Showing posts with label toxin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toxin. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Wrath kills the foolish man, and envy consumes the covetous one

"Resentment is an extremely bitter diet,
and eventually poisonous.
I have no desire to make my own toxins."
- Neil Kinnock

"Resentment kills a fool,
and envy slays the simple."
Job 5:2

Lord God let me not cherish revenge to anybody
and learn me to forgive my enemies
and to be goodwilling to them.

Dutch version / Nederlands > Wrevel vermoordt de dwaas, gramschap doodt de zot

Neil Kinnock at the 2007 British Council Stude...
Neil Kinnock at the 2007 British Council Student Awards. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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