Showing posts with label literatuur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label literatuur. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Understanding The Atonement

A new book entitled Understanding The Atonement by brother Matthew Trowell has just been published and lots of debates went on throughout the Christadelphian community.

It concerns one of those things which created a lot of dispute and perhaps some ridicule splits between Christadelphian friends and ecclesiae.
Even whith this publication there seem to be contradictions going around.

Richard Morgan  :Matthew is a Bible student and he doesn't use dead men's words to interpret ...the Scriptures.

One brother wrote: The Atonement is, as any Christadelphian should know, and as John Thomas so fervently argued in Elpis Israel, only one half of the gospel message. The Kingdom of God being the other half. And second, why state sufficient scriptural detail? Is this book a stripped down arguement of the Atonement with minimal scriptural support, in other words - The Atonement Lite?
An other brother reacted: "A quick review of the contents of this book shows that only 75 pages out of 220 pertain to the atonement. Most of the book is completely off topic." and rightly ads: "A Biblical approach would compare and contrast the scriptures, and not pick and choose writings of men to show our partisans were the good guys."

Dan Garan finds that: " It's not really intended as a preaching tool, but a resource for Christadelphians--to present the mainstream view of the atonement in simple terms and to contrast that with divergent views that have cropped up over the years."

Do you want to see through the mists of language and thought that have clouded this most wonderful of all themes in Scripture for far too long?    

You can buy the book: it is available to order or download a free PDF copy at
  1. The Purpose of God
  2. The Nature of Man
  3. The Nature of Christ
  4. The Work of God
  5. Our Hope in Christ
  6. The First Extreme “Clean-Flesh”
  7. The Second Extreme “Andrewism”
  8. What is ‘Sin’?
  9. A Sacrifice For Sin
  10. How Did Christ Benefit?
  11. Types and Shadows
  12. False Conclusions
  13. Sin is Real
  14. Releasing The Angel Inside
  15. Unity of The Faith

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Worlds apart

Our brother and retired teacher, lecturer in Biblical and Religious matters, Colin J. Edwards has written a book about the 17 th Century Tilly family of Ringwood, Hampshire in Southern England who were Congregational Puritans. He looks to what happened if you had a conscience and didn’t agree with the prevailing view of religion and politics and describes the social background and the daily life of a family suffering harassment, death, unemployment, eviction, social isolation and absolute poverty .

Desperation led to thoughts of emigration to a New World > ‘Worlds Apart

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Be Not Thou Weary

Be not thou weary in thy Master's cause,
Let not thy courage fail nor hope grow dim;
He worketh hitherto without a pause
Rejoice in fellowship of toil with him.
Be not thou weary, for the work is great,
And time is short, the labourers are few;
Soon, soon to all will close: the vineyard gate,
Do well and truly what thou hast to do.
Be not thou weary, slacken not thy zeal,
Sow broadcast, for the harvest comes at length;
E'en now thy Master doth himself reveal,
Look thou to him for all the needed strength.
Be not thou weary, the reward is sure,
Great is the recompense, if great the strife;
And he that doth unto the end endure,
Shall from the Lord receive the crown of life.

Logos Volume 36 p.139

Friday, 17 July 2009

Nieuw boek over Joël

In het Engels is er een nieuw boek verschenen over het Boek Joël.
> A new book on Joel

A new book on Joel

A reader might ask: Is there a need for another commentary on Joel? A new book on the Book of Joel is available. The book examines Joel and locates his ministry in the life and times of Ahaz and Hezekiah. It is based on the KJV, NASB and RSV versions and focuses on exegesis of the text and the relationship of Joel to other prophetic books.
Where existing studies of Joel perform well is in the areas of word analysis and devotional application; hence, they do not duplicate this kind of material, although they include a final chapter on the relevance of Joel to Christians living in the “last days”.
They take the view that Joel is part of inspired scripture and follow the common belief of Jesus and the first century church.

According to the writers it is well known that Joel lacks unequivocal determinate historical markers, therefore they have given the most weight to the external evidence for its date, and this is its position in the Hebrew and Greek canons which, on balance, suggest an eighth century date. They also argue for the view that the book is a literary unity and therefore they have no reason to overturn the external witness of the superscription—that it is the work of one author, Joel. A sister-book to this one engages the work of other writers on Joel, but they have excluded this material from this book. They have sought to include only footnotes to the relevant contemporary Assyrian texts. Their approach is centred on the text rather than centred on the scholar and his commentary.


Price £5.17 (GBP) plus postage and packing from locally based print-on-demand suppliers e.g. Austrailia, USA, etc.
Order from:
or from Willow Publications, 13 St. Georges Terrace, East Boldon, Tyne and
Wear, NE36 0LU, United Kingdom.

Friday, 15 May 2009

‘Belijdenissen’ van Aurelius Augustinus

Na bijna vijftig jaar is er een nieuwe Nederlandse vertaling van de ‘Belijdenissen’ van Aurelius Augustinus verschenen.
Het is een werk waar dankbare verwondering, maar ook oprechte, dóórvragende verbazing worden getoond. ‘Hoe zou ik U ooit kunnen begrijpen, Heer, maar hoe ook ooit mezelf? Want niet alleen Gij zijt een raadsel - ook zelf ben ik een raadsel voor mij’, roept hij uit in het tiende hoofdstuk. ‘Wat ben ik dan toch, mijn God? Wat voor wezen ben ik eigenlijk?’ (10,26), en: ‘Voor uw ogen ben ik mezelf een vraag geworden en dat is mijn ongeluk!’ (10,50).
Velen hebben de Confessiones beschouwd als de eerste moderne autobiografie. Met name in de 19e eeuw werd Augustinus’ boek graag als bekentenisliteratuur gezien: een ziel die in alle openhartigheid zijn levensweg vertelt, en daarmee God en anderen deelgenoot maakt van zijn fouten en zonden.

> Lees de beoordeling: Augustinus’ theologie is op en top modern

Friday, 20 February 2009

Kardinaal Danneels ontvangt Scriptores-Christianiprijs

BRUSSEL (KerkNet) – Kardinaal Danneels, de aartsbisschop van Mechelen-Brussel die naar aanleiding van zijn 75ste verjaardag zijn ontslag aanbood, ontving dinsdagavond de Scriptores-Christianiprijs voor zijn gesproken en geschreven oeuvre. In zijn dankrede beklemtoonde de laureaat het belang van de literatuur. “Vooral in mijn jeugd speelde de literatuur een belangrijke rol”, zei de kardinaal. Met de prijs ontving kardinaal Danneels een glasraam van Margot Weemaes. De literatuurprijs wordt toegekend door de Scriptores Christiani, overkoepelende vereniging van christelijke schrijvers. De prijs gaat jaarlijks naar een auteur die in zijn werk een christelijk spirituele dimensie uitdiept.

Dankrede van de kardinaal

Dankrede van de kardinaal Bron: ctb/GL

Ruime opkomst

Ruime opkomst Bron: ctb /GL
