Showing posts with label pakistan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pakistan. Show all posts

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Do world religions threaten the survival of the human race in the 21st century

Ronald Brown writes:

In his 1996 book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order, Samuel P. Huntington prophesied that the 21st century would be one of clashes between at least six religious-rooted civilizations: Western Civilization (Western Europe and the USA), Orthodox Christian (Russia and others), Hindu, Sinic (Confucian China, Korea, and Vietnam), Buddhic (South Asia, Tibet, and Mongolia), and Muslim. The age of the nation-state is over; fasten your seatbelts for a wild clash of civilizations. Without natural borders like the other civilizations, the Muslim world is in conflict with all its neighbors. From the Muslim regions of Thailand, Myanmar, China, and the Philippines in Asia to colonial created half-Muslim and half-Christian states of Africa, and between the Muslim migrants to Europe and the USA, Islam is at war with its neighbors.

Detail from “The Battle of the Milvian Bridge” (painted 1520–24) by Giulio Romano.
Nuclear-armed Muslim Pakistan and increasingly Hindu India under the BJP (Hindu Nationalist Party) have been at war for almost a century over the province of Kashmir. Nuclear Jewish Israel threatens to destroy any Muslim neighbor that threatens its survival. Increasingly Orthodox Russia is pushing back at Western expansion into its civilizational territory, and Christian America and Western Europe are currently at war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Nigeria, and elsewhere to resist the Muslim drive to restore the lost unity of the Islamic world and the leadership of a single caliph.
Each civilization and religious-based people that seeks to restore its once great but now lost greatness cites its holy books and history as justification. Muslim fighters cite the great victories won by the prophet Mohammad and the early caliphs over pagans, Jews, and Christians as justification for their wars to expel “Crusaders and Jews” from their sacred lands and so-called “terrorists” take this struggle to Europe and the world. Osama bin Laden wrote that he organized 9/11 to show his opposition to the stationing of American (Christian) troops in Saudi Arabia, the protector of the sacred cities of Mecca and Medina. The supporters of Israeli Dr. Baruch Goldstein compared his 1994 massacre of 29 worshippers in a Hebron mosque in the occupied West Bank to God’s instructions in Judges 2:2-3, “And ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land; ye shall throw down their altars … (for they are) thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare unto you.”

As long as religions were armed with swords, chariots, and bows and arrows, religious warfare was limited. But today nuclear bombs, chemical and biological warfare, and man-made epidemics put the entire human race at risk. All world empires have been inspired by some form of national destiny but when this destiny becomes infused with a divine purpose there is no compromise with the enemy.

Concerning the humans who are a warlike species
Warfare in World Religions: Has the Time Come to Junk All Religions and Found a New One?


Saturday, 2 January 2016

How importance on religion is placed

In the past India has always been a special place concerning the spiritual. Today still close to 80 per cent Indians think religion is an important part of their lives, according to a recent Pew Research Center report, where they ask if the American public is becoming less religious.

The most populous landlocked country in the world, as well as the second-most populous nation on the African continent after Nigeria, Ethiopia, which has a close historical ties with all three of the world's major Abrahamic religions, tops the chart with 98 per cent nationals saying that faith plays a crucial role in their lives.

In the November survey of more than 35,000 U.S. adults it was found that the percentages who say they believe in God, pray daily and regularly go to church or other religious services all have declined modestly in recent years, from 56 per cent in 2007 to 53 per cent in 2015.

The share of U.S. adults who say they believe in God, while still remarkably high by comparison with other advanced industrial countries, has declined modestly, from approximately 92% to 89%, since Pew Research Center conducted its first Landscape Study in 2007.
The share of Americans who say they are “absolutely certain” God exists has dropped more sharply, from 71% in 2007 to 63% in 2014. And the percentages who say they pray every day, attend religious services regularly and consider religion to be very important in their lives also have ticked down by small but statistically significant margins.
The figures suggest Americans place less importance on religion than those from African and Asian countries.
U.S. is in the middle of pack when it comes to importance of religion in people's lives
Pakistan with 93 per cent and Indonesia with 95 per cent, come ahead of India in believing that religion is very important in their lives. On the other hand, France (14 per cent), Japan (11 per cent) and China (three per cent) rank the the lowest.
Generally, poorer nations tend to be religious; wealthy less so, except for U.S.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Europe and much-vaunted bastions of multiculturalism becoming No God Zones

