Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

In de VS extreemrechtse terrorisme in de lift

Sinds het aantreden van Barack Obama als 44ste president van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika konden wij een toename waarnemen van Amerikaanse burgers die niet tevreden waren met de hoge functies die zwarten konden innemen in "hun Staten".

Tijdens zijn 8 jaar voorzitterschap van de Verenigde Staten stond de buitengewone capaciteit van Barack Obama om de diepste aspiraties van mensen naar boven te brengen te botsen met binnenlandse politieke verdelingen, die zijn vermogen beperkten om een duurzaam wetgevingsprogramma te bouwen dat vergelijkbaar is met de New Deal, de Grote Maatschappij of de Reagan-revolutie.

Het enige onmiskenbare aspect van de nalatenschap van Obama is dat hij aantoonde dat een zwarte man president van de Verenigde Staten kan worden en vervolgens bewees hij dat het de moeite toont om door te zetten en zich niet te laten afschepen door hen die zeggen dat iets onmogelijks is. Deze prestatie zal de eerste regel in zijn doodsbrief zijn en zal hem in staat stellen om in elke Amerikaanse geschiedenishandboek van nu tot eeuwigheid vermeld te staan als de eerst zwarte president van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika.

De laatste 2 decennia kreeg Noord Amerika met een identiteitscrisis te kampen. De moeilijkheden begonnen met de bankcrisis en de onderliggende moeilijkheden rond de werkverschaffing en sluiting van de autobedrijven.

Vele blanken konden het niet meer velen dat zwarten hun plaats in de maatschappij hadden ingenomen en het buiten hun verwachtingen konden maken. Dat deed hen pijn in hun blanke superioriteitsgevoelend hart. Toen zij meegesleurd werden in de armen moest er een zondebok gevonden worden. Daarvoor waren de zwarten en zwarte politici de bevoorrechte schuldigen en allen die mee voor de zwarten opkwamen hoorden verworpen te worden.

Politici zagen hierin de kans mooi om door populistische maatregelen omhoog te klimmen en zelfs de pester en bullebak Donald Trump in het gareel te brengen om de 45ste president van Amerika te worden.

Wie denkt dat het extreemrechtse geweld in Charlottesville een reactie is op een al te dominante politieke correctheid of de schuld is van anti-racistische activisten maakt niet alleen een redeneerfout, het is ook het gevolg van een historische blindheid.
Honderden jaren lang, en tot diep in de twintigste eeuw waren de Verenigde Staten niet ‘de grootste democratie ter wereld’ voor mensen van kleur, maar wel een racistische dictatuur. 

Diegene die er een meer sociaal medelevende maatschappij van had willen maken is daar niet helemaal in geslaagd doordat de tegenwerking zo enorm groot was dat men zelfs al zeer blij kan zijn voor datgene waarin hij wel slaagde.


Lees verder over de toestand van de Amerikaanse gevoelens en racisme: 

De terreur in Charlottesville komt niet uit de lucht gevallen, ze heeft een lange geschiedenis

Al jarenlang zit het extreemrechtse terrorisme in de lift in de VS. Dat is niet nieuw. Maar de manier waarop de extreemrechtse terreur wordt geminimaliseerd door Trump, rechtse politici en commentatoren is wel stilaan zorgwekkend.


Friday, 5 February 2016

Obama zegt dat Jezus een goed medicijn is tegen angst

English: Barack Obama
 Barack Obama (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Obama heeft al heel wat tegenwind mogen ervaren tijdens zijn ambtstermijn. Maar hij maalde er niet om om duidelijk te maken achter welke Joods-christelijke waarden hij staat.

Donderdag bezocht de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama het jaarlijkse 'prayer breakfast' waar hij de aanwezige christenen opriep om angst af te wijzen.
 "Want God geeft niet een geest van lafhartigheid, maar van kracht, liefde en bezonnenheid."
"Ik bid dat we door Zijn genade deze moed zullen tonen. Niet alleen tijdens dit soort gebedsbijeenkomsten, maar ook op andere momenten. Ook wanneer het moeilijk is. Als we te maken hebben met uitdagingen, boosheid of wanneer iemand het niet met ons eens is." (...) "
Velen worden door de onzekere tijden overmand door angst, vooral voor het ongekende. De grote vluchtelingenstroom en het terreurbewind van bepaalde Islamistische groepen heeft hen angst voor de Islam bezorgt. Maar indien zij sterk zouden staan in hun geloof in Christus of in hun geloof in God, zouden zij helemaal niet bang hoeven te zijn.

Voorzeker is Jezus een goed medicijn tegen angst. Van zijn voorbeeld kunnen wij zeer veel leren. Als wij zijn leerstelling na leven kan ons al heel veel moeilijkheden gespaard blijven.

De Bijbel vertelt ons ook dat Jezus, als zoon van God voor ons nu bij zijn hemelse Vader is, waar hij aan Gods rechterhand zit als bemiddelaar tussen God en mens. Daar staat hij in deze tumultueuze tijd achter ons en wijst hij ons de weg. Het is zijn liefde die ons ook die kracht moet en zal geven om ons weerbaar te maken. Hij kan er mee voor zorgen dat wij angst en verleidingen kunnen weerstaan en de kloof met anderen kan wegnemen.

Indien jij je aan Jezus geeft is hij daar om jou moed te geven en om jou op te doen komen voor het goede, ook wanneer dat ons niet populair maakt.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Do Al-Qaeda, Islamic State, ISIS and ISIL belong to true Islam

President Barack Obama channeled George W. Bush.  The former has assembled a grand coalition to fight a new Middle Eastern war.  According to Forbes only President Obama acted without legal authority and stuck the U.S. with most of the work.
English: President George W. Bush and Presiden...
President George W. Bush and President-elect Barack Obama meet in the Oval Office of the White House Monday, November 10, 2008. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

According to Forbes Contributor the Islamic State is evil, but the organization’s raison d’etre is establishing a Middle Eastern caliphate, or quasi-state, not terrorizing Americans.  In fact, grabbing territory provided the U.S. with a target for retaliation in response to any attack, something lacking with al-Qaeda and its many off-shoots.
But are the aims of Al-Qaeda and Islamic State not going further, hoping to convert the whole world to the Islam and having one world regime under Islamic Law?

U.S.A. Secretary Jeh Johnson said:  “We know of no credible information that ISIL is planning to attack the homeland at present.”

Two weeks ago President Barack Obama did try to make a broader point when he uttered
 "Let’s be clear: While this group may call itself the “Islamic State,” it is not “Islamic.”c,"
which made that several Americans and critics on Twitter quickly fired off on the President for making the assertion, with many noting that ISIL in fact stands for the "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant." 

What Obama said in his prime-time speech Wednesday night September 10 can be found in ISIL will find no safe haven where the president rightly accuses those who just kill innocent people and destroy also Islamic heritage not to be people who live according the rules of the faith they say to defend. Why would they rape and kill other Muslims if they are real faithful Muslims and how can it that they bomb, burn and destroy Qurans, whilst in case Western people would do such a thing they would call for a fatwa and shout for murder of that person.

