Be not thou weary in thy Master's cause,
Let not thy courage fail nor hope grow dim;
He worketh hitherto without a pause
Rejoice in fellowship of toil with him.
Be not thou weary, for the work is great,
And time is short, the labourers are few;
Soon, soon to all will close: the vineyard gate,
Do well and truly what thou hast to do.
Be not thou weary, slacken not thy zeal,
Sow broadcast, for the harvest comes at length;
E'en now thy Master doth himself reveal,
Look thou to him for all the needed strength.
Be not thou weary, the reward is sure,
Great is the recompense, if great the strife;
And he that doth unto the end endure,
Shall from the Lord receive the crown of life.
Logos Volume 36 p.139