for the Daily Telegraph looking at the situation in Europe about religious groups remarks that Jews are not alone envisioned to be mocked at. or endangered for life In some parts of the world, wearing the label "Christian" also carries a death sentence.
Whether executed for the crime of apostasy in Pakistan, or attacked as "kefirs" (infidels) in Mosul, in northern Iraq, Christians are forced to die for their faith in parts of the Middle East.
We do not have to think Muslims are safe and that they are the ones threatening others. Muslims are not spared the persecution the other Abrahamic religions suffer: in western China and episodically in India, public allegiance to Islam is punishable by death.
In ever-greater swathes of the world, being a believer means embracing martyrdom. "Civilised" countries have failed to defend the persecuted – and in fact have created an atmosphere where the person of faith finds themselves pushed into an intolerable place. The extremists want their blind allegiance or will claim their lives; while the secularists suspect their collusion with hot-head co-religionists
Soon Europe, even London, the much-vaunted bastion of multiculturalism, will become No God Zones, banning any public display of religiosity. ‘For your own good’, the authorities will tell their pious citizens, "you must carry out your ancient rituals in secret. We cannot vouch for your safety otherwise." Believers will have to hide their precious religious symbols, and conceal their rites. Like the early Christians in the catacombs, they will lead lives in the shadow. 
Ultra-orthodox Jewish mother wins right to send children to mainstream school

Read more > Europe is becoming a no God zone

Friday, 15 November 2013

Christian clergyman defiling book which did not belong to him

Like there are many misconception about different Muslims there are also many wrong ideas about Christians. Not all people who receive a correction on what they are saying on the others like that reaction.

Adnan Masih, 26 is a young Christian clergyman accused of blasphemy after he sought to correct misconceptions about Christianity in a Muslim book.
The Islamic extremist Jamaat ud Dawa (JuD) and the police from Lahore, Pakistan are searching for him because they do find this man did something terrible against the prophet and the Pakistani judicial system, makes blasphemy against Islam’s prophet punishable by death.

The story began on 7 October with a misunderstanding. Adnan Masih was replacing his brother at an eyeglass store, the Diamond Glass, where the latter worked. Whilst there, the Christian clergyman saw a book on a shelf by a Muslim leader who heads an outlawed extremist organisation, the Jamat-ul-Dawa. He noted errors in the book about the Bible and penned corrections in it. He then left the store.
The next day Abid Mehmood, a colleague of his brother, filed a complaint against Masih at a police station, accusing him of blasphemy (under Article 295, sections A, B and C of the Pakistan Penal Code). When he heard about the complaint against him, the Christian man denied the accusations.
However, he became the subject of death threats from Jamat-ul-Dawa and eventually a fatwa. Fearing for himself and his loved ones, on 8 November, he turned himself in to local police, asking for protection.
"We're scared," family members said. "Adnan has not written anything against Islam. He only corrected some things about Jesus Christ."
"This is the third case of persecution against Christians based on the blasphemy law in just two months," Fr Arshed John, from the Diocese of Lahore, told AsiaNews. "I hope the police is able to protect him. I call on everyone, without distinction of religion, to pray for this man and his family. "

What the christian family does not seem to understand that first of all you can not write something in a book which you do not buy and is not your own. He should have bought it, read it and returned it with his corrections. But now just writing in something which did not belong to him we can not justify.

The man writing in the book has also doctrinal teachings which are not justifiable with the Biblical teachings. According to him the Old Testament demonstrates a plurality in the Godhead that is a united One, and this distinction is reaffirmed in the New Testament, but that is not at all so. According to the Holy Scriptures, which we consider to be the word of God, there is only One God.

The Theotokos of Vladimir, one of the most ven...
The Theotokos of Vladimir, one of the most venerated of Orthodox Christian icons of the Virgin Mary. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Some may say "Because of Mohammed’s misunderstanding of what
Christians believed and practiced, Islam teaches that the Christian belief of the Trinity is a polytheistic teaching of  “three gods”, characterized as the “Father”, and the “Son” and the “Virgin Mary”. " They overlook that the Islamic prophet recognises the Jews and Christians who follow good teachings but also see the Jews and Chrisitians who follow false teachings. One of those false teachings of that group of Christians which went the wrong way according Muhammad is the Holy Trinity. That is not about a virgin Mary being God, though at his time and also still today there are Christians, like several Catholics who honour Myriam the mother of Jeshua as Maria or Mary, mother of Jesus and mother of God.

