Showing posts with label power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label power. Show all posts

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

To whom do we want to be enslaved

Be enslaved to Christ

English: Name tags of two of . Created by Saaby.
Name tags of two of . Created by Saaby. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In our search to come some where or to accomplish something it can well be that we do try to find solutions in human organisations. We try to clinch to those who seem to have the power to make everything work better.

Perhaps we are blinded and do not notice the reality behind the curtain. We want to believe those organisations would be able to create what we are not (yet) able to do, and we show them are weakness, but by doing that we also give them the assurance they can go ahead and take charge over us.

By putting our hopes and aspirations on those human constructions we perhaps forget to see the real man behind it all, or the man in whom we should better trust more.  Though we may try to follow Jesus not seeing any advancement around us, in this world, the danger looks around the corner that we go and clinch more to those human organisations instead of trusting in the cornerstone of the Church and in his Father, Who calls those Who He wants to be with Him.

But by not having patience enough, we do think human people could bring a solution. Normally they could help, yes. Normally people should help to continue missionary work, and getting people to come together to share the Word of God. In this world we do often forget that it is ruled not by Christ yet and not by God but by the powers of this world, where so many are being tempted to have a taste of such power.

Getting doors slammed against our face, undergoing several trials, it is up to us to get up after falling and to try to continue our way, in the name of Christ, and not in the name of such or such organisation. Our hope and our eyes should not be on those worldly organisations nor on worldly-things but on the spiritual and on the powers which are above all human power.

Hopefully we have found that answer and are among those who “followed him”, making our lives count in some meaningful ways, according to our abilities, in the way we follow him.

A last thought: “whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved” (2 Peter 2:19). Let us be enslaved to Christ; remember, it is not possible to be only half committed....

Each of us has to make the choice to whom we wanted to be connected and in which way we want to be united. We should find each other in love to be willing to be united under Christ willing to grow as a part of his body, and to become one in spirit with him (1 Corinthians 6:17; 12:27; Ephesians 5:30)

As son and daughters we should give each other the outstretched hand of peace and co-operation, with the aim to help each other to become one in Christ (Galatians 3:26, 28)

It is in Christ we should be willing to grow, giving ourself up as a volunteer to become a tool in  God’s workmanship ‐‐ His handiwork ‐‐ born anew in Christ to do his work (Ephesians 2:10) Hand in hand with brethren and sisters in Christ we should feel connected, not being slaves of this world or bounded by handcuffs to one particular organisation here on earth, but as free fellow citizens with the rest of God’s family (Ephesians 2:19)

In case we do have to be enslaved to somebody, or have to be a prisoner of, than it should be Jesus  Christ, the Nazarene man who liberated us from all chains. (Ephesians 3:1, 4:1)

As children of God we should come to see who is our brother and who is our sister,  and accept them with their own peculiarities, living under a new law, not made by man from  worldly organisations, but by a Supreme Being. A higher law and a more glorious dispensation.  By faith we receive it and should embrace it,  no longer walking after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Everything we do should not be for our own glory or for the glory of one particular worldly organisation. We should be a product of the Spirit and this Holy Spirit, the Power of God should find a welcoming place in our hearts. We should be willing to give ourselves so that the Holy Spirit can abide in us and that we are offering ourselves for His glory and no longer for our own.  (1 John 5:4)

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Thursday, 13 October 2011

Stepping toes

Stepping toes =
step on toes According the Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary:step on someone's toes and tread on someone's toes
1. Lit. to step down onto someone's toes, causing pain. Please don't step on my toes as you walk by.
2. Fig. to offend or insult someone, as if causing physical pain. You're sure I won't be stepping on her toes if I talk directly to her supervisor? I didn't mean to tread on your toes.step/tread on somebody's toes
to say or do something which upsets someone, especially by becoming involved in something which is their responsibility I'd like to make some changes to the working procedures, but I don't want to tread on anyone's toes.
See keep on toes
See also: step, toe
Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, 2nd ed. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2006. Reproduced with permission.

step on (somebody's) toes
to upset someone, esp. by getting involved in something that is their responsibility It's hard to make changes in the department without stepping on a lot of toes. He's willing to step on toes to get things done.
See also: step, toe
Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2003. Reproduced with permission.

The figuratively speaking to say or do something, which possibly can upsets someone is what the Christadelphians on Xanga wants to do. They would like to dare question certain things people do believe. The website wants to get people involved in something which is their responsibility, though often they do not think of such a matter easily.

Often people are accustomed to certain beliefs, attitudes, traditions and feel themselves at ease not to think about it or to change anything about it. But the Christadelphians at Xanga wants to make them awake and to get them thinking, questioning either our beliefs or their beliefs.

The aim of the Christadelphians on Xanga is to make some changes to what people assume could be the truth. By questioning certain sayings it could be that they tread on anyone's toes, but they do want to do it lovingly, with a little bit of twisting the feet out of embarrassment, as a small child wants to question things. (Do you notice it in the photograph)

In case you do not agree with a certain point of belief, that is the place to question it. In such an instance they are willing to go out from your idea. Than they would say: "If it is like you say than this or that would be like  so and so."  They would not mind to compare several versions of belief-points to compare them with the saying in the Bible.

They ask you not to mind that they use the Bible to look at your and their saying, because that is according to them the Book that can bring the solution. According to Christadelphians in there we can all find the answers to our questions. (In a certain way we even do not need other persons to give the answers, because God has provided them in His Word: the Book of Books the Bible, the Bestseller of all times.)

Frank Sinatra sung: "Everybody knows you're stepping on my toes And stepping on my heart-strings too, With an idle kiss, you grabbed a moment's bliss, That left me with a heart that's true." (Read more: FRANK SINATRA - YOU'RE STEPPING ON MY TOES LYRICS  -Copied from )

Love may be a game for many, but for the Christadelphians it is something very important. For them every person on this earth should become our brother or our sister, and together we should share the love Christ Jesus had for this world.

The Xanga Christadelphians do not want to "Keep the big business picture to themselves"! they do not only want to share small portions of what’s expected on the job and keep the big stuff.
the do not want to keep to the rule: "If something changes, don’t tell anyone!"
    • Knowledge is power, and if you’re the only one who knows what’s going on, then it follows that you have all the power.
They do not mind that somebody has the power on this earth, because this situation is just temporarily. For them Jesus has the power to judge, but all power belongs to his and our Father, the Only One God.

Some might think: "If something changes, and you must tell someone, only tell half the people involved on the job." or "Sometimes it’s good to share knowledge and power, that way if something gets screwed up, you’re not the only one to blame! "

The problem with them is that they can not keep still on their chair. They do want to tell. They do want to tell so much, perhaps it can frighten some. And the problem is they do not mind telling what they can find in that mysterious "old fashioned Book". Because for them it looks as the cave of Ali Baba, full of treasures. But they are so precious they do not dare to keep them only for themselves. Plus, there are to many stones ...

So why not share them?

Go and have a look at "Stepping Stones." I meant "Stepping Toes"

>> Update: Stepping Toes WordPress site 

About Stepping toes
Aim of Steppingtoes site

2016 January update

Monday, 21 March 2011

Power in the life of certain

The human race is a study in diversity. —We are a fascinating collection of different shades, different shapes, different sizes. —We support ourselves in an amazing variety of ways. —We speak to our loved ones in over 6,000 tongues.—Yet, we are far more alike than different.

We share common concerns, needs, desires. We want economic security and satisfying work. We want our marriages to be happy. We want the best for our children. We want them to be close to us. We want them to share our values, to be safe and secure. Also we need friendship and support from others. We thrive on human contact and love. Young or old, we cherish good health. Far too often though, these desires go unfulfilled.

Children come to reject parental values and standards. Marital bliss turns into marital distress. Making a living becomes a stressful ordeal. Despite high-tech medicine, illness and death eventually conquer us all. Most people feel powerless to improve their lot in life. However there is something that can make a difference, something that has given millions of people hope, and has empowered them to change their lives for the better. Something that can make a difference in your life.

The Bible– Its Power In Your Life.

Many acknowledge the Bible as a literary masterpiece, but it is much more than that. It is the most widely circulated book in existence. Over 90% of the population of our planet have access to it. More than any other book, the Bible has the power to change people's lives, As the Bible itself says: "The word of God is alive and exerts power . . ." [Hebrews 4:12] But if this is true, then why do so many problems plague mankind? How could the Bible have the solutions to mankind's difficulties when so many of those who claim to believe in it are unfulfilled and unhappy? The World Council of Churches reports: "There is frightening and growing ignorance of the Bible in all sections of western society." Bible Societies estimate that 85% of western `Christians' have never read the whole Bible. Regrettably, many who do read the Bible simply do not understand it. God's word thus has little impact on the lives of most who claim to believe in it.

Do you understand the Bible? Do you read it?
In Belgium not many persons do take up the Book they consider just difficult to read imaginative literature or old fashioned poetry.

Are there people interested to know more about that Word of God?
Are it only Jehovah's Witnesses who have unlocked the Bible's power and put it to work in their lives.  They are known the world over as students of the Bible, but they are not the only ones.
In Belgium you also can find serious Bible researchers, people who do love to read and study the Bible, recognising that it is the invaluable Word of God, which can show us the Way to Live for ever.

We have the firm conviction that the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God.
"The Bible that we have today, is referred to by many as a divine library, a collection of sacred writings, undertaken by about 40 different men over a period of 1,500 years. Some of these writers were shepherds, fishermen, and even a physician. Remarkably though, the Bible is one harmonious book, united by a single theme, God's Kingdom. The book that we have today, called `The Bible' is a reliable library of divine information. "

By conforming to God's Law book, the Bible, not only millions of Jehovah's Witnesses have transformed their lives. Before that organisation the world could already find serious Bible Students with a.o. Thomasites or Christadelphians.

All those who looked into the Word of God to find teachings and inspiration where helped by those words in the 66 books of the Bible, in three arias: Family Life, Economics, and Health.

Bible Students as the Christadelphians are also convinced that the Bible offers any advice that can help you survive today's tough economic conditions and that there are Bible principles that can help prevent needless suffering.

The Bible has the power to change lives. But it does more than just give practical advice. The Bible is the law book of God's Kingdom. It sets forth the principles we must adhere to if we are to live forever under that kingdom's rule.
The Bible can improve our lives. Yet, as the apostle Paul wrote: "All creation keeps on groaning together, and being in pain." Faithful servants of God are not spared the ravages of illness, or the aches and pains of old age. But they are sustained by faith in the future blessings from God's Kingdom. The words of Job 33:25 will then be fulfilled on a grand scale. "Let his flesh become fresher than in youth. Let him return to the days of his youthful vigour."

Are you willing to have your life inspired and boosted up in power of the Creator?

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

What English Bible do you use?

Do you have a Bible at home? Do you read it regularly?
Have you more then one Bible version in the house? Which translation do you prefer?
Though the major religions of the world are founded upon the writings of men, we as Christians do believe that we have the Word of God brought to us by worldly man, but those writers say it are not their words, but the Holy Words of the Creator of this universe.
The Bible exists among us as one book and maintains one view of human nature from beginning to end. Yet it is in fact composed of more than 60 books, written by over 40 different authors, and its compilation extended from the days of Moses (1400 BC) to the days of the apostle John (end of 1st Century AD), a period of 1,500 years. Its writings are not just philosophical predictions. They are rooted in human history, dealing with actual nations and real people.
Consistently we do find in it the exposure of the natural tendencies of man, national pride, corrupt kings, self-indulgent desire for power and possessions, readiness to adopt other nations' idolatries, allied with a persistent rejection of the enlightened commandments of their God, the good but also the bad things they did, even of the writers. Everything was written down to educate the people of this world.
Those writings became translated in many languages so that everybody could read it in a tongue they could understand. But as men we have our preferences. So "what is your favourite?", is the question of this month.

