Showing posts with label sons of the realm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sons of the realm. Show all posts

Monday, 18 June 2018

To sacrifice our being for Christ

The Nazarene Jew Jeshua (Jesus Christ) put his own will aside and offered himself as a lamb for God, as a ransom for us all.

Now time has come that we should also let him and his heavenly Father see Who we want to follow and Who we want to have as our God. Jesus showed his love for his God, Who is the Only One God of Israel, the God of Abraham. He asked his followers to become one with his God like he is one with Jehovah God. Coming closer to the time of Great Tribulation it is time to show the world to who you want to belong. It is high time to show the world for what you care and what or whom you love.

Did you ever ask yourself for whom you would risk everything?

Today we still face this materialistic world. But we should know that time for this world is limited. Today there are still many people, kings, presidents, ministers, as leaders demanding people to follow them and who reign their country as if it belongs to them. But everything on earth belongs to the Divine Creator. When he created this world He had a purpose for it and it shall become a reality whatever man may try to do.

In the New Testament we do find Jesus telling many stories in the form of parables which should open our eyes and should let us think about the reign to come and to look for. He talks about a realm of heaven and calls us to put our hands to work and help get the ground prepared to receive the love of God.He gives many examples how faith without works is dead and how we should be careful not to loose the entrance to the Kingdom of God by not living up to God's Wishes or not fulfilling God's commandments.

When looking at the Scriptures we can see how we are challenged to train our eyes to look beyond the problems and to see the promises of the world around us. And we have been told, repeatedly, that the “reign of heaven” is small, even hidden, but it is always at work. We are called to look for the hidden treasure and to go for Biblical truth and not to be of this world, loving all those materialist and perischable treasures.

Look around us we should see what is good and what is bad and learn from it. Though there are many who think by the death of Christ everybody is saved and does not have to do anything any-more, we should know that we for sure still have to do a lot of work. Every day we should work at ourself. Every hour of the day we should try to build up our Christlike character. that shall not so easy as so many think. It demands an effort. 

Jesus asks us to come together and to meet each-other regularly to study the Word of God and to praise the Most High. Together we should form a unit, giving ourself as inhabitant of the realm of Christ. As partakers of his spiritual Body, we should feel united and work to keep everything around us pure and 'sanctified'.
Every one of the partakers of the Body of Christ should be wiling to give himself or herself to Christ Jesus, putting the own selfish I away. 

Each person on this earth should be looking for the hidden treasures of God and should know that the “reign of heaven” is like a discovery that disrupts all other priorities, and those who make the discoveries have their entire lives shaped by them. 

Those who love Jesus and want to have a good relationship with him and his heavenly Father should be prepared to put the earthly wishes aside and go for heavenly treasures. They should not be afraid for those of the world who do not want to know about God and who would laugh at those who want to give their life to God. But those who know better shall be happy to give their life to the One God and to present themselves as sons of the realm. For it is in the believe in Jesus that we want to go as partakers of the Body of Christ, willing to unite in his Church, which is the Church of God.

With the knowledge that there is the Unseen God Who has prepared the unseen realm and shall present the earthly realm to mankind, to those who are ready for it, we may have the assurance in the hope that one day the world shall have to face that reality of the Great Kingdom, which shall go above all kingdoms of the world.

Giving ourselves to Christ shall make our union sealed and secure.

Partakers and sons of the Realm

In this world, coming closer to the end times, we can see how all the prophesies concerning those times are coming true and visible.

First we had the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, then we had children revolting against their parents, an increase of natural disasters, and more and more religious groups starting to fight against each other. the world shall have to become aware that a great tribulation shall come over this world. In that universal war the words of Jesus to his apostle Peter will be true:
 “All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.” (Matt. 26:52, AV
But those abiding by the words of Isaiah 2:4, who come under attack by Gog of Magog, will survive the universal war, just as Noah and his family survived the global flood.

It are those who shall unite with each other as children of Christ and sons of the realm, being in union with each other, like Jesus is in union with his heavenly Father, who shall strengthen each other so that each member shall be able to withstand that awful period of great war.  We shall need that strength and should count on Jesus and his God (our God) to be with us and to be our refuge.

Together as brothers and sisters in Christ we shall be looking for that light in the darkness and shall climb the mountain of Jehovah, the Kingdom territory under Christ,where the veil of Satan does not exist (Isa. 25:7, AS). It is to its protection that men and women and children from all nations are told to flee now, and hundreds of thousands have already done so, and many more thousands are in the process of fleeing, and still other thousands will yet wake up and flee, and all together they will survive the war from heaven to enjoy everlastingly the peace it brings to earth. they shall find each other in ecclesiae (churches or prayer halls) to meet as brothers and sisters, praising the Only One True God, Jehovah.

As brothers and sisters in Christ we become children of God and become to belong to God His Realm, the Kingdom of God. We united as children of God shall have that marvellous prospect of
becoming to belong to the earthly class of sheep who shall find peace here on earth.
 “Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the world’s foundation.” (Matt. 25:34, NW)
 Christ is spoken of as
 “the Lamb who was slaughtered from the world’s foundation,”
meaning the new world of visible and invisible parts, or earthly and heavenly parts, and for which world he became the foundation when he died and shed his blood and later presented the merit of his shed blood before Jehovah in heaven. When Jehovah created the earth he meant for it to be inhabited and put Adam and Eve on earth to populate it, and he held out the hope of earthly life to faithful men before Christ; so an earthly class was purposed or predestinated long before Christ’s sacrifice laid the foundation for it. Also those who are to reign with Christ in the heavenly kingdom were predestinated or foreordained as a class “before the world’s foundation.”—Rev. 13:8; Eph. 1:4, NW.

Those lovers of God who believe in the son of God to be the sent one from God and the Messiah may be pleased to forward to those coming times that we as sons of the realm, belonging to the Church of God, shall be allowed to enter that new realm of Christ and God their Kingdom.