"There is no state of mind so excellent as that of thankfulness to God.
It is not he who prays most or fasts most who is the greatest saint in the world.
It is not he who gives most alms or is most eminent for temperance, chastity, or justice.
But it is he who is always thankful to God, who receives everything as an instance of God’s goodness,
and has a heart always ready to praise God for it."
~William Law In Everything Give ThanksTekst
“Separate creaturely life, as opposed to life in union with God,
is only a life of various appetites, hungers, and wants, and cannot possibly be anything else.
God Himself cannot make a creature to be in itself,
or in its own nature, anything else but a state of emptiness.
The highest life that is natural and creaturely can go no higher than this:
it can only be a bare capacity for goodness
and cannot possibly be a good and happy life
but by the life of God dwelling in it and in union with it.
And this is the two-fold life that, of all necessity,
must be united in every good and happy and perfect creature. “
~William Law
"If you would be a good Christian, there is but one way
– you must live wholly unto God.
You must live according to the wisdom that comes from God.
You must act according to right judgments of the nature and value of things.
You must live in the exercise of holy and heavenly affections.
And you must use all the gifts of God to his praise and glory."
~William Law
English: Photo of William Law (1809—1892) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |