We are the beloved of God. This is the foundational definition of who we are. Everything else about us finds meaning in this fact. We do not earn or deserve God’s acceptance. He does not owe it to us. He gives it as a gift and therefore it will never be taken away from us.
If we deliberately reject it He will accept our decision. We can’t lose God’s acceptance by our behaviour or failure. We are totally and eternally accepted.
Too often we live as if God only tolerates us in the hope we will improve. We strive to gain His approval and make ourselves more acceptable.
We refuse to believe that he likes, loves, accepts and searches for us.
We read of the prodigal son and insist on seeing ourselves still in the pigsty rather than in the Father’s arms. We reverse creation and make God in our image giving Him all our difficulties in giving undeserved and unconditional love.
We forget that God is love.
Early Christian ichthys sign carved into marble in the ruins of Ephesus, Turkey (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
2013 update: