Showing posts with label mozambique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mozambique. Show all posts

Monday, 10 August 2020

Jihadistisch, geweld in Mozambique

Naast de Sahel en de landen rond het Tsjaadmeer groeit het aantal jihadisten.

De dreiging van ISIS-terreurgroepen in Afrika ten zuiden van de Sahel is inmiddels opgerukt tot in Zuid-Afrika. De politie in het stadje Kliprivier heeft met het oppakken van een ‘kidnappingsgroep’ volgens de Zuid-Afrikaanse autoriteiten ‘een van de grootste doorbraken bereikt in de onderzoeken naar internationaal terrorisme in Zuid-Afrika’, zo meldt de Daily Maverick.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Tin roofs and concrete floors

In the rapidly growing Christadelphian community in Mozambique most churches have grass roofs, mud floors and side-trenches to catch rain.
But first-hand witnesses testify it doesn’t resist the Mozambique rainstorms well at all.

Around 50 churches need either a tin roof, and/or a concrete floor and/or tables and chairs.  If you, or your congregation, would like to sponsor one of these village churches, please let John Pople know and he will assign you to a particular village group.

Donations can be sent to WCF at PO Box 88, Deland, IL 61839 or made online at  Please earmark your donation “FB Mozambique appeal.” WCF will act as a conduit for finances and are working in cooperation with CBM UK (Bro Trevor Radbourne)
in this project.  For more information on the Christadelphian community in Mozambique, see or