Showing posts with label image of God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label image of God. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

The night before Jesus his execution

These coming days we make time to think about what Jesus has done.

Lots of Christians do forget that God can not die, but that Jesus really has put his own will aside to do the will of God (when Jesus would be God he naturally would always have done his own will). Jesus really found his death at the stake and after his resurrection could show the wounds of his torture at the stake, proving he is no spirit, like his Father is Spirit.

In the Scriptures we also can find how Paul describes the true Christ or Anointed of God and not God the Anointed, something totally different. As a devout Jew Paul was convinced that in Jesus could all people receive salvation or redemption through Jesus and not through God His blood, because Paul knew that God has no bones, flesh or blood Him being a Spirit. John and the other apostles believed the same as any other Jew would believe. (Luke 24:39; 1 Corinthians 15:50; John 4:24)

Paul does not say Jesus is God but defines Jesus to be in the image of the invisible Elohim, the firstborn of every creature. You seem to forget we all are made in the image of God. God is invisible but Jesus not and was seen by many who did not fall death when they saw him. No man can see God and live (Exodus 33:23; John 1:18; 1 Tim 1:17).
Paul like the apostle John also considers Jesus as the instigator of the New World, a new creation of which all followers of Jeshua shall become inheritance.

Paul writes that it was for it pleased the Father (i.e. Jehovah God) that in Jesus should all fulness dwell because we may count on it that peace is made through the blood of his death at the stake (please also do not forget that God can not die). This giving of his own body and soul as a ransom was to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, Paul says, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

In the Olive Garden the night before his execution when Jesus prayed the scripture uses phrases like,
“My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death”…
”he went forward an little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it were possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: never the less not what I will, but what thou wilt”.
Jesus expresses that he wants God Will to be done and not his will. In case Jesus is God, naturally than it would always be his own will which would happen.

In this Olive Garden we find the son of man praying to his heavenly Father, and not praying to himself, which he would have done when Jesus is God.  See Jesus did exactly what we are expected to do.  Pray for our need, but submit to the will of the Father.  Know that what he is asking us to do is needful and necessary.

  If Jesus would not have suffered for us, then his sacrificial offering would not benefit us. When Jesus is God and if he as God having come to this world would have faked his temptation, his praying to the Most High and faking his death (because God cannot be tempted nor die) then we would not know the Father.
  If you do not have times of suffering, someone else who may have come to know Jesus by the example of your faith, might also die  but not in their sins when he or she accepted Jesus Christ.  We have to trust in his will and continue spreading the message of Christ, calling people to come to God having Jesus as the way to God, that is faith.  Standing in that hope and knowledge of the love of God towards you is exercising that faith.

  So then the disciples awoke Jesus in some vague hope that he just might be close enough to God to do something. But fear did overcome them and it took until the day that the Holy Spirit came over them before they dared to come out in public again to tell others they were followers of Jesus Christ.

Are you a real follower of Jesus Christ?
Do you dare to tell others that you believe that Jesus is the son of God and not god the son?
do you dare to tell others that you worship the same God that was worshipped by Jesus Christ and his disciples, namely the Only One true God Who is One, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah?

Or is their fear in  you, not willing to admit yet that you believe Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, sent by God?

Or you still in a stadium of being 'in the night before Jesus his execution'?

Friday, 17 January 2014

What is life?

What is life?

 Our answer to this question will, to some extent, depend on what is on our mind when we are asked.
 Life has physical, emotional, relational and spiritual aspects and each of these will have an influence on our answer. Think about it for a moment. What does it mean to you, right now, to be alive?

 Is it enough to know that you are breathing, or must there be more, and if so, what more?

 What do people mean when they say,
 ‘I’m not living, I’m just existing’.

Still-Life with a Skull, vanitas painting.
Still-Life with a Skull, vanitas painting. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
As human beings, made in the image of God, our life is uniquely different from that of plants and other animals. How does this difference show in our daily lives? Surely the essence of our life is in the fact that we are made for eternity. Though eternity does not come straight unto us. When we die our life shall come to an end and everything of us shall decay or come to ashes in the incinerator.

At the moment of our death it will be to late to change anything. Than we will be to late to change direction or to take an other path. We shall be able to face death in peace when we do know we have lived according to the wishes of the Most High. Those who did not want to accept there is a God Creator of heaven and earth should in a way not be afraid either, but with many of them we notice they fear death. Why?

Those who believe in other things than described in the Bible may be taken by fear, because when they believe in false gods and in false beings like certain demons and devils and places of torture, the could have reason to be afraid.

Those who know the Bible do know that when we live it is important to treat all living organisms with respect, because they all are a creation of the Most High Elohim. And all creation of God, be it humans or animals shall come to the same end — humans die, animals die. also plants shall have there time of growing and flowering, but afterwards they will die and decay.
 We all breathe the same air. So there’s really no advantage in being human. None. Everything’s smoke. We all end up in the same place — we all came from dust, we all end up as dust. We as the living should at least know something, even if it’s only that we’re going to die. But the dead know nothing and get nothing. They’re a minus that no one remembers.
“19 after all, the same things that happen to people happen to animals, the very same thing—just as the one dies, so does the other. yes, their breath is the same; so that humans are no better than animals; since nothing matters, anyway. 20 they all go to the same place; they all come from dust, and they all return to dust.” (Ecclesiastes 3:19-20 CJB)
 “for the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; there is no longer any reward for them, because all memory of them is lost.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5 CJB)
When we live it is the time to make the right choices. In life it is the time given us by the Creator to make something if our 'being' 'our soul'. The 'soul' is not something extra special in our material form, it is our total being that can breath and as soon as we stop breathing we shall be considered to be part of the dead.
Therefore we better take life as it comes our way and whatever turns up, we better grab it and do it. And heartily! This is your last and only chance at it, For there’s neither work to do nor thoughts to think In the company of the dead, where you’re most certainly headed. When more people would read the Bible they would know that we are just mere humans who don’t have what it takes when they die, their projects die with them.
 “whatever task comes your way to do, do it with all your strength; because in sh’ol, where you will go, there is neither working nor planning, neither knowledge nor wisdom.” (Ecclesiastes 9:10 CJB)
 “when they breathe their last, they return to dust; on that very day all their plans are gone.” (Psalms 146:4 CJB)
So, why are atheists afraid when they die or why should believers be afraid when they die? the non-believer knows when he dies it shall be finished 'and that is it'. why should he worry when he knows the outcome of death?

And why should a believer worry. When he dies and becomes dust like everybody, why should he worry? By death we have paid the penalty for our sins. 

But those who believe in Christ Jesus, the son of God, who died (whilst God can not die) and was resurrected from death and taken out of the dead, they know they can find an example in what God did with Christ Jesus and can do with us. Believers in Christ also do know he was lower than angels, but was made higher by his Father, Who is, was, and shall always be the Most High. Believers trust that God took Jesus, the son of man, with Him in heaven, to sit at His right hand to become a mediator between man and God.
“he gave him no inheritance in it, not even space for one foot; yet he promised to give it to him as a possession and to his descendants after him, even though at the time he was childless.” (Acts 7:5 CJB)

 “for god is one; and there is but one mediator between god and humanity, Yeshua the Messiah, himself human,” (1 Timothy 2:5 CJB)
Yes, today we have a human preceding by God. He can talk for us and be our advocate, so that when Jesus shall return to the earth to judge the living and the dead, we would have a chance to become rightly judged and either to be placed by the living or by the dead, either to be allowed to enter the gate of the KiIngdom of God or to fall into the category for the Second death.
Than there shall come an end to death.
“he will swallow up death forever. ADONAI ELOHIM will wipe away the tears from every face, and he will remove from all the earth the disgrace his people suffer. for ADONAI has spoken.” (Isaiah 25:8 CJB)
“for what one earns from sin is death; but eternal life is what one receives as a free gift from god, in union with the Messiah Yeshua, our lord.” (Romans 6:23 CJB)
 “21 for since death came through a man, also the resurrection of the dead has come through a man. 22 for just as in connection with adam all die, so in connection with the Messiah all will be made alive. 23 but each in his own order: the Messiah is the firstfruits; then those who belong to the Messiah, at the time of his coming; 24 then the culmination, when he hands over the kingdom to god the father, after having put an end to every rulership, yes, to every authority and power. 25 for he has to rule until he puts all his enemies under his feet. 26 the last enemy to be done away with will be death,” (1 Corinthians 15:21-26 CJB)
“he will wipe away every tear from their eyes. there will no longer be any death; and there will no longer be any mourning, crying or pain; because the old order has passed away.” (Revelation 21:4 CJB)
So those who have faith in Christ do not have to worry when they die, as long as they made their best of their life.

What we become is the reality of what it means to us to be alive today. So, after all this, the question remains, what is life?

 I like the answer I read recently which twists a well known saying.
 ‘Life is doing what comes supernaturally.’ Let’s live!

