Showing posts with label kingdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kingdom. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Learn how to go out into the world and proclaim the Good News of the coming Kingdom

Charles Spurgeon said:
If you read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the word of God, the qualities of that word will be displayed in you.
By the non-trinitarian Baptists Spurgeon was a treasured guide. His words, from the time when he saw the only One God could bring the congregation to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the word of God, so that the qualities of that word would be displayed in the congregation.

He taught  the sin-pardoning God in Christ Jesus. For Spurgeon it was clear that we should come to the knowledge that Jesus was the man send by God to save us by a gift of grace.
Saint George Preca has been likened as a succe...
Saint George Preca has been likened as a successor to Saint Paul's evangelical work on the island of Malta. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This is grace upon grace. Observe that if we climb on high, the position may be dangerous; but if the Lord sets us there it is safe.
He may raise us to great usefulness, to eminent experience, to success in service, to leadership among workers, to a father’s place among the little ones.
If He does not do this, He may set us on high by near fellowship, clear insight, holy triumph, and gracious anticipation of eternal glory.
For the non-trinitarian baptist as the same for us Christadelphians we learned from Spurgeon how to go out into the world and give enough attention onto the preaching of the Gospel.

We should feel the same as the apostle Paul who felt it a great privilege to be allowed to preach the gospel. For us it is a privilege to be long to the chosen ones, to be a child of God but also a worker for God.

The Apostle Paul did not look upon his calling as a drudgery, but he entered upon it with intense delight. Yet while Paul was thus thankful for his office, his success in it greatly humbled him. The fuller a vessel becomes, the deeper it sinks in the water.

Today we still can use many of Spurgeons teachings to inspire us and remember his works:
If you seek humility, try hard work; if you would know your nothingness, attempt some great thing for Jesus. If you would feel how utterly powerless you are apart from the living God, attempt especially the great work of proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Christ, and you will know, as you never knew before, what a weak unworthy thing you are.
Although the apostle thus knew and confessed his weakness, he was never perplexed as to the subject of his ministry. We should find an example in the apostle Paul, who always wanted to do the work for the Only One god, first as Saul, thinking the followers of Christ where worng, but than after he got more insigth given him by Christ, he became a speaker for Christ. We too should be such an ardent speaker in the name of Christ, and show the world that Jesus did not preach an other Gospel than the many prophets before him. Jesus was that fulfilment of the words of the prophets and the fulfilment of the Word of God having become into the flesh (John 1:1)

Jesus was not another one who claimed to be God. No he clearly indicated the Father was grater than him and that he could not do anything without his Father, the Only One God. We too, can not do anything without God the Father, who is in heaven. Like Jesus and the apostle Paul we should know that and be thankfull that God has drawn us near to Him and does allow us to work for HIm.

From his first sermon to his last, Paul preached Christ, and nothing but Christ. He lifted up the cross, and extolled the Son of God who bled thereon. Follow his example in all your personal efforts to spread the glad tidings of salvation, and let “Christ and Him crucified” be your ever recurring theme. . .

Only because God wanted to accept the Peace offering of Christ we can be saved for ever. By the acceptance of the Ransom we have no debts any-more and can trust the Good News of the coming Kingdom. This marvellous Good News we should proclaim all over the world, with gladness and full of grace.

If there is anyone who should be opposed to strife and bloodshed it is the man that names the name of Christ. Spurgeon considered the spirit of war to be absolutely foreign to the spirit of Christianity….
Modern conservative, fundamentalist, and evangelical Christians, all of whom might claim him as one of their own, have much to learn from Spurgeon, not only for his example of an uncompromising and successful Christian minister, but also for his consistent opposition to war and Christian war fever.--Laurence M. Vance [extended quotes and citations]
Spurgeon near the end of his life.
Spurgeon near the end of his life. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Our kingdom is not of this world; else would God’s servants fight with sword and spear. Ours is a spiritual kingdom, and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but spiritual, and mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds.

We as Christians should bring the message of peace, which Jesus brought into the world, and should let others know the Word of God, without forcing it on them with violence but with the word of love, the arrow of the cupid. Our war should be a continuous war of bringing peacefully the message Jesus proclaimed. We should display the work of God's Word in us. We should have become transformed so much by the Word of God that we can attract others with our righteousness.

We should not hesitate and wait until tomorrow but stand up in a hurry, before the End Times will surprise many, so that more people shall recognise when Jesus will return to the earth, and find us worthy followers of him, worthy to enter the Kingdom of God.

Please do read also:

  1. Self-development, self-control, meditation, beliefs and spirituality
  2. Church sent into the world 
  3. If we, in our prosperity, neglect religious instruction and authority 
  4. Are Christadelphians so Old Fashioned? 
  5. Our relationship with God, Jesus and eachother 
  6. God’s design in the creation of the world 
  7. God’s reward 
  8. God’s promises 
  9. God is one 
  10. God of gods 
  11. God’s salvation 
  12. Creator and Blogger God 3 Lesson and solution
  13. Creator and Blogger God 4 Expounding voice
  14. Creator and Blogger God 5 Things to tell
  15. Statutes given unto us
  16. Bible in the first place #2/3
  17. Missional hermeneutics 1/5
  18. Missional hermeneutics 3/5
  19. Missional hermeneutics 4/5
  20. Missional hermeneutics 5/5
  21. Breathing to teach
  22. Blogging for Jesus...

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Friday, 1 April 2011

A prophet to restore

Isaiah, of Jerusalem wanted to be a servant of God the Allmighty and ministered from the year King Uzziah died (740/39), through the reigns of Jotham (740/39), Ahaz (732/31-716/715) and Hezekiah (716/15-687/86).

