In Nigeria hebben militante groepen van islamitische Fulani-nomaden, sinds februari, al 120 mensen gedood in christelijke boerengemeenschappen.
Deze Fulani-nomaden vormen volgens de Christian Post een groter gevaar voor de christenen in
Nigeria dan Boko Haram. Alleen al in 2018 hebben Fulani’s naar
schatting 1700 christenen gedood.
Deze maand hebben leden van de groep
in de dorpen Inkirimi, Dogonnoma en Ungwan Gora in de regio van Kajuru
143 huizen verwoest, 52 mensen gedood en tientallen mensen verwond. In
het dorp Ungwan Barde in de regio Kajuru werden zeventien christenen
gedood en tientallen huizen platgebrand.
In de eerste week van maart hebben militanten meer dan dertig christenen
vermoord in het dorp Karamar, waar huizen en een kerk in vlammen
opgingen. De terroristen openden het vuur op gezinnen die de vlucht
wilden nemen. Daarbij lieten 32 mensen het leven. De gouverneur van
Kaduno heeft maatregelen genomen om het geweld in te dammen.
Zoals het meestal gebeurd in strijdvoering, gat het hier ook weer om macht en grondbezit. De meeste herders behoren tot de vanouds nomadische islamitische Fulani,
terwijl de meeste boeren christenen zijn van verschillende
etniciteiten. De nomaden zien hun trekmogelijkheid beperkt door de christenen en vallen hen daarom aan, maar gebruiken ook hun godsdienst als excuus om de christenen uit te roeien.
Looked at by Marcus Ampe from a Christian viewpoint.
De wereld bekeken vanuit een Christelijke visie door Marcus Ampe
Showing posts with label Nigeria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nigeria. Show all posts
Wednesday, 20 March 2019
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
500 jaar na de ophanging van de 95 stellingen
Uitbeelding van het verhaal dat Luther zijn "95 stellingen" op de deur van de slotkerk te Wittenberg gespijkerd zou hebben (Ferdinand Pauwels, 1872) |
In het kleine Duitse plaatsje Wittenberg zou de ijverige priester zijn tegenstand tegen de handel in aflaten op 31 oktober 1517 aan de kerkpoorten gehangen hebben. De "95 stellingen" stelden de handel in aflaten aan de kaak, een concept van de dominicaanse priester Johann Tetzel waardoor rijken de vergiffenis van hun zonden konden afkopen van de paus. Luther vond het onrechtvaardig dat rijken zo geen boetedoening moesten doen wanneer ze te biecht kwamen.
Wie kon vermoeden dat enkele acties van rooms Katholieke priesters tot zulk een grote verandering in het christendom zou zorgen.
Eerst was er de door Thomas Cranmer nietigverklaring van het huwelijk tussen Hendrik VIII en Catharina van Aragon die niet alleen aanleiding gaf tot de ëxcommunicatie van die bisschop maar ook koning Hendrik VIII tot hoofd van de katholieke kerk van Engeland deed uitroepen door het Engelse parlement in 153, alhoewel deze teruggedraaid werd in 1554 door koningin Mary Tudor. doch vijf jaar later werd die akte door de opvolgster, de protestantse Elizabeth I, terug bezegeld.
Maar door velen wordt de aanklacht van de wantoestanden in de katholieke Kerk in de 16de eeuw, door de augustijner broeder (1506) die het sacrament van de priesterwijding ontvangen had (1507), als beginpunt genomen van de Grote Verandering of Reformatie.
Maarten Luther ontwikkelde hij zich na zijn benoeming in 1508 tot hoogleraar in de moraaltheologie aan de Universiteit van Wittenberg tot een persoon die niet op zijn mond gevallen was en de Kerk van Rome op de vingers durfde tikken.
Voor zijn veelvuldige opmerkingen tegen de Rooms Katholieke kerk werd Luther in 1521 geëxcommuniceerd door paus Leo X. Met de reformatoren Huldrych Zwingli en Johannes Calvijnwerd hij één van de vormgevers van wat wij nu het Protestantisme noemen. Luther wordt aanzien als dé leidende persoonlijkheid van de Reformatie in het Duitse Rijk.
In 2017 neemt men aan dat er wereldwijd 560 miljoen protestanten protestanten zijn, waarbij men de niet-trinitarischen dan wel niet bij rekent. In 1600 leefden vrijwel alle protestanten in Europa, nu woont nog maar 16 procent van de gemeenschap er. Men ziet in Europa het aantal gelovigen ook in protestantse kringen sterk dalen, dit in tegenstelling met de landen van het zuidelijk halfrond. Men vermoed dat tegen 2050 dat percentage gezakt zal zijn naar onder de 10 procent van de dan verwachte 870 miljoen protestanten wereldwijd.
In 1900 was slechts 1,7 procent van de protestanten woonachtig op het zuidelijk continent –bovendien ging het toen vooral om Europeanen in Zuid-Afrika–, nu is dat 41 procent. Demografische factoren –zoals het kleine aantal kinderen per gezin in het Westen – versterken het effect van de vermindering van gelovigen in het noordelijk halfrond en de groei van de kerken in het zuidelijk halfrond.