Cover of Yes


Please do read also:

  1. Cosmos creator and human destiny
  2. Choices
  3. Always a choice 
  4. We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace 
  5. A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses
  6. Science, belief, denial and visibility 1
  7. Science, belief, denial and visibility 2
  8. Choose you this day whom ye will serve 
  9. It is a free will choice 
  10. For those who make other choices
  11. Dying or not
  12. What happens when we die?
  13. The Soul confronted with Death
  14. Dead and after
  15. Destination of righteous
  16. Destination of the earth
  17. Sheol or the grave
  18. Soul
  19. The Soul not a ghost
  20. Is there an Immortal soul
  21. Human Nature: What does the Bible teach?
  22. Immortality, eternality – onsterfelijkheid, eeuwigheid
  23. How are the dead?
  24. The soul has no rainbow if the eyes have no tears
  25. Let not sin reign in your mortal body
  26. We will all be changed

Find also of interest:

Never Take Resources For Granted!
The Vital Social Status versus The Vital Social Necessities
Choose A Positive Influence In Life
Beautiful Life…


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Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Faith antithesis of rationality

03.365 (02.08.2009) Faith
03.365 (02.08.2009) Faith (Photo credit: hannahclark)
People may find it not important how 'the belief' is first acquired.

Many Christians may be persuaded by arguments of some theological writers or some popular figures like C. S. Lewis, or in certain circles much spoken off people like William Lane Craig, or Alvin Plantinga.

The problem for someone first persuaded by these conjurers of religious apologetics arises when they become so convinced that they stop using reason and turn to faith as the final arbiter of what they believe.

Some people may go one way, than an other way and never become sure what to believe or having always doubts. Others may be strongly convinced of certain believes and would like to see others to take over their believes, but this more because than they can be confirmed in their believes.

In the world of so called religious people e can find many sorts adhering many denominations. Sceptics would say that once a person does resort to faith the reasoning capacity becomes limited, because faith is always supposed to override, surmount, be better than reason. Many religions rely on the fact that they have something to offer to the people living in this world. Some religions offer their followers a better life in an other stadium, be it returning again on this earth under an other form or be it going to live in a place called heaven.

You could call 'Faith' the antithesis of rationality, because it demands a believe in things we rationally can't declare. Faith is what you use when you want to believe something, or are otherwise driven to hold a belief. For some faith is the position to be in or the action to undertake when there is no reason or evidence to support the belief. And faith can result in belief in spite of counter evidence and reason. This makes it very difficult to get people to see certain things which could be otherwise than they assume.

Many would argue that there is no logical reason for supposing anything exists that we cannot experience directly or test for in some way. As human beings we can look around us and question the existence of all those things we can see, hear and feel. We can not escape being an element in space which has to undergo certain actions in this world. Some happenings we may steer, but others are totally out of our control. By all those things which happen around us we ask many questions. Several people may form good ideas and bring plausible solutions. By those who offer others their ideas, there are some who really want to impose their thinking to others without objection. Many Christian religious people do not want to allow arguments to come their way. Others evoke protest.

By the 41,000 denominations of Christianity in the world, only a few are known by the general public, and most people do assume that the bigger denominations are the only ones which are right. some like the Roman Catholic Church say that because they are the biggest denomination in Christendom this is also a proof that they are the only right Universal Church  of God. In the West it is Catholic tradition which formed the tradition of the people, which is often a mixture of heathen traditions with church teachings. Many people are proud of their Western roots of Judeo Christian values.

But by those who call themselves Christians, what should mean "Followers of Christ Jesus" the respect for other Christians does not show real brotherhood and often makes you even wonder if they are following the same Master Teacher. When we look at forums or look at the reactions on blogs we do find that there’s no shortage of mudslinging across the ideological divides of religion.

When you hear such persons who call them self saved by the Saviour you would think they will be pleased to live according to the teachings of that person and follow him in his ways. When that person in the early years of this common era  spoke about the way how to behave, you would think his followers would follow that advice this wise man gave. Jesus of Nazareth presented  a way of life. He gave us the study of action with respect to the good for humans, which is happiness. So you would think that once people got to study those teachings and came to understand them, they would follow those directions of ethics. You would think those people their eyes would be opened and that they would accept that all people were made in the image of God, so should all have elements of that God in them. You would also think they would become respectful for all those, who are allowed by the creator God to be here on this earth.

Why is it then that so many who call themselves Christian fight against other Christians, and call each other names, children's ears would better not hear?

Would they not prefer to live in a peaceful world? Would they not do everything to get all different people to live together in the best circumstances? Would they not want to become a more excellent, happier human being?

Please do find out more about it in:
  1. Caricaturing and disapproving sceptics, religious critics and figured out ethics
  2.  Catholicism, Anabaptism and Crisis of Christianity
  3. Morality, values and Developing right choices
  4. Are religious and secular ethicists climbing the same mountain
  5. Being religious has benefits even in this life
  6. History of Christianity  
  7. Christianity is a love affair
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