Showing posts with label Crucifixion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crucifixion. Show all posts

Thursday, 12 June 2014

If Shroud of Turin was fake, how come no man on earth able to replicate it

In 1988 it was considered that  the Shroud of Turin was a fake. For some the Shroud, in a way is like the Staff of Moses, turned into a serpent since the story of that relic gobbled up whatever fake imitations and challenges all the naysayers, magicians, scientists and lawyers concocted.
Jesus himself is already called a figure of imagination, though historically there is more evidence about him than of many other figures of history .
English: Full_length_negatives_of_the_shroud o...
English: Full_length_negatives_of_the_shroud of Turin (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Because the Shroud tells of a story of his crucifixion and resurrection, some people take every effort to get others to believe it is a real tissue with a print of that divine figure.

After doing carbon-14 dating of scraps of the cloth carried out by labs in Oxford, Zurich and Arizona declaring it to be from 1260 to 1390, it seemed a fraud. Later it was find out there was cotton in only the sample taken to be carbon tested and that there was no cotton in the rest of the shroud! As it appeared, the location on the shroud where the sample was taken are later repaired spots, the worst possible place they could have gotten the sample.

Read more about it: >

The Shroud of Turin Really Is The Face of Jesus, The Staff Of Moses Is Real, And Christ is Alive

Friday, 21 February 2014

Ignorance of Today's Youth (and Adults)

The Bible
The Ignorance of Today's Youth (and Adults)!
A recent survey by the Bible Society has highlighted the lack of Bible knowledge, and even awareness of some of the basic Bible accounts among both children and their parents.
The Story Bible
The Story Bible (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Worryingly, almost one in three Britons did not know where the story of the birth of Jesus could be found, which is even more worrying when you consider the survey was conducted just after Christmas. 9% thought that King Midas and Icarus featured in the Bible and 6% thought it contained the story of Hercules.
Other troubling statistics that don't bode well for Christianity in future generations include 23% of children having never heard of Noah's ark, 38% didn't know anything about Adam and Eve, 43% were ignorant of the Crucifixion, 66% knew nothing of the Creation and 75% lacked any knowledge of Daniel in the Lions' den.
The parents didn't know any better, with nearly half failing to recognise Noah's ark as a Bible story, while there was a significant amount of confusion between whether something appears in the Bible, Harry Potter or the Hunger Games.
Yet nearly half of adults think Bible stories provide ‘good values for life’ and 40 per cent say they are important to our history and culture.
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Monday, 4 April 2011

Impaled until death overtook him

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie: Achtergelaten aan een paal tot in de dood

Jews had made the plans to get rid of the Nazarene Jesus, who was to them a thorn in the eye.

When the Jews first became aware of the presence of the Lord Jesus, they were hopeful and excited. The Romans had robbed them of their independence and they resented it. They wanted a king of their own, and Jesus of Nazareth as they called him, seemed a likely candidate for this office. He seemed to have alI the qualifications!

Jesus of Nazareth (miniseries)
Jesus of Nazareth (miniseries) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Jesus won more favour and preached repentance and personal holiness.  The Jewish leaders did not appreciate this emphasis on moral integrity. They felt rebuked not only by his words but also by the awesome holiness of the Lord’s character. Also they were envious of his popularity with the common people. They no longer thought of Jesus as a prospective king, but the common people still seemed attracted to this idea. The excitement of the crowds could make the Romans suspicious, and the Jewish leaders were afraid that they might take
away both the Jewish place and nation. (John 11:47,48)

Jesus had to face the human who could not tolerate a person whose one ambition in life is to obey the laws of God. To express it in another way: human beings reject the standards required by God. They prefer to obey their own human instincts. And what are these instincts? Let the Lord Jesus tell us:
"From within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: all these evil things come from within, and defile the man" (Mark 7:21-23).
All human beings demonstrate by their own deeds that they approve of the way of disobedience.

Jesus Christ was crucified because the Jews hated him and wanted to get rid of him. This is one obvious reason. But surely God could have stopped them from committing this terrible crime, and at the same time have spared His Son the pain and shame of crucifixion? Obviously God was powerful enough to intervene and prevent the crime. And yet, although the Lord Jesus prayed three times to his Father, "If it be possible, let this cup pass from me. . . " God did not intervene. If God's principles were to be upheld and His purpose fulfilled, intervention was not possible. God's plan required that His sinless Son should be crucified, it is put on a stake until death came over him.

The condemned man was whipped with thongs of leather to which pieces of bone or metal had been attached. Some people died already as a result of scourging but Jesus stayed alive and had to carry a heavy wooden beam. He was nailed, through hands and feet to the wooden
beam which was then lifted to a vertical position and fixed firmly in the ground. Then he was simply left to die. He was not killed -- just impaled in a position from which escape was impossible and left there until death overtook him. Do   you believe this?