Muslim political, religious and social commentator regularly appearing on British television and radio presenter Mohammed Ansar also know as a leading public advocate against extremism, has tackled both international terror threats and domestic far right radicalisation. Mohammed is well known for his advocacy for Muslim civil rights and is outspoken against Islamophobia. Mohammed became the focus of international attention when he was named at the top of terrorist organisation Al Shabab's most-wanted list. In spite of this, Mohammed has continued to speak out publically against the rise of terror and extremism, and to promote peace and tolerance amongst communities. Mohammed advocates a return to an authentic Islamic enlightenment as part of the Muslim revivalist and spiritual reformational movement.
For him there is no doubt that in these coming days, global , almost a third of humanity, will unite across all forms of division, in the worship of one God. But to have Islamic State being part of that true worshipping community seems to be a bridge too far. Many today still have no idea that is the completion of the religion which was revealed to mankind through a single line of Prophets.
On the 11° of September he tweeted:
 ISIL is not Islamic, says prime time @BarackObama (and virtually every Muslim and reasonably educated person on the face of our planet).
Also for Ameena Jandali, the Content Director for Islamic Networks Group ( ING), a non-profit organization that counters prejudice and discrimination against American Muslims by teaching about their traditions and contributions in the context of America’s history and cultural diversity, while building relations between American Muslims and other groups, it is clear there is something wrong in the attitude of those Jihad fighters. 
this year, hajj will take place against the ugly backdrop of a group that has come to represent the antithesis of what the pilgrimage signifies: Unity through diversity, brotherhood and equality, and the sanctity of religion, its symbols and holy places.
For Patheos and Time he writes:
As ISIS sends another two hundred thousand Muslim Kurds fleeing into Turkey after terrorizing Christian, Yazidi, and other populations for months, millions of pilgrims in Islam’s two holiest cities are gathered to peacefully commemorate Abraham, the father, not only of Islam, but of Judaism and Christianity.
Jandali points to the other major theme of hajj which is the interconnectedness of humankind, which is demonstrated by the simple white pieces of cloth which all male pilgrims wear during the duration of the hajj, no matter from where in the world they come.

Jandali continues:
Especially at this holy time, the stark contrast between the lofty goals of the religion and the actions of groups like ISIS, Boko Haram and others who make a mockery of Islam with their brutal and merciless behavior is a painful reminder that religion is not about terminology or slogans. Rather, true religion is explained in a saying of the Prophet Muhammad,
“I was only sent to perfect good character.”
I also think when we see and hear what those fundamentalists do that they do too many things which are against the idea of Quran and certainly against the Words of God like we know them. Seeing how they treat other Muslims makes us think and wonder what their real motives are. There we clearly can see that power and making an own state is the major mover. In case the incentive would be to make a sacred Islamic State than they should accept all Muslim brothers and sisters as part of the people united under the teachings of the prophet Muhammad. In case their ideas, motives are really funded on the believe they should spread the true belief in One God, they would not destroy such books like the Quran, which would and should be a Holy Book for all Muslims.

In my article Not true or True Catholicism and True Islam I go deeper into this matter and show more reasons why Islamic State (IS) is not a real true Islamic Movement.

Please do find to read:


Monday, 17 December 2012

US must do more to protect its children

In October the head teacher of Sandy Hook Elementary viewed her school as a model, telling the Newtown Bee newspaper in 2010: "I don't think you could find a more positive place to bring students to every day."

Once more the world had to face a drama in a school. The assault on Sandy Hook school in Newtown, Connecticut, by Adam Lanza, 20, who shot dead his mother before driving to the school in her car then killing twenty children and six women before taking his own life.

Since Barack Obama has been President for the fourth time he had to come together to comfort a grieving community torn apart by a mass shooting.  The fourth time they’ve hugged survivors.  The fourth time they’ve consoled families of victims and in between, there have been an endless series of deadly shootings across the country, almost daily reports of victims, many of them children, in small towns and big cities all across America -- victims whose -- much of the time, their only fault was being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Strangely enough in the previous case it were Christian conservatives who opposed any limitation of weapon carriage. Though more than once voice said the American people could not tolerate this anymore, no severe political action was taken becaus the firarmslobby was too strong to resit.

"These tragedies must end." Obama is also convinced. President Obama speaking at at an inter-faith vigil in Newtown, Mr Obama said he would use the powers of his office to prevent a repeat of the tragedy. "We will be told that the causes of such violence are complex, and that is true.  No single law -- no set of laws can eliminate evil from the world, or prevent every senseless act of violence in our society."

Obama drew on Scripture and spirtuality to comfort grieving families - and a heartbroken nation Sunday night in Newtown where the first funerals, for two of the child victims, will be held today.

Officials say the young man was armed with hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and used a semi-automatic rifle as his main weapon. He was also carrying two handguns, and a shotgun was recovered from a car.

The complex causes of gun crime "can't be an excuse for inaction", Obama said. " And you must know that whatever measure of comfort we can provide, we will provide; whatever portion of sadness that we can share with you to ease this heavy load, we will gladly bear it.  Newtown -- you are not alone."

"We know that there were other teachers who barricaded themselves inside classrooms, and kept steady through it all, and reassured their students by saying “wait for the good guys, they’re coming”; “show me your smile.”
And we know that good guys came.  The first responders who raced to the scene, helping to guide those in harm’s way to safety, and comfort those in need, holding at bay their own shock and trauma because they had a job to do, and others needed them more.
And then there were the scenes of the schoolchildren, helping one another, holding each other, dutifully following instructions in the way that young children sometimes do; one child even trying to encourage a grown-up by saying, “I know karate.  So it’s okay.  I’ll lead the way out.”

In the face of indescribable violence, in the face of unconscionable evil, many in that small town have looked out for each other, and have cared for one another. With such tragedies we always also can see that there is shown love and caring for each other.

But once more it is time that the Americans open their eyes and see what damage weapons can do and how much more important it is to come up for the weak and safeguard people from the pisuse of those killing 'playtoys'.

Often we see American adults couraging theid kids playing with weapons and exercising shooting. The first replay they give is the freedom of people and the second amendment in the constitutional law.
Did they ever wonder how far freedom goes and what it really is?

Today that nation should be left with some hard questions.
It is realy high time to consider if it is wearth to continue to sell weapons so freely.

Would the American government now at last take steps to safeguard their children?

Obama continued his speech:
"Someone once described the joy and anxiety of parenthood as the equivalent of having your heart outside of your body all the time, walking around.  With their very first cry, this most precious, vital part of ourselves -- our child -- is suddenly exposed to the world, to possible mishap or malice.  And every parent knows there is nothing we will not do to shield our children from harm.  And yet, we also know that with that child’s very first step, and each step after that, they are separating from us; that we won’t -- that we can’t always be there for them.  They’ll suffer sickness and setbacks and broken hearts and disappointments.  And we learn that our most important job is to give them what they need to become self-reliant and capable and resilient, ready to face the world without fear.
And we know we can’t do this by ourselves.  It comes as a shock at a certain point where you realize, no matter how much you love these kids, you can’t do it by yourself.  That this job of keeping our children safe, and teaching them well, is something we can only do together, with the help of friends and neighbours, the help of a community, and the help of a nation.  And in that way, we come to realize that we bear a responsibility for every child because we’re counting on everybody else to help look after ours; that we’re all parents; that they’re all our children.
This is our first task -- caring for our children.  It’s our first job.  If we don’t get that right, we don’t get anything right.  That’s how, as a society, we will be judged."

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Robertson: God says U.S. will accept socialism

Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, announced at his staff's annual prayer retreat that God told him Americans would embrace socialism in 2009 "in order to relieve their pain" and that the economy would rebound under an Obama administration.
"The Lord said the economy of your nation will recover," Robertson told a group assembled at Founders Inn on the campus of Regent University in Virginia Beach, Va., a university Robertson founded.
Robertson said God also declared, "The steps taken will lead to a dramatic increase in the power of government. The people will welcome socialism in order to relieve their pain. Nothing will stand in the way of a plan by Obama to restructure the economy in the same fashion as the New Deal in the '30s."
Read more > Broadcaster's annual predictions also assure economic turnaround
In the interview with Meeuwsen, Robertson assures Americans that contrary to many economists' opinions, the economic recovery will be swift.
Socialist policies and massive government spending, Robertson told Meeuwsen, could lead to heavy hyperinflation, sending prices through the roof and the value of the dollar through the floor.

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Time for global change

Time for global change! What does the future have in store?

This presentation was originally held in the Nuneaton and Hinckley areas in December 2008. It is now available to view again online. For further presentations to watch online, see the Christadelphians Old Path Bible Truth Israel at 60 series marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the state of Israel in May 2008.
English: (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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