Text of
Text of "Our Father" prayer with Trinity in central column (God the Father, dove of the Holy Spirit, Jesus) and Biblical and symbolic scenes in left and right columns. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The “Virgin Mary” has nothing to do with the Trinity (it is the Holy Spirit, not Mary) which is according many Christians a person or figure. Those Christians do forget that God Himself is only One and is Spirit, not anything of flesh and blood, male or female in the strict sense like they see a human being. Lots of Christians do have 1 God the Father + 1 god the son + 1 god the Holy Spirit, and to our and to the Muslim mathematical thinking 1+1+1= 3. for that we can not say the prophet of that religious group had a wrong impression of those Christians who believe in a Tri-une God. Such a teaching is totally against the Words of God which can be found in many old writings, older than the quran.

Archaeological discoveries have repeatedly confirmed what Christians have already believed, that Biblical manuscripts and fragments dated even hundreds of years before Mohammed are virtually identical to the canonized Biblical texts we have today. From those old textfragments we can see that in later  centuries some alterations may have been brought in the Bible Translations, like the taking away of God His name and putting 'Lord' everywhere the tetragram or the Name of God was written, so that people could not figure out any more who it was that was been spoken of, god or Jesus. This alteration made to fit specific doctrinal teaching could not erase the essence of the real message, which each person still can find when he reads the whole assembly of 66 books.
The Biblical Tetragrammaton, the Hebrew Name f...
The Biblical Tetragrammaton, the Hebrew Name for God the Father. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Those who read the bible and compare the many translations with the old manuscripts will see how much conformity they still have.

When Muhammad recited the Qur’an, he clearly stated that he did not believe that the Bible was corrupt at that time and called upon Christians to adhere to the Scriptures that they already possessed.

Today, looking at some fundamentalist Muslims and hearing what they say about the Christian Scriptures, comparing them with the texts archeologist found until now, we could question them: "Since the Scriptures we have today are the same Scriptures that Christians had even well before the time of Muhammad, when do you believe the Bible could have possibly been corrupted, who corrupted it, and how was it corrupted?"

It is true that there are many Christians believe in something wich is nowhere noted in the Scriptures. We still offer 1000 € to the first Christians who can show us where in the original bible texts was written the word 'Trinity'.

The Muslims, like many Christians, Jews and gentiles should know that there are Christians who do not believe in a Tri-une God, but believe the Only One God, who does not tell lies and said about the Nazarene Jew Jeshua, whom we believe to be Jesus Christ the Messiah: "This is my only begotten beloved son". Jesus is the son of God and not god the son, nor the god the sun, nor god the light which we should honour. Jesus prayed unto his Father and told us to do likewise. We only should believe in One God only and One God that is not Triune.  Not three gods.

Islamic picture of Annunciation (Mariam)
Islamic picture of Annunciation (Mariam) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Pakistaanse schoolhandboeken voeden op tot Discriminatie

Nawaz Sharif Parody
Nawaz Sharif Parody (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
De Commissie Rechtvaardigheid en Vrede van de Pakistaanse bisschoppen protesteert tegen de handboeken in de lagere scholen. Die zetten volgens de commissie aan tot onverdraagzaamheid en discriminatie van de religieuze minderheden, in plaats van de vrede en het samenleven te bevorderen.

De commissie bestudeerde 22 handboeken van lagere scholen in de provincies Sindh en Punjab. “Ze bevatten vele onjuistheden en talrijke passages die ronduit beledigend of discriminerend zijn voor de religieuze minderheden”, zegt Peter Jacob, algemeen secretaris van de commissie. “In 2009 noteerden wij 45 klachten over de handboeken. Vandaag zijn dat er 122.” De commissie documenteert in een uitvoerig rapport de passages die aansporen tot discriminatie. Het rapport werd deze week overhandigd aan de nieuwe Pakistaanse premier Nawaz Sharif, met een verzoek tot tussenkomst.

Peter Jacob: “Onze kinderen worden al vanop de schoolbanken opgevoed tot discriminatie. Handboeken geven historische gebeurtenissen vertekend weer en jongeren worden aangespoord tot vooroordelen en onverdraagzaamheid ten aanzien van de religieuze minderheden. Dit betreft de mensenrechten, de godsdienstvrijheid en de toekomst van ons hele onderwijssysteem.”
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Monday, 7 February 2011

January 2011 in the news


Weekly World Watch 1st - 8th Jan 2011‏

There was a Huge gas find for Israel Nations gather for war over Israel's oil find Nations arrive in Israel and surrounding nations to influence the peace process

