years: £111 (£137 en-suite)
14-16 years: £167 (£205 en-suite)
17 years and above: £224 (£274 en-suite)

There is a maximum family charge of £615 in standard accommodation.

Monday  June 4 2012 from 13:00 -Friday  June 8 2012 until 14:00

High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddeston, Hertfordshire
Lord Street
Hoddesdon, United Kingdom

Thursday 18 February 2010

Bible Study Week 30.7. - 5.8.2010

Flensunger Hof
Christadelphian-Gemeinde Esslingen

Dear brethren and sisters, young people and children. All brethren and sisters, young people and children are invited to join us, God willing, from the 3th of July to the 5th of August 2010 in the delightful holiday village Flensunger Hof for a week of family bible study, activity and fellowship. Most bedrooms in the complex are en-suite. More information under

In order to make the necessary arrangements we need your booking as soon as possible (booking form enclosed).

Because of the rising cost of Iiving, all brethren and sisters are encouraged to give donations to help make participation more affordable for families with children and brethren and sisters from Eastern Europe.

Donations should be transferred with the re mark "Spende Flensunger Hof 2010"to:

Christadelphian-Gemeinde Esslingen Postbank Stuttgart (Sort Code 600 100 70) Account No.: 638 03 702

/BAN:     DE07 6001 0070 0063 803702


Speaker and Topics for adults:

Br. Adrian Standeven (Nottingham, GB):

The Tabernacle - "a figure for the time then present"

Br. Joseph Palmer (San Diego, USA) "Lessons from the Philippians"

Studies by Joseph Palmer


Lessons from the




Acts 16 "Choosing to


suffer affliction"




Phi! 1 "Your fellowship


from the first day"


Phi! 2 "Let this mind be in




Phil 3 "I press toward the





Phi! 4 "Whatsoever things


are true"


Special study: Lessons


from creation: Californian




Studies by


Adrian Standeven


The Tabemac/e -


"a figure for the time


then present"


"There was a tabernac!e




The Guter Court


The Brazen Altar and




The Holy Place


The Most Holy Place


"Arise and bui!d"




Exhortation in Esslingen on

8th Aug 2010 will be led by


Joseph Palmer


Special activities:

Outing, sports and crafts. Sunday School will be held during the studies.

Booking Fees:


Single room                   €270,-

Multi-bedroom                €235,-

Young people (17-19)

Single room                   €170,-

Multi-bedroom                €100,-


1 amount for all children between 3 and 16 years

in one family                 €100,-

Children under 3           free

Adults booking before 2nd May 2010 receive a 10.- early booking reduction.

Please see booking form attached (in German) or download it from bibelstudienwochen

Christadelphian-Gemeinde Esslingen Anmeldeformular Bibelstudienwoche im Flensunger Hof Freitag, 30. Juli - Donnerstag, 05. Aug 2010



Familie Imhof

Am Stadtgarten 12 70806 Kornwestheim DEUTSCHLAND





'- _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ---J LAND



Telefon: +49(0)71545494





Bitte entnehmt die Beiträge der Kostentabelle und beachtet den Frühbucher-Rabatt. Bitte schickt die Anmeldung bis spätestens 6.6.2010 zurück!






o o o o o

Geburtsdatum (Kinder/Jugend!.)'

Zimmer- Vege-

typ ~         tarier

o o o o o


Kinder unter 16 Jahren müssen von einem Erwachsenen begleitet werden, der die Verantwortung übernimmt Bitte den gewünschten Zimmertyp angeben: EZ: Einzelzimmer; MZ: Mehrbettzimmer



IchlWir würde(n) gerne helfen bei (bitte ankreuzen):

                                                    Übersetzen   0

                                                Klavierspielen   0

                                            Sonntagsschule   0

                              Sonntagsschule mithelfen   0

                                                     Kinderhort   0

                                                      Teeabend   0

Bademeister/in Organisation Jugendsport Organisation Kindersport Organisation Basteln Wanderung leiten

Angebot: _______________ _

o o o o o o



Bibelstudienwoche Flensunger Hof 2010


Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Bijbelstudieweek 30.7. - 5.8.2010
German text and subscription form / Deutches einladung > 

Bijbelstudieweek 30.7. - 5.8.2010

Christadelphian-Gemeinde Esslingen
Flensunger Hof

Beste broeders en zusters, jonge persoon en kinderen, wij nodigen alle broers en zusters, jonge mensen en kinderen vriendelijk uit, om met ons, de week van 30 Juli tot 5 Augustus 2010 in de mooie vakantieomgeving van Flensunger Hof te besteden.
Het vakantiegebied is in de omgeving van Mücke, één uur auto rijden ten noorden van Frankfurt A. M. Bijna alle ruimten zijn uitgerust met douche en WC.
Verdere informatie kan u vinden onder:

Niemand zou wegens financiële redenen moeten afzien van te komen. Om het even wie een financiële noodsituatie zou hebben kan zich er toe zetten onze Duitse Broeders aan te schrijven om toch te kunnen participeren aan de studieweek van de Bijbel. Wij vragen namelijk, dergelijke broeders en zusters om in een geest van wederzijds vertrouwen ten laatste tegen  06.06.2009 zich te wenden tot broeders en zusters Neil en Ilona McQueen!

Mits dat overal de kostenstijging zich voor doet, worden alle broers en zusters van harte opgeroepen om door schenkingsbijdragen de families met kinderen te helpen om de participatie op deze week ook gemakkelijker te maken, en er voor te zorgen dat de broeders en de zusters van Oost-Europa ook kunnen worden uitgenodigd.
De schenkingen kunnen met bijschrift "Spende Flensunger Hof 2010" worden overgemaakt aan:

Christadelphian-Gemeinde Esslingen Postbank Stuttgart (Sort Code 600 100 70) Account No.: 638 03 702

/BAN:     DE07 6001 0070 0063 803702


Als spreker voor de volwassenen zal Adrian Standeven (Nottingham, GB) het onderwerp brengen: “Het tabernakel - „Een Gelijkenis voor de huidige tijd“  en Joseph Palmer uit San Diego (V.S.) „Lessen uit de Filippenzen“

Vind het verdere programma en inschrijvingsformulier:
In het Duits op >