There is no instance where the prophets regard themselves as the inspired founders of a new spiritual religion, but everywhere they regard themselves as the restorers and reformers of a religion already in being and known to their auditors. Isaiah wanted as a servant to God bring the world Gods Message. Isaiah calls the people to repentance, and are assures that blessing should follow repentance.
There shall come judgement of the wicked and a restoration of the righteous remnant. Those who want to listen shall be able to put their hopes in the Promises of God, who shall not leave them alone. The Good Tidings is about an ordinary man who shall give up his life, having done nothing wrong. He will be placed higher and shall be recognised as the Messiah who shall restore the kingdom to Israel in that day of the earth’s glory.

Do you want to read more about the first messenger, the greatest of the prophets of the Old Testament, and the other messenger, the first messenger of the New Covenant? Please do read our new articles:

Proclaiming shalom, bringing good news of good things, announcing salvation

Isaiah’s Book of the Messenger of Glad Tidings

Isaiah prophet and messenger of God

Monday, 30 November 2009

Let us act on what we have

"Let us act on what we have, since we have not what we wish."
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890)

"Do the best with what you have, where you are."
- Bob Lloyd

Give what you have to someone
it may be better than you dare to think.
- Longfellow

When you have nothing left but God,
then for the first time you become aware that God is enough.
- Maude Royden

Jehovah looked down from heaven upon the children of men,
to see if there were any that did understand,
that did seek after God."
Psalm 14:2

Your attention goes over all the inhabited earth;
I am so grateful that You also want to focus on me
and that you also want to accompany me.
Direct Your focus on my heart and my mind.
Give me enough insight to act wise,
and let me succeed with what I have
order to enter Your Kingdom.
Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Laat ons handelen op wat we hebben
2013 update:
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Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Eternity depends upon this short time on earth

"God hath given to man a short time here upon earth,
and yet upon this short time eternity depends."
- Jeremy Taylor

"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise,
making the most of the time, because the days are evil."
Ephesians 5:15-16

God let me use this time here on earth beneficial.
I ask you that I always shall perform the correct action
to be admitted in Your Kingdom.
Be always near to me.
Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > De eeuwigheid hangt af van deze korte tijd op aarde
2013 update:
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Wednesday, 29 April 2009

A visible organisation on earth

Here are a few quotes of Morton Edgar from “Gleanings from Glasgow”, most which statements were made in 1928/1929 or shortly thereafter:

The word “organisation” does not occur in the Bible, and its use is apt to mislead. The Scriptural word is “kingdom”; and our Lord distinctly said that “the kingdom of God cometh not with observation”—with outward show—Luke 17:20. Therefore there is no “visible organisation of God on earth,” as is claimed by some to their undoing.

How often Brother Russell warned us against this very thing, and how foolish we shall be if we do not heed his warning. We shall indeed be foolish if we claim that “only through our system or organisation will the heavenly Father accept praise and service”; for this would make it appear necessary for every spirit-begotten child of God to “bow the knee” to the few who have constituted themselves heads of the organisation. The apostle shows that it is only the carnal, fleshly mind that is deceived by such unscriptural claims—1 Cor. 3:1-6, 18-23.

I for one entirely repudiate this talk of “God’s visible organization on earth” during this Gospel Age. It is dangerous talk, and gives rise to all kinds of persecutions and ungodly claims, as anyone who has consecrated reasoning powers can see. We have the whole history of that great “whore,” the Apostate Church during the Gospel Age, to warn us against making any such claim as being God’s visible organization on earth. If Judge Rutherford is not able to read the lesson, then he has become blind. If there was one thing that our dear Brother Russell warned us against, more strongly than any other, it was this very thing. Brother Russell never made any such claim for the “Society” when he was here in the flesh and amongst us, for he knew better. But Judge Rutherford, apparently, does not know enough to keep himself clear of it. In the very first chapter of the first volume of “Studies,” Brother Russell speaks of this “false idea that the nominal church, in its present condition, is the sole agency” for the recovery of the world from sin.

- - -

"Hence it is that we sometimes see an honest, truth-hungry child of God gradually progressing from one denomination to another, as a child passes from class to class in a school. If he be in the Church of Rome, when his eyes are opened, he gets out of it, probably falling into some branch of the Methodist or Presbyterian systems. If here his desire for truth be not entirely quenched and his spiritual senses stupefied with the spirit of the world, you may a few years after find him in some of the branches of the Baptist system; and, if he still continues to grow in grace and knowledge and love of truth, and into an appreciation of the liberty wherewith Christ makes free, you may by and by find him outside of all human organizations, joined merely to the Lord and to his saints, bound only by the tender but strong ties of love and truth, like the early Church. 1 Cor. 6:15,17; Eph. 4:15,16 The feeling of uneasiness and insecurity, if not bound by the chains of some sect, is general. It is begotten of the false idea, first promulgated by Papacy, that membership in an earthly organization is essential, pleasing to the Lord and necessary to everlasting life." Volume 3 p186

Monday, 29 December 2008

He may found a kingdom and empire which shall be literally ‘universal’

The purpose of God in creating the world, and in bringing it to its present political constitution, by checking the full manifestation of the evil that exists, is that He may found a kingdom and empire which shall be literally ‘universal’ (Dan. 2:44; 7:14), and under the government of which all nations may be blessed (Gen. 7:3; Psa. 62:11). The Hebrew nation, established in the Holy Land, will be the kingdom (Exod. 19:5–6; Micah 4:6–8; 5:2; Ezek. 37:21–28); and all other nations the empire attached to that kingdom. The Jewish and other nations will constitute a family of nations, of which Israel will be the first-born; Abraham, the federal patriarch; and Christ, his seed, the king.

John Thomas. (1990; 2002). Comments from Brother Thomas (1). Logos Publications.