  1. The UN has turned down Lebanon’s demand to intervene in delineating its sea border following Israel’s discovery in the Mediterranean of the Leviathan gas well – billed as the world’s biggest find in a decade. UN Spokesman Martin Nesirsky explained that UNIFIL’s mandate applied to coastal waters, not to delineating maritime lines.
    The enormous find of gas off Israel’s shores has the potential to become an enormous destabilising influence in the region. This article explains it could easily lead to conflict.
    We know for certain from the scriptures that when Russia attacks Israel it is because it sees a spoil worth taking.
  2. How interesting that at the time the nations are beginning to question maritime maps of the ocean bed to establish who owns what – we also see the rumblings of conflict between rival nations.
  3. Australia's wettest spring on record gives Queensland to face 'biblical' flood covering an area of the size of Germany and France!
  4. The true impact of the natural disasters that occurred in 2010 are still to be fully felt.
    Altogether a total of 950 natural catastrophes were recorded last year, including five “great natural catastrophes:” the earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and central China, the heat wave in Russia and the floods in Pakistan. 2010 not only resulted in substantial losses, but also an exceptionally high number of fatalities – nearly 300,000.
    We now see food prices rising quickly due to the crop destruction with nations like Russia banning grain exports. Jesus spoke of a time to come when there would be great earthquakes and famines. We see large scale famine as a distinct possibility with these events. Whatever happens though NOTHING will separate US from Christ.
  5. When the natural order of things stops working it causes alarm. Just today over 1000 dead birds have literally rained down in Italy! Mainly turtle doves but also other birds like pigeons. There is a very interesting passage in Amos which connects falling birds and warning & alarm! (Amos 3:5-7)

Further we got a.o. in the
Weekly World Watch 9th - 15th Jan 2011‏

  1. Palestinians say they'll go to UN for recognition
  2. Lebanon's government collapses after Hezbollah pulls out
  3. Israeli troops on alert after Lebanese government falls
  4. Brazil was reported in the Weekly World Watch slides just one month ago. They were the first nation to recognise an independent Palestinian State. One month later they have suffered their worst ever natural disaster.
  5. An extensive study of tree growth rings says there could be a link between the rise and fall of past civilisations and sudden shifts in Europe's climate.
    The natural disasters we have been recently witnessing are a tiny foretaste of the tremendous upheaval that is to come -  which will usher in the long awaited Kingdom of God.

Weekly World Watch 9th - 15th Jan 2011‏

More natural disasters and crisis in Lebanon.
  1. The push continues for a Palestinian state. The Palestinian foreign minister says he will seek United Nations recognition for a Palestinian state in September and is currently lobbying for votes worldwide.
  2. 2005 was a tumultuous year for Lebanon. The prime minister of Lebanon Rafik Hariri was assassinated. This provoked the “Cedar Revolution” where hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets.
  3. A senior Israeli military officer says thousands of troops in the north are on alert following the fall of the Lebanese government.
    Authorities are concerned that the political turmoil in Lebanon will spill over into renewed violence on the Lebanese-Israel border. For Lebanon itself, the boom that has followed decades of turmoil could be brought to a shuddering halt as violence resumes.
  4. Last year (March 2010) the US and Russia concluded a deal to cut their deployed arsenals of nuclear missiles by 30%. With great fan-fare it was announced this was the biggest breakthrough for arms control for two decades. Operational strategic nuclear weapons would reduce from 2,200 to 1,550. Now Russia is developing a replacement for the world's most devastating intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in a move that risks reviving a global nuclear arms race.
  5. Brazil was reported in the Weekly World Watch slides just one month ago. They were the first nation to recognise an independent Palestinian State. One month later they have suffered their worst ever natural disaster.
  6. Roman rise and fall 'recorded in trees'
    Climate instability is linked to the stability of civilisation. As we see increasing natural disaster we can expect increasing instability of the nations. Again we see how the two are linked. We believe that God causes the initial disaster which in turn changes the course of history with nations falling and rising. The final natural disasters will see the fall of the kingdom of men and the rise of the kingdom of God. The natural disasters we have been recently witnessing are a tiny foretaste of the tremendous upheaval that is to come -  which will usher in the long awaited Kingdom of God.

