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U.S. Coast Guard HH-60 and a 47-ft Motor Life Boat (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Een Amerikaanse zeiler die al 66 dagen vermist was, is vorige week
gered door een Duits vrachtschip, ongeveer 320 kilometer voor de kust
van de staat North Carolina. De zeilboot van de 37-jarige Louis Jordan
was gekapseisd, waarna hij ruim twee maanden stuurloos op zee heeft
Na een ongeluk met zijn zeilboot op
23 januari zat Jordan vast op open zee. Zes dagen later gaf zijn familie
hem op als vermist. 'Ik dacht dat ik je kwijt was', zei zijn vader
nadat hij gered was. 'We hebben continu gebeden en gehoopt dat je nog in
leven zou zijn.'
Jordan bad daarentegen op zee
voor zijn familie 'omdat ik bang was dat jullie zouden rouwen om mijn
dood, terwijl ik niet dood was.'
Survival, rescue of sailor missing since January
The last time Frank Jordan spoke with his son, Louis Jordan was fishing on a sailboat a few miles off the South Carolina coast.
next time he spoke with him, more than two months had passed and the
younger Jordan was on a German-flagged container ship 200 miles from
North Carolina, just rescued from his disabled boat.
"I thought I lost you," the relieved father said.
Jordan, 37, took his 35-foot sailboat out in late January and hadn't
been heard from in 66 days when he was spotted Thursday afternoon by the
Houston Express on his ship drifting in the Atlantic Ocean.
was utterly thankful and grateful to the people who rescued me, and I
was grateful to God that my parents were not going to be worried about
me," Jordan told CNN.
A Coast Guard MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew medevacs Louis Jordan from
motor vessel Houston Express off the North Carolina coast Thursday,
April 2, 2015. The crew aboard Houston Express spotted Jordan on his
disabled sailboat and took him aboard approximately 200 miles east of
Cape Hatteras. (U.S. Coast Guard video by Air Station Elizabeth City)