Het zwaartepunt van het protestantisme van Europa via Noord-Amerika naar Afrika en ook Azië. In de lijst van landen met de grootste protestantse gemeenschappen stonden in 1910 alleen westerse landen. Een eeuw later is de lijst veel diverser. De Verenigde Staten vormen nog steeds het land met de meeste protestanten (56 miljoen). Maar Nigeria (53 miljoen) en Brazilië (35 miljoen) haalden inmiddels Groot-Brittannië (minder dan 29 miljoen protestanten) en Duitsland (25 miljoen) in. En in de lijst staan verder drie Aziatische landen (China, India, Indonesië) en nog twee Afrikaanse (Kenia en Ethiopië).
Rwanda, Burundi, Ivoorkust, Burkino Faso en Tsjaad, mogen er toe bijdragen dat daar de protestantse kerken de laatste eeuw het snelst mochten aangroeien. De laatste tien jaar kende de protestanten vooral in Sao Tomé en Principe –een eilandenstaat in de Golf van Guinee–, Bhutan, Niger, Singapore en Iran een grote toename.
Lees ook:
- Hoogdag voor vele protestanten
- 500 jaar reformatie – reden tot droefheid
- Gewortelden in Christus en factoren voor het succes van de reformatie
- Broeders en Zusters in Christus door de eeuwen heen #10 De Inquisitie
- 16° Eeuwse Broeders in Christus
- Zijn Beelden een Gevaar of de Redding voor het Geloof?
- Hedendaagse protestanten tegenover Katholieken of de Antichrist
- Wereld van een Bijbels analfabetisme is ontstaan
- Wereldkaart protestantisme verandert snel
- The Anti-Reformation in Todays Evangelical Church
- A New Reformation
Saturday, 4 November 2017
Do world religions threaten the survival of the human race in the 21st century
Ronald Brown writes:
In his 1996 book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order, Samuel P. Huntington prophesied that the 21st century would be one of clashes between at least six religious-rooted civilizations: Western Civilization (Western Europe and the USA), Orthodox Christian (Russia and others), Hindu, Sinic (Confucian China, Korea, and Vietnam), Buddhic (South Asia, Tibet, and Mongolia), and Muslim. The age of the nation-state is over; fasten your seatbelts for a wild clash of civilizations. Without natural borders like the other civilizations, the Muslim world is in conflict with all its neighbors. From the Muslim regions of Thailand, Myanmar, China, and the Philippines in Asia to colonial created half-Muslim and half-Christian states of Africa, and between the Muslim migrants to Europe and the USA, Islam is at war with its neighbors.
Each civilization and religious-based people that seeks to restore its once great but now lost greatness cites its holy books and history as justification. Muslim fighters cite the great victories won by the prophet Mohammad and the early caliphs over pagans, Jews, and Christians as justification for their wars to expel “Crusaders and Jews” from their sacred lands and so-called “terrorists” take this struggle to Europe and the world. Osama bin Laden wrote that he organized 9/11 to show his opposition to the stationing of American (Christian) troops in Saudi Arabia, the protector of the sacred cities of Mecca and Medina. The supporters of Israeli Dr. Baruch Goldstein compared his 1994 massacre of 29 worshippers in a Hebron mosque in the occupied West Bank to God’s instructions in Judges 2:2-3, “And ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land; ye shall throw down their altars … (for they are) thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare unto you.”
As long as religions were armed with swords, chariots, and bows and arrows, religious warfare was limited. But today nuclear bombs, chemical and biological warfare, and man-made epidemics put the entire human race at risk. All world empires have been inspired by some form of national destiny but when this destiny becomes infused with a divine purpose there is no compromise with the enemy.
Read more >
In his 1996 book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order, Samuel P. Huntington prophesied that the 21st century would be one of clashes between at least six religious-rooted civilizations: Western Civilization (Western Europe and the USA), Orthodox Christian (Russia and others), Hindu, Sinic (Confucian China, Korea, and Vietnam), Buddhic (South Asia, Tibet, and Mongolia), and Muslim. The age of the nation-state is over; fasten your seatbelts for a wild clash of civilizations. Without natural borders like the other civilizations, the Muslim world is in conflict with all its neighbors. From the Muslim regions of Thailand, Myanmar, China, and the Philippines in Asia to colonial created half-Muslim and half-Christian states of Africa, and between the Muslim migrants to Europe and the USA, Islam is at war with its neighbors.
Detail from “The Battle of the Milvian Bridge” (painted 1520–24) by Giulio Romano.
Nuclear-armed Muslim Pakistan and increasingly Hindu India under the
BJP (Hindu Nationalist Party) have been at war for almost a century over
the province of Kashmir. Nuclear Jewish Israel threatens to destroy any
Muslim neighbor that threatens its survival. Increasingly Orthodox
Russia is pushing back at Western expansion into its civilizational
territory, and Christian America and Western Europe are currently at war
in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Nigeria, and elsewhere to resist
the Muslim drive to restore the lost unity of the Islamic world and the
leadership of a single caliph.Each civilization and religious-based people that seeks to restore its once great but now lost greatness cites its holy books and history as justification. Muslim fighters cite the great victories won by the prophet Mohammad and the early caliphs over pagans, Jews, and Christians as justification for their wars to expel “Crusaders and Jews” from their sacred lands and so-called “terrorists” take this struggle to Europe and the world. Osama bin Laden wrote that he organized 9/11 to show his opposition to the stationing of American (Christian) troops in Saudi Arabia, the protector of the sacred cities of Mecca and Medina. The supporters of Israeli Dr. Baruch Goldstein compared his 1994 massacre of 29 worshippers in a Hebron mosque in the occupied West Bank to God’s instructions in Judges 2:2-3, “And ye shall make no league with the inhabitants of this land; ye shall throw down their altars … (for they are) thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare unto you.”
As long as religions were armed with swords, chariots, and bows and arrows, religious warfare was limited. But today nuclear bombs, chemical and biological warfare, and man-made epidemics put the entire human race at risk. All world empires have been inspired by some form of national destiny but when this destiny becomes infused with a divine purpose there is no compromise with the enemy.
Read more >
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Saturday, 7 February 2015
Niger churches burned in Charlie Hebdo protest
In several countries the actions of the extremist fundamentalists and the reactions on it by others triggered further reactions by Muslims.
In the predominantly Muslim country Nigeria, where Boko Haram also sows terror Muslims of the wrong following do have problems but also Christians. The government says at least 45 churches have been set on fire in the West African nation in protests over French cartoons lampooning Islam’s prophet.
Earlier this month a terror attack 12 Christians found their death in a church where bars set ablaze by protesters angry about the portrayal of the Prophet Muhammad in the French news weekly Charlie Hebdo. Amid the violent protests that first began on Friday last week, an other 10 people found death.
Niger’s government in a statement promised that those responsible for the arson and deaths will be sought and punished.
In the predominantly Muslim country Nigeria, where Boko Haram also sows terror Muslims of the wrong following do have problems but also Christians. The government says at least 45 churches have been set on fire in the West African nation in protests over French cartoons lampooning Islam’s prophet.
Earlier this month a terror attack 12 Christians found their death in a church where bars set ablaze by protesters angry about the portrayal of the Prophet Muhammad in the French news weekly Charlie Hebdo. Amid the violent protests that first began on Friday last week, an other 10 people found death.
Niger’s government in a statement promised that those responsible for the arson and deaths will be sought and punished.
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Thursday, 24 January 2013
Christian Association of Nigeria in dispute
The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), which formed because of the marginalization of Christians in the North; has dared Catholic block to pull out of the organization, accusing them of arrogance.
Previously Catholics were in the leadership of CAN. At that time they seemed to be supported.
Catholic Bishop’s Conference of Nigeria, CBCN, on Wednesday in Abeokuta, Ogun State Capital threatened to pull out of the National Christian body over the alleged romance of the CAN leadership with the federal government.
Mr. Oibe, the President of “Tarayar Ekklisiyar Kristi A Nijeriya”, a conglomeration of 13 church groups in CAN, says Catholics should not mislead the public even if they want to pull out.
Cardinal John Onaiyekan lost PFN Presidency to Ayo Oritsejafor who is being pro-government according the Catholics.
The Director Communication, Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria, Rev Fr Ralph Madu, while speaking to a reporter of one of the national dailies maintained that the CBCN did not pull out of CAN, and that, the body was only trying to sought out some issues with National Christian body.
He mentioned that the body only withdrew temporarily from CAN, which will only last for few weeks, adding that, there was no squabble between the two religious bodies.
Read more about it in:
Previously Catholics were in the leadership of CAN. At that time they seemed to be supported.
Catholic Bishop’s Conference of Nigeria, CBCN, on Wednesday in Abeokuta, Ogun State Capital threatened to pull out of the National Christian body over the alleged romance of the CAN leadership with the federal government.
Abeokuta, Nigeria, from the top of Olumo Rock (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Mr. Oibe, the President of “Tarayar Ekklisiyar Kristi A Nijeriya”, a conglomeration of 13 church groups in CAN, says Catholics should not mislead the public even if they want to pull out.
Cardinal John Onaiyekan lost PFN Presidency to Ayo Oritsejafor who is being pro-government according the Catholics.
The Director Communication, Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria, Rev Fr Ralph Madu, while speaking to a reporter of one of the national dailies maintained that the CBCN did not pull out of CAN, and that, the body was only trying to sought out some issues with National Christian body.
He mentioned that the body only withdrew temporarily from CAN, which will only last for few weeks, adding that, there was no squabble between the two religious bodies.
Read more about it in:
CAN dares Catholic Church, describes them as appendage of PDP
Catholic Church pulls out of CAN
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