Weekly World Watch 16th - 22nd Jan 2011‏

  1. In Bible language the king of the north has come south – down towards the mountains of Israel – to pledge support for those who want Israel removed from the land.
    The president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev said "Russia's position remains unchanged." and pledged his nation's continued support in helping the Palestinians acquire a modern, unified and sovereign state.
  2. Russia wants to be very involved in “finding a solution” to the conflict of the Middle East.
  3. EU pushed to get tougher with Israel. European diplomats are calling for strong action against Israeli policy in a secret document made public recently.
    The report mentioned recommends the following steps: that East Jerusalem be treated as the capital of a future Palestinian state; that EU officials decline Israeli security in the eastern sector of the city; and that EU politicians refuse to visit Israeli government offices located beyond the Green Line.
  4. The Stuxnet computer virus, created to sabotage Iran's nuclear programme, was the result of collaboration between at least one Western power and the Israeli secret service, a British cyber security expert has found. 
  5. South African flood deaths rise following weeks of heavy rains that began in December.
    Meteorologists say southern Africa's floods are caused by El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which has also been linked to recent flooding in Australia and the Philippines.
    Jesus tells us that at the time he returns there will be earthquakes in various places. There will be famines. There will be plagues and pestilence. Interestingly the word translated “earthquake” is also translated as “tempest” in the New Testament. 

Weekly World Watch 23rd - 29th Jan 2011


  1. Tens of thousands of Egyptians fed up with crushing poverty, unemployment and corruption poured out of mosques after Friday's noon prayers and battled police with stones and firebombs.
  2. Egypt has been Israel’s closest Middle East ally. Mubarak has worked with no less than 8 Israeli prime ministers and was of course the leader that signed a peace agreement with Israel in 1979. It was at that time that Egypt positioned itself on the side of Saudi Arabia, as head of the pro-American camp. The fading power of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's government leaves Israel in a state of strategic distress. Without Mubarak, Israel is left with almost no friends in the Middle East; last year, Israel saw its alliance with Turkey collapse.
  3. Oil prices surge on Middle East unrest.
  4. Less than 24 hours after the breakdown of its nuclear dialogue with the six world powers in Istanbul, Iran announced plans Sunday, Jan. 23, to send a fleet of warships, including a home-made destroyer, on operational and intelligence-gathering missions to the Red Sea and on to the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal.
  5. Ireland is upgrading its diplomatic relations with the Palestinian territories in recognition of progress being made by the Palestinian Authority, and is condemned by the Israel's government.
  6. Violence. The scenes that perhaps 20 years ago would have shocked us to our core are now so regular and common place its just another suicide bombing like at Moscow's Domodedovo airport.
    The world has become so violent that it must be similar to the days of Noah.
    When God looked down on the world around 4,500 years ago it was described as being “filled with violence”. The word violence means just that but also cruelty and injustice. As we see innocent victims blown up as they went about their own business we see extreme cruelty, total injustice and terrible violence. We live in the days of Noah

Weekly World Watch 30th Jan - 5th Feb 2011‏

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In this weeks WWW

Uprising in Egypt + some fascinating Bible verses that speak of these events...

We don’t need Wikileaks to tell us what the Bible has told us in advance. We read in the scriptures that the nations (at the time of end) will be in a race to make weapons – to prepare for war. We read in Zechariah 14 of the final battle over Jerusalem.
In this chapter we read of the effects of the war. Many have noted that the effects mentioned in this chapter to those who perish in the war are very similar to the effects caused by nuclear weapons. Flesh dissolving as people stand there, their eyes and tongues melting away. These are the effects of a nuclear weapon. They may be used…

  1. We have been watching incredible scenes in Egypt this week. Thousands and thousands of people determined to remove their government. But there has been much violence in the process with fighting between those Egyptians who want President Mubarak to continue in power and those (the majority it appears) who don’t.
  2. We've seen Iran essentially take control of Lebanon, where its proxy, Hizbollah, has ousted a relatively pro-Western prime minister and inserted its own candidate. We've seen the King of Jordan rush to sack his cabinet amid escalating protests. We've seen reports that similar demonstrations are planned for Syria, where the president, Bashar Assad, will find it far harder to get away with gunning down the crowds than his father did in 1982. And most dramatically, we are seeing the regime in Egypt – the largest, most important Arab country – totter, as President Mubarak faces unprecedented popular protest, and the likelihood that he will have to step down sooner rather than later.
  3. Egyptian officials blamed "terrorists" for an explosion which tore into a gas pipeline from Egypt to Israel and Jordan, and sent flames towering into the sky near the Gaza Strip. A leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt told the Arabic-language Iranian news network Al-Alam on Monday that he would like to see the Egyptian people prepare for war against Israel.
  4. Protest wave spreads out over Arab neighbours. Unrest in Tunisia, Yemen and Jordan.
    In the gospel of Luke, Jesus describes the nations (multitudes) rising up against nations (multitudes).
  5. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said the Middle East is facing a "perfect storm" of unrest and nations must embrace democratic change.
  6. Tension in the Middle East and Asia has given rise to an escalating atomic arms and missiles race which has “the direct potential to lead to nuclear war,” leaked diplomatic documents disclose.