Showing posts with label terugkeer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terugkeer. Show all posts

Monday, 19 July 2010

Two State Solution

A majority of British Jews believe Israel should swap territory for peace, and negotiate with Hamas, a survey suggests. Some 72% agreed Israel's action in Gaza in 2008 and 2009 was "a legitimate act of self-defence".
But 77% favoured a "two-state solution", creating a Palestinian state, as the "only way" to make peace.
The study of 4,000 people was carried by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research.
Just over half, 52%, said they would support Israeli government negotiations with Hamas. The study found British Jews strongly identified with and supported Israel, with nine out of 10 having visited it.
BBC religious affairs correspondent Robert Pigott said although Israel clearly remained a cornerstone of Jewish identity in Britain, the survey suggested a substantial majority of Jews believed that they should be free to criticise Israel.
It is remarkable that so many Jews seem to think that withdrawing from the land that God has given them will bring them peace. It shows an utter contempt for God and his hand in bringing them back to the land (as promised) and establishing them there.

A few years ago a survey was done in Israel which showed 60% of Israelis (living in Israel) supported further unilateral withdrawal from the land in a similar way to how they pulled out of Gaza in 2005.
These percentages are mentioned in the Bible. Zec 13:8. We are told that 66% of those living in Israel will be killed in the coming war. Perhaps those who do not believe they can live in the land will be “removed” from the land – as with the Israelites who did not believe they could take in land when the 10 spies reported back in the days of Moses.

"wherefore hath the LORD brought us unto this land, to fall by the sword, that our wives and our children should be a prey? were it not better for us to return into Egypt?... And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, How long shall I bear with this evil congregation, which murmur against me? ….Your carcases SHALL fall in this wilderness; " (Numbers 14:3,26,29)

Read more about today's situation > Weekly World Watch 11th - 17th July 2010‏

Weekly World Watch 11th - 17th July 2010‏


According to Andy Walton we are entering troubling times.  The conviction that war is upon us grows with each passing day.  What remains to be determined is who will dictate the terms of that war – Iran or Israel.  ...  We are indeed “entering troubling times”.  Or in Bible language “a time of trouble such as never was”.  Dan 12:1.

The fate of East Jerusalem, which Palestinians regard as their future capital, generates more emotion than perhaps any single issue in the long-running conflict and any attempts to change the delicate demographic balance in the city often provokes uproar.  Jerusalem's Jewish city council insisted that none of the buildings it destroyed were actually houses inhabited by Palestinians.
+ If Israel restarts its Jerusalem building projects again (which looks likely) then the tensions will rapidly escalate and God’s city will become the centre of the problem… The world is on course to record the hottest year on record, threatening droughts worldwide, forecasters have said.
For the first six months of the year, 2010 has been warmer than the first half of 1998, the previous record holder, by 0.03 degree Fahrenheit, said Jay Lawrimore, chief of climate analysis at the federal National Climatic Data Centre.
Drought is effecting large parts of Europe.  Russia's worst droughts in a century have destroyed almost 25 million acres of crops in central and European areas, authorities said this week.

CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEKS WWW Weekly World Watch 11th - 17th July 2010‏

Weekly World Watch ARTICLES

Brother Andy has written an article on the significance of the Pope's visit to the Dome of the Rock in relation to the Olivet Prophecy.

Click here to download the PDF of the new article

Another article you may be interested in is about how Jesus might return.

Click here to download the PDF of this article

Thursday, 31 December 2009

God Kijkt toe

Loopt  de wereld uit de hand?
Soms lijkt het wel zo als we in angst leven voor terroristen, opwarming van de aarde, de financiële onzekerheid en minderheidsgroepen die aan de macht komen en hun wil opdrukken. Onze toekomst ziet er zo onvoorspelbaar uit, vooral als geweld en criminaliteit stijgen - zelfs in onze eigen wijken. Maar Zacharias heeft een boodschap voor ons vandaag die ons zal helpen bij het tot rust brengen van onze harten.

"Voor het oog van de Heer is op de hele mensheid, alsmede op de stammen van Israël." (Zacharia 9:1 [mg]) God weet precies wat er gaande is in de wereld waarin wij leven. Hij wist wat het zou worden voordat we het leven ervaarden, en hij heeft een plan voor de toekomst dat alle onrecht, dat er op dit moment gebeurt, zal recht trekken! Gods plan is gedetailleerd in de rest van Zacharia 9, waarin hij verklaart dat hij zijn koning, Jezus, zal sturen om de vrede te verkondigen aan de volken, om zijn volk te redden en om God's vijanden te vernietigen.

De wereld kan zien zoals het is uit de hand is gelopen, maar met Gods wakend oog van toezicht op alles wat er gebeurt, zal hij het niet te ver laten gaan, maar zal Hij ingrijpen op het juiste moment om ons te redden van de ondergang. Dus laten we ons geen zorgen maken over de dingen die gebeuren. God zei ze dat zouden doen. In plaats daarvan laat ze ons geloof versterken en laten wij ons des te gretig verheugen ons om de terugkeer van Christus.

- Robert Prins
Engels origineel / English original > God Watches