Showing posts with label church children of israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church children of israel. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Some christians do have problems with the Christian connection with Jews

Mainly American Christians do show their disgust with Judaism. Doing so they forget that Jeshua, Jesus Christ, the man who they are supposed to follow was a very devout Jew, belonging to the Jewish sect of the Essenes.

Many Americans say the Jews killed Jesus, but it would be the same as Europeans saying the Americans killed our compatriots in World War II or they killed the Afghanistan and the Iraqis and the Iranians and the Vietnamese and the Koreans and so on. It were some Jews and other people present in Jerusalem at that time who were agitated by the Pharisees and certain Jewish leaders, but not by all the Jews, who also saw in Jesus one of their own.

Also the new Pope is aware it would be better if more Christians started to investigate the Jewish roots of Christianity and the Christian flowering of Judaism.
Francis said.
 “I understand it is a challenge, a hot potato, but it is possible to live as brothers.”
Francis’ statement seems to go further than his predecessor, St. John Paul II, who made headlines in 1986 as the first pope to visit Rome’s main synagogue and declared Jews to be the “elder brothers” of the Christian faith.
“Every day, I pray with the Psalms of David. My prayer is Jewish, then I have the Eucharist, which is Christian,”
the Argentine pontiff added.

Too many Christians do not use the Old Testament, but it was the main part of Jesus his teaching. At that time there was only the Old Testament which was brought to the beleivers in the One God, which was the Divine Creator, God of Adam, God of Abraham and the God of Israel, God His people.

Those Jews are still God His people, we may never forget that.

Certain  right-wing Christians in their denial of the Jewish connection even go so far to deny the Christians would not have killed many of those people of God. A denial of the Holocaust the pope criticizes as “madness.”

Deutsch: Pius XII., Glückwunschschreiben zum 1...
Deutsch: Pius XII., Glückwunschschreiben zum 100. Jubiläum des Pilger in Speyer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Francis I also defended the record of Pope Pius XII, who led the Roman Catholic Church during World War II. Francis will soon have to decide whether to advance the sainthood cause for the controversial wartime pope, who is accused of failing to speak out publicly against the mass murder of Jews. For years, Jewish leaders and Nazi hunters have demanded the Vatican open up its secret wartime files.

Some Jews have accused Pius, who ruled from 1939 to 1958, of turning a blind eye to the Holocaust. The controversy has put a strain on Catholic-Jewish relations for decades.

Francis said he was concerned about
 “everything which has been thrown at poor Pius XII,”
while stressing that he sheltered Jews in the convents of Rome and other Italian cities, as well as the popes’ summer residence in Castel Gadolfo. Strange though that the Catholic Church did not come sooner with proof of such actions. We do know about nuns and priests who took all possibilities to bring Jews in safety. Many also told lies to the German soldiers to protect others. Their concious may have got very harsh times. but how was the concious of pope Pius XII?

The Vatican says Pius worked behind the scenes to save thousands of Jews and did not speak out more forcefully for fear that his words could have led to more deaths of both Jews and Christians at the hands of the Nazis

Pope Francis warns us to be careful, all being able to make mistakes.
"I don't want to say that Pius XII did not make any mistakes - I myself make many - but he has to be seen in the context of that era. For example, was it better for him not to speak out so that more Jews were not killed, or that he speak out?"
he said and added that Pius XII ordered the Church to hide many Jews in the convents of Rome and other Italian cities, that he sheltered Jews in the papal summer residence south of Rome and that 42 children of Jews and other refugees were born in his apartments there.

Francis added that he breaks out in an “existential rash” when he hears people speak against Pius and the church’s wartime record while ignoring inaction by the Allies fighting against Nazi Germany or forgetting the responsibility of the great wartime powers.
“Did you know that they knew perfectly well the rail network used by the Nazis to take the Jews to the concentration camps? They had photographs,”
 “But they did not bomb these rail lines. Why? It would be nice if we spoke a little bit about everything.”
Already in the 1930ies English and Americans did know about certain plans of the Germans, but they did not find it appropriate to react then, when there was still time to prtect further escalation.

Last month, Francis visited the Yad Vashem memorial to Holocaust victims in Jerusalem. The Yad Vashem's website, addressing the issue of the allies' activity during the war, says:

 "In practice, no military initiatives were taken to prevent or delay the extermination."
While some historians have argued those train lines should have been bombed, other historians note the allies were losing planes and airmen at such a high rate, and the lasting effects of the bombing of those train lines would have been so slight, that bombing them made no military or humanitarian sense.

Jewish groups have asked Francis and his predecessors to freeze the process that could lead to sainthood for Pius until the all the World War Two era archives are opened to historians, saying Catholic-Jewish relations could be harmed if the process moved ahead.

Speaking to reporters on the plane returning from Jerusalem last month, Francis said the sainthood cause for Pius was stalled because he had not been credited with performing a miracle, which Church rules require, suggesting it was not stalled because of any outside pressure.

Francis also used that interview to condemn anti-Semitism. He reportedly said it is a continuing problem that was primarily seen in right-wing European political parties which still continue to try to bring a screen in front of the people by ignoring the facts of history like the holocaust.

Francis confirmed that he intends to open the Vatican archives wartime collection.

"They will shed a lot of light,"

 the Pope said.