This month's survey question:

The Meaning of the Cross

Jesus died instead of us to appease the wrath of God for all time.
He did NOT die as our substitute but rather as our representative.
He didn't actually die. His staged death was an elaborate plot.
Don't know.


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Thursday, 1 July 2010

Swedish theologian finds historical proof Jesus did not die on a cross

'Jesus did not die on the cross'

The Swedish theologian Gunnar Samuelsson draws in his thesis, based on examination of historical sources that Jesus Christ died on the cross.

For us it is clear that in the Bible is written that Jesus died on a stake (a pole) or piece of wood; and what has historically done in that time by the Romans in order to sentence a murderer to death. But through the centuries, the image became fused with the wrong Renaissance image.

The image of the cross is based on traditions and expressions in art, and not on actual facts. There is an extensive collection of Greek, Latin and Hebrew literature on the methods used by the Romans for criminals. Nowhere is mentioned a cross or crucifixion.

The New Testament says nothing about a crucifixion says Samuelsson. The Greek word 'stauros' that often is used, is translated to cross, but in those days meant 'pole'.  Jesus died not on the cross but to a pole.

Samuelsson knows he's denial of the cross may break many people's heart. The theologian is himself a believer and sees Jesus as the Son of God. "I do not doubt the faith, but we must believe what it says". And that last point is missed by a lot of people. Usually they want to stick to entrenched images that have nothing to do with reality.

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Friday, 28 May 2010

How is it that Christ pleased God so perfectly?

Why was God so happy with His son?

It is because Jesus was the ultimate example of the faith God calls us to in Hebrews 11. Jesus’ faith in God was so strong that he was willing to give over his entire life in complete trust to his Father. Jesus states,

    “The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life.” (John 10:17)

Jesus understood what it meant to have complete faith in God. As a result he spent his life sacrificing his own will to the will of his father.

Most crucially, Jesus had faith enough to submit to God’s command that he give up his life on the cross. Jesus had the faith to believe God could raise him up again from the dead and that God would reward him for his faithfulness. He said,

    “I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will live in hope, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.” (Acts 2: 25 – 28, quoting Psalm 16:8-11)

God calls us to follow Jesus’ example. The Bible tells us,

    Be imitators of God therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. (Ephesians 5:1-2)

    Therefore I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:1-2)

In order to please God, we need to sacrifice our own lives to God just as Christ did. And how do we live our lives as a sacrifice like Christ did for us?
We need to sacrifice our own will to the will of God. We need to stop thinking of what is best for us and think instead of fulfilling God’s larger purpose with the Earth. Jesus’ faithful life of service and willing crucifixion are the perfect living examples of the faith God is calling us to have. It isn’t until we give ourselves fully to God, rather than our own selfish desires, that we will begin to understand what it is God wants from us.

But it wasn’t just in Jesus’ death on the piece of wood that he sacrificed his life to God. Jesus’ entire life was an act of sacrifice. He spent his days caring for others and teaching them God’s word. He put the needs of everyone else above his own. His entire life was an act of faith in God as he exchanged his own will and desires for those of his Father.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Hoe heeft Jezus zulk een plezier voor God gedaan

2013 update + 2016 update:
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Sunday, 9 May 2010

Ransom for all

Jesus gave himself for us all. He 'sold' his body as a ransom.


Crucifixion for suffering

 On this Group you already could find: Yesterday He died for meA Living Faith #6 Sacrifice, God wants to be gracious to you,
Corcovado jesus
Corcovado jesus (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

 On our sistergroup we had some postings on this subject:

Ransom for All – Searches

Clean Flesh #1 Intro

There is no need to execute a sentence twice for sin

Who is Jesus #2 Jesus Christ, man who died

2016 update
  1. Why do we need a ransom? 
  2. Grace and beloved by God 
  3. Ember and light the ransomed of Jehovah
  4. Ransom for all > Ransom for All – Searches
  5. God's Special Gift 
  6. Your Sins Are Forgiven
  7. Ketuvim, Writings, Hagiographa, Five Megillot and Messianic Scriptures
  8. Being sure of their deliverance

About the Atonement and the Lamb of God we had some Dutch articles like: Dankbaar voor verkregen offer, het zoenoffer, Jezus moest sterven, lam van God, onschuldig lam

Betreffende Jezus zoenoffer of loskoop offer kan u verder volgende teksten vinden: onder Losprijs
of onder Zoenoffer

Lam van God #1 Oude Tijden

Lam van God #2 Jezus moest sterven

Lam van God #3 Christus stierf als onschuldig Lam #3 Losprijs

Lam van God #3b Christus stierf als onschuldig Lam

Lam van God #3c Christus stierf als onschuldig Lam NT teksten

Niemand heeft zulk een grote liefde als hij die zij leven gaf voor zijn vrienden

Plus verder:

Gisteren stierf hij voor mij

God wil u gunst betonen

De Knecht des Heren #3 De Gewillige leerling

De Knecht des Heren #4 De Verlosser

2013 + 2016 update:

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