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The Book of the Dead was a collection of spells designed to guide the deceased in the afterlife. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Does some words or names like these mean something to you?
- Aker; Amentet (aka. Imentet); Ammit (aka. Ammut); Amun (aka. Amon, Amen); Anput (aka. Anupet, Yineput or Input); Apis; Babi (aka. Baba); Horit; Khepera (aka. Khepri); Mehyt (aka. Mehit); Naunet; Nefertum (aka. Nefertem); Pakhet; Ra (aka. Re); Set (aka. Seth or Sutekh); Sokar (aka. Seker); Tefnut (aka. Tefenet); Wadjet (aka. Uadjet); Wenpy; Wesir (aka. Osiris); Wosret; and Yinepu (aka. Anubis, Anpu or Anup).
- Anat; Ash; Astarte (aka. Ishtar); Ba’al (aka. Baal); Ba’alat Gebal; Dedwen (aka. Dedun); Mandulis; Serapis; Yamm (aka. Yam) a.o.
Now you might find the new website Questiontime which has presented already
- a First blog post – Eerste blog post
- The first question: Why do we live
- 2nd question: What or where is the beginning
- 3rd question: Does there exist a Divine Creator
- Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #1 Many gods