Showing posts with label non-trinitarians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label non-trinitarians. Show all posts

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Non-practicing Christians widely believing in a god or higher power

Non-practicing Christians widely believe in God or another higher power

Of those who call themselves Christian the majority believe in the Trinity and not as such  as Pew count them as believers in God as described in the Bible. In the 27% who believe in God, the majority believe in a concept they were brought up with, some Catholics even not knowing that their church worships a Trinity, or do not know what it entails. Non-trinitarian Christians though still may be counted as the minority

Most non-practicing Christians in Europe believe in God. But their concept of God differs considerably from the way that churchgoing Christians tend to conceive of God. While most church-attending Christians say they believe in God “as described in the Bible,” non-practicing Christians are more apt to say that they do not believe in the biblical depiction of God, but that they believe in some other higher power or spiritual force in the universe.
For instance, in Catholic-majority Spain, only about one-in-five non-practicing Christians (21%) believe in God “as described in the Bible,” while six-in-ten say they believe in some other higher power or spiritual force.
Non-practicing Christians and “nones” also diverge sharply on this question; most unaffiliated people in Western Europe do not believe in God or a higher power or spiritual force of any kind. (See below for more details on belief in God among religiously unaffiliated adults.)
Similar patterns – in which Christians tend to hold spiritual beliefs while “nones” do not – prevail on a variety of other beliefs, such as the possibility of life after death and the notion that humans have souls apart from their physical bodies. Majorities of non-practicing Christians and church-attending Christians believe in these ideas. Most religiously unaffiliated adults, on the other hand, reject belief in an afterlife, and many do not believe they have a soul.
Indeed, many religiously unaffiliated adults eschew spirituality and religion entirely. Majorities agree with the statements, “There are no spiritual forces in the universe, only the laws of nature” and “Science makes religion unnecessary in my life.” These positions are held by smaller shares of church-attending Christians and non-practicing Christians, though in most countries roughly a quarter or more of non-practicing Christians say science makes religion unnecessary to them. (For a detailed statistical analysis combining multiple questions into scales of religious commitment and spirituality, see Chapters 3 and 5.)

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Jeshuaists or Followers of Jeshua

Because there being lots of Messianics (Messianic Jews and Messianic Christians) who say they are following the Nazarene master teacher Jeshua, but having made him into their god, several Messianic Jews as well as some Christians want to separate or distance themselves from those trinitarian believers.

Jeshua-ists are believers in only One God, the God of Israel. The God about Whom Jesus came to tell and show the Way to Him. for Jeshua-ist there is no place for worshipping a three-headed god. For them there is only One True God, Who was and is the God of Abraham and Jesus.

Jeshua-ists want to honour the Nazarene Jewish rabbi and want to make his name better known. They want to let the people know that he is the Way to God and the sent one from God who gave his life as a payment for the sins of all, to redeem them from slavery of death for sin.

The majority of Jeshua-ists may have a Jewish background, but there is also a connection made with non-trinitarian Christians who follow the same master teacher and Messiah Jesus Christ..

You may find some WordPress Jeshua-ist websites on the net:

A general platform: Jeshua-ists - Jeshuaisten

A personal site with the name Jeshuaist

A personal site of Immanuel Verbondskind

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

February 2015 got new little lights shining on internet

On February 7, 2015 the First blog post was placed on C4U (Christ For You - Christadelphians For You)
On February 11 2015 C4All was created and got its first article "Welcome".

On the same day (2015 February 11) "Starting block" was presented as the first article on "Messiah for all" which would become the final chosen program to present Jesus to the general public. It was because the try outs on different web-programs or blog systems did not give satisfaction that I tried looking for a good solution.

Having put all that work in several systems, some where abandoned as not good at all, and one I would advice people never to try out because the system is infected and brings viruses to the computer of the user and all the work I had invested in it was all for nothing because a few hours after I thought I had made it, everything was gone (except the infection on my pc). (So please do not go to the Weebly site and do not try to invest tie over there falling in their promises of giving you a very nice way to blog.) (All the previous years I have used Avast, but those days I was trying out Bitdefender. Now I am back on the more protecting Avast which let less spam and other ad systems come into my system.)

To be honest, the three sites took so much work and I do find the result not so bad that I found I could keep those three mentioned above. C4U and C4All to bring very short notices and referral articles to the main site about Jesus Christ "Messiah for all". Al three want to present the reason why the Christadelphians are lovers of Christ and why you and all other people should become lovers of Jesus as well.

"Why choose us" wants to give the reason why it would not be bad to come to read more articles at the C4U site. "C4U- its believes" can give you an idea what we believe and what drives us to witness for Jehovah and for Jesus.

The Christadelphians are a very small community, which can use some introduction. Lots of people also find some unjust sayings about us, Christadelphians, Bible Students, Jehovah Witnesses and other non-trinitarians. Because so much rubbish is been told on the net about the Christadelphians we want to make things clear on C4U and also give a picture of what it means to belong to the City of Christ or Christadelphia. (Christadelphian, Christadelphia and Christadelphos)

I have some other blogs which are totally different from my secular blog Marcus Ampe's Space. I prefer to use other blogs to present my spiritual or religious views. But there and on other blogs where I reacted on certain writings I got accused of being a hater of God and a hater of Jesus.
With the new blogs I now want to proof that I am perhaps a grater lover of God and a greater lover of Jesus than they who do not want to accept the Words of God and the words of God His son, Jesus Christ.

In "Christ for you and You for Christ" the start-shot is given for the Biblical view of Jesus Christ, to which the Christadelphians want to keep themselves. They do not want to take on the human doctrines but aim to keep to what is written in the Bible or Holy scriptures, which we consider to be the infallible Word of God.

The three new blogs want to put their focus on Jesus. To present the whole picture "Messiah for all" goes way back to the beginning of everything. As such the first few weeks there shall be several writings on the creation period, Who is behind it, what happened and how Jesus came in the picture at the beginning of times.

On Messiah for all is looked at how Something came from nothing  and what Scripture says about Creation and Creator Deity.
And naturally we can't avoid looking at How Many Persons Created the Heavens and the Earth.

That the new site "Messiah for all" does not want to go away from more difficult subjects in Christendom can be seen in the publication of Genesis 1 story does not take away an evolution.

"Focussing on oneness with Jesus - like Jesus is one with God" is what the apostles did and also asked the followers of Jesus to do. I with the Christadelphians consider myself and my community belonging to the Body of Christ, being brothers and sisters who want to share their love for Christ with each other and being thankful to the Most High for Him accepting Jesus his ransom offer.

May I invite you to come and have a look at the new sites and to give your impression on our presentation of the "world for Christ with Jesus".

  1. Messiah for all at Wordpress
  2. C4All at over-blog
  3. Christadelphians at with C4U or Christadelphians-4u

Please do find also to read:
  1. Looking for Free Blogs and blogging
  2. Lovers of God, seekers and lovers of truth

  3. Those who love Jesus

  4. To remove the whitewash of the Jehovah Witnesses as being the only true Bible Students and Bible Researchers

  5. A beginning with many false starts 

  6. Starting block

  7. Follower of Jesus part of a cult or a Christian
  8. Those who call the Christadelphians a cult
  9. Words to inspire and to give wisdom
  10. Salvation and Righteousness
  11. Observing the commandments and becoming doers of the Word
  12. Wishing to do the will of God
  13. Christianity is a love affair 
  14. The Law of Christ: Law of Love
  15. The Greatest of These is Love
  16. The first on the list of the concerns of the saint   
  17. Agape, a love to share with others from the Fruit of the Spirit
  18. The task given to us to love each other