During Friday’s interview with the Barcelona daily, Francis was also asked about his own security, saying he refused to travel in a bulletproof “sardine can” vehicle because he wants to mingle with ordinary people.
“It is true that anything can happen, but let’s face it, at my age I have nothing to lose,”
the 77-year-old pontiff said. The way he can  now be in contact with young and old is much more important. Such a personal contact can do the Catholic Church some good to reboost it again.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Congregation - Congregatie

Congregatie (kongregatie): congregation (ME congregacioun fr.  MF & L congregation, congregatio), the act of congregating,: an assemblage of persons (or things); gathering, assembly of persons, body of Christians, body of believers; company or order of religious persons; deliberative meeting of governing body.  In the Old Testament a name given to the children of Israel.
F: Congrégation D: Gemeinde I: Parrocchiani

Under this tag "congregatie" you shall be able to find articles mostly talking about the community of men that together want to come to serve God.  The church community or fixed group of men that is part of an ecclesia or church. 

Further it shall be about the Old Testament name given to the children of Israel, the chosen People of God as used in. 

The community of men that stand behind one and the same belief point.  The administration body of a community.  Association of lay people or of clergymen who under ecclesiastic approval hold religious service.

But it can also be about 'The Congregation' (= collection, official name:  Sodali' tium, Sodaliteit'), a particular kind of pious association, with as purpose to perform godly work or charity. 

The congregation distinguishes itself of the usual pious association, because they are organized as a specific organic corporation, the members (congreganists) having the right to vote.  The Congregationalists or congregation members of The Congregation are also members of a brotherhood, set up to promote public service. 

In the Catholic Church the Congregations must be set up or approved by the competent ecclesiastic authorities.  As there are the Roman Congregations, Religious Congregation and Mary-congregation. 


Association, the members, the associated, those serving together and taking up an engagement, the belonging to, the inaugurated, the togetherness or assembling, the people meeting, the company, the alliance, confederation

confrery, confrère, partnership, trade-union, circle, federation, body, corps, corporation,  apostate, division, section, branching, department, clique, circle, coterie, club, debating-club, circle of friends, desk, collegium, governor, members list, guild,guildsmen, guildstaf, assembly, meeting, session, assembly, council session, members assembly, convent, conference

Congregatie (kongregatie) of broedergemeenschap, broederschap, gemeente of parochie, communiteit, geaffilieerden, aangeslotenen.

Op onze bladzijden zal het meestal gaan over de gemeenschap van mensen die samen willen komen om God te dienen.  De kerkgemeenschap of vaste groep van mensen die behoren tot een ecclesia of kerk.

Verder veel gebruikt voor de in het Oude Testament gegeven naam aan de kinderen van Israël, het verkozen Volk van God.

De gemeenschap van mensen die achter eenzelfde geloofspunt staan.  Bestuurslichaam van een gemeenschap.  Vereniging van leken of van geestelijken die onder kerkelijke goedkeuring godsdienstoefeningen houden.


Vereniging, de leden, de geassocieerden, diegenen die samen een engagement aangaan, de toebehorenden, de ingewijden of de ingekochten, de samen of bijeenkomenden, de samentreffenden, het gezelschap, de sociëteit, bondgenootschap, eedgenootschap,

aartsbroederschap, gildebroederschap, confrérie, vennootschap, veem, vakvereniging, kring, bond, lichaam, korps, corps, corporatie, gilde, apostolaat, afdeling, sectie, vertakking, departement, clique, cercle, coterie, club, debatingclub, vriendenkring bestuur, bureau, collegium, bestuurder, ledenlijst, gildestaf, vergadering, samenkomst, bijeenkomst, zitting, vergadering, raadszitting, achterraad, ledenvergadering, convent, congres, meeting,

groepsvertegenwoordiging, plenum vergaderplaats, vergaderzaal, verenigingslokaal, raadkamer, sociëteit, rendez-vous, gildehuis, gildekamer, kerkgemeenschap, godsdienstige groepering, godsdienstoverleg, overlegorgaan, geloofsorgaan de opname, aggregatie, incorporatie, coöperatie, voorzitting, leiding godsvruchtig orgaan, godvrezend orgaan, godsdienstige vereniging, godgevallige groepering, godgezinden, godminnenden, godlievenden, godverheerlijkenden,vromen, kerkgezinden,kerksen, heiligbegerigen, hemelsgezinden,godgelaten, devoten, religieuzen, pieuzen, piëtisten, God dienenden/prijzende/lovenden/erenden, godsgetrouwen

kerkbestuur, kerkregering, Bijbelcommissie, Bijbelgenootschap, Bijbelgetrouwen, herderlijke vereniging/genootschap, kloosterling, woudbroeder, heremiet, eremiet, kloostervolk, ordegeestelijken, ordebroeders, regulieren, lekenbroeders, kloosterjuffers, kloosterzusters, kloosternonnen, kloostermaagden, zusters, bruiden des Heer, masoeurs, koorvrouwen, van de wereld wegtrekkenden/terugtrekkenden,


De Congrega'tie (= verzameling, officiele naam: Sodali'tium, Sodaliteit'), een bijzonder soort vrome vereniging, met als doel het verrichten van godvruchtige of liefdadige werken.

De congregatie onderscheidt zich van de gewone vrome vereniging, doordat zij als organieke corporatie is ingericht, d.  w.  z.  dat de leden (congreganisten) stemrecht of zeggenschap hebben.  De congreganisten of congregatieleden van de Congregatie zijn ook leden van een broederschap, opgericht ter bevordering van de openbare eredienst.

De Congregaties moeten in de Katholieke Kerk door de bevoegde kerkelijke overheid zijn opgericht of goedgekeurd.
Zo zijn er de Romeinse Congregaties, Religieuze Congregatie en Mariacongregatie.