Dunstable is a typical UK market town, with quite a lot of medieval history and plenty of interesting people to talk to when we go out preaching.
Next door is Luton, which is a very different place altogether. Its a vibrant, multicultural community with several diverse and strongly religious groups.. For several years now we have been receiving details of many interested in knowing more about the Bible and have a list of 75. This year we decided that although it would be very challenging we must go and explore what opportunities there were to preach the Word.
Now we have an amazing door opened to us - the Luton Carnival is 2nd only to the famous UK carnival at Notting Hill in London, and we have been given permission to have a literature stand there amongst the crowds in the park - estimated at 100,000!
So we have ordered lots of Bibles to give away and a mountain of literature! The Lord has blessed us with the willing help of some brothers from Birmingham who are much more experienced at preaching to a multicultural audience.
The event will be on May 25th 2009 - pray for us!