This month's survey question on This is your

What English Bible do you use?

KJV / AV The 1611 Authorised King James Version
NIV New International Version
ESV English Standard Bible
RSV / NRSV Revised Standard Bible
NLT - New Living Translation
No preference
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Thursday, 13 January 2011

Compromise and accomodation

A summary of the Bible Hour presentation at the Christadelphian Hall, Blackpool Street, Burton-upon-Trent on Sunday 5th December 2010 on the compromise and accommodation between Christianity and the religions and philosophies of the world can be found in: The Trinity: paganism or Christianity?
What had once been a simple faith which could be understood by the man in the street, became a complex system of theology which was the preserve of an educated elite. The Christian church became an establishment with political influence and political power. It also became divided.
You also can find more about the historical developments how the Trinity came in to Christianity at the Belgian Biblestudents in the continuation from the articles:  The First Century of Christianity & Positioning of those in power, in Power and position and to be published later Early days of Christianity: Minimizing the power of God’s Force the Holy Spirit; Second Century; Hellenistic influences; Politics and power first priority; Blending of Jewish, Oriental, and Hellenic thought; a.o.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Developing new energy

some men develop new energy in me
as I am in
the neighbourhood with them in.
 And surly You, God!
  You give me power and perseverance.
  I want to serve YOU with all my energy, so that YOU
become glorified.
me the power to glorify your name today.
Thank YOU, Jehovah my God.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Nieuwe energie ontwikkelen 

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Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Christ begotten through the power of the Holy Spirit

Christ was begotten by the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit. Unlike human beings, He had no physical father. What we can glean from this event, however, is that the Holy Spirit is the means by which the Father begets His sons. Just as Christ was begotten by the Father, Christians also are begotten by Him. The only difference is that Christians are begotten outside the womb. We do not possess the Holy Spirit until after baptism (Acts 2:38). Once we are baptised and receive the Holy Spirit, we become begotten sons of God.

It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that God teaches us: “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, [it] shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (John 14:26). “Howbeit when [it], the Spirit of truth, is come, [it] will guide you into all truth…” (John 16:13).

A mind without the Holy Spirit cannot comprehend spiritual things and has no hope of understanding God’s Word — the Bible. It is only through the indwelling of the Spirit that one is able to understand the mind of God. Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 2:9-16.

The above scriptures, including 1 Corinthians 2:9-16, can be summarized in the following way: Those who are being guided by the Holy Spirit can understand spiritual things, and those who are not being led by the Holy Spirit cannot understand — it is impossible! Just as you cannot know the thoughts and ways of another man, neither can you know the thoughts and ways of God. If one could somehow “project” his spirit into the mind of another person, then he could know that person’s thoughts. In a sense, it could be said that the “projection” of God’s Spirit into our minds is what allows us to comprehend “the things of God.”

The Holy Spirit also strengthens Christians in a number of important ways. It describes how God’s Spirit directly empowers — strengthens — those who have it: “That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us…” (Ephesians 3:16-20).

Christ gives His servants the strength needed to overcome what could be called the three “S’s”—self, Satan and society, which are the three things that produce a fourth “S,” sin. All real overcoming is done by the power of the Holy Spirit. Just as Christ could only overcome by the Father dwelling within Him through the Spirit, it is through that Spirit dwelling within a person, that overcoming anything spiritual is made possible.

Clearly the Spirit is not a person, but it is the action and the power. You must be willing to admit that the realm of traditional Christianity (and the world in general) has remained ignorant of what the Holy Spirit is. Naturally, this has directly contributed to why the nature of God so completely escapes their comprehension.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Christus verwekt door de Kracht van de Heilige Geest