Tim Brumby 2Kgs5:18-19 Naaman (a Syrian - so not sure if this is consistent with other examples you might have) and the temple of Rimmon
Phil Poggo There were the 7 daughters who challenged Moses that they would not get an inheritence - God actually chaged the law to accomodate them!Madeleine Schwer Maybe 2 other examples are when Jesus touched lepers & dead bodies, and "cursed was he that hung on a tree" Gal.3 v 13 & Deut.21 v 22-23 . xo:)Mike Szabo I don't know if this qualifies, but Moabites were not allowed into the household of faith until the 10th generation and Ruth was taken in immediately based on her faith.Phil Poggo Jesus 'made out' that he was going to walk further on the road to Emmaus - did the means justify the end?
2014 January update: