Showing posts with label Bible translations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible translations. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Soon another translation: The Readable Bible

Today’s readers often struggle with the Bible. Many do find that it has long, complex sentences, old fashioned “holy” words or words one does not use in our daily language any more. Often people also find that the page after page of plain paragraphs make it for difficult reading.

Publishers have tackled the problem by moving further and further from the text — from literal translation (KJV, NASB, ESV), to thought for-thought translation (NIV), to paraphrase (TLB, NLT), to loose paraphrase (The Message), which often leaves the reader with little idea what the biblical text actually says.

The Readable Bible wants to reverse this trend. It presents the literal text, but does so using modern formats. The result is a literal translation that is as easy to read as a paraphrase.

In 2008 Rod Lauglin decided to create a new Bible translation that presents the original text and uses modern formatting to make it clear and easy to grasp. His primary work for the past eight years has been developing and translating The Readable Bible.

When you know that there are about 120 English translations of the complete Bible and that only about 15 of those were translated by a single person, which may have brought certain people to act negatively or to look pre-cautious at that translation. You may doubt in the possibility that one person looked at every word in the original language and made the English text decision, but it is a reality and for that person an immense task. In addition, there are an additional 300 translations of significant portions of the Bible into English.

The author has observed two things.
 First, just because a translation comes from a committee does not mean it is better, best or correct! There have been instances when committees were divided on the best translation to render. Compromises are made (“your way here, mine there”), and sometimes the chairperson breaks the tie. Being human, there are those with more sway than others. The perfect is never the result whether the work is done by one or many.
Second, committees are not prone to take risks. They are not spending their own money, and they have responsibilities to the publisher and/or owner of the resulting text. An individual has a one-on-one relationship with God, a calling from Him and (hopefully) is willing to abandon all, follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and please his Father and Savior. What looks like a fool’s journey to others is simple obedience by the one called.

Since 1850 over a dozen new Bible formats have been developed. the makers of the Readable bible think that using modern formats shall make it easier for people to read, comprehend, and remember Scripture. Therefore the Readable Bible maintains the integrity of the literal text but places it in easy-to-read formats, and thinks it's the best of both worlds! so it offers genealogical trees, maps of the journeys and battles of the kingdoms, census numbers are presented in census tables, Law code is presented in outline format as in modern law books.Also the text format is presented like it would be presented in our daily publications, poetry and theological passages are presented in cascading text, digressions in the text are separated by callouts so readers can easily see where the digression begins and ends.

The publishers also want to give Callouts and footnotes:
  • Define words that are used in the Bible and not used in secular life (for example, Urim and Thummim).
  • Define words that are common, but commonly misunderstood.
  • Provide insights into ancient culture and historical context.
  • Provide a literal translation whenever a thought-for-thought translation is given. 
The first release will be a standard 6” x 9” Bible available in two editions:
The Readable Bible Entire Bible in One Volume
  • Fully Annotated Edition – with over 10,000 notes providing background information, cross-references, alternate and literal translations.
  • Standard Edition – with footnotes limited to those that provide background information, definitions of words not used in secular conversation, and definitions of words whose biblical meaning differs from secular usage.
  • Available in 2020.

 Select books will be sold separately starting in 2018 as they are produced. The entire set will be available in 2020.
The Readable Bible in Individual Volumes or 23-Book Set

Friday, 10 November 2017

From Two new bibles, a look at one created with passion for creating meaningful, inspirational products that share God’s truth to the world

Who can object to products that share God’s truth to the world?  And when it is about the Word of God we would love to hear about it and get such products better.

BroadStreet Publishing is the publisher of The Passion Translation. It represents their passion for creating meaningful, inspirational products that share God’s truth to the world with beauty, quality, and creativity. 
They were thrilled to partner with former missionary, linguist, minister, and Bible teacher Dr. Brian Simmons in a groundbreaking attempt to re-introduce the passion and fire of the Bible to English readers. Dr. Simmons as a missionary, he and his wife, Candice, pioneered church plants in Central America. As a linguist, Brian co-translated the Paya-Kuna New Testament for the Paya-Kuna people of Panama. He and his wife have birthed numerous ministries, including a dynamic church, Gateway Christian Fellowship, in West Haven, Connecticut. He is also known as a gifted teacher of the Bible who has authored several books and serves churches worldwide through his teaching ministry.

Brian began his biblical studies with The New Tribes Bible Institute and continued on to earn his doctorate with Wagner Leadership Institute, with a specialization on prayer. His doctoral thesis is now published, Prayer Partners with Jesus, available on

While Brian serves as the lead translator for The Passion Translation, every book (including the numerous footnotes) was evaluated by respected scholars and editors. In preparation for the release of the full New Testament October 31, 2017, BroadStreet Publishing formed an even more extensive and diverse team to review and provide critical feedback to ensure The Passion Translation is faithful to the original text and heart of God.

The translators have worked hard to express the original biblical languages in modern English. They believe there really is no such thing as a consistent word-for-word translation. Yes literal meaning matters, but the full meaning of a passage doesn’t transfer from word-to-word. Therefore their translation philosophy is that the meaning of God’s original message to the world has priority over its exact form, which is why their goal was to communicate the meaning of Scripture as clearly and naturally as possible in modern English.

They say
Brian and other reviewers have sought to remain faithful to the original biblical languages by preserving their literal meaning, yet flexible enough to convey God’s original message in a way modern English speakers can understand. It is a balanced translation that tries to hold both the Word’s literal meaning and original message in proper tension, resulting in an entirely new, fresh, fiery translation of God’s Word.
They have good reason to see how language quickly evolves.
About every hundred years or so the vocabulary of people undergoes a dramatic change. In this era of modern technology we find an even more rapid shift. Therefore, it is important to keep translations of the Bible in step with changes in the English language.
they say with reason. But how can you bring the emotion of the different generations and cultures our society encounters. They believe that in past translations wonderfully gifted scholars were trained to focus on other factors besides the emotion of the text but a as Brian has studied the original biblical manuscripts, he uncovered what he believes is the love language of God that has been missing from other translations.

In my previous article I mentioned how people often look at bible translations coming from a denomination, which often gives some problems for accept ion of that translation or gives some negative reactions against it based on church doctrine.

This new Bible translations promises to bring a fresh approach to translating the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic manuscripts that intentionally transcends denominational barriers.
It is not rooted in any one tradition or denomination, but desires to help the wider Body of Christ encounter the heart of God anew in the language of today.

The governing philosophy behind The Passion Translation is to transfer the meaning of God’s original message found in the biblical languages to modern-day English. They believe that Dr. Simmons has sought to faithfully carry over the meaning of the Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic into modern English along with the nuances of the Scripture’s poetry and prose to make it sparkle and come alive to the reader.

In fact we must say it is only Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Songs and the New Testament and not the Whole Bible and when looking at the people who work at the translation again one could say it is also written from a denominational point of view. How it is going to be known we have to wait. It also could be called New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) “translation” of the Bible or New Apostolic Reformation Bible (NARB) or TPT it being produced by the NAR 'apostle' Brian Simmons and being endorsed by
Bill Johnson (Bethel/ NAR), Bobbie Houston (Hillsong), Patricia King (NAR), Lou Engle (The Call/ NAR), James Goll (NAR), John & Lisa Bevere (NAR), Banning Leibscher (Jesus CULTure), Che Ahn (NAR), Stacy Campbell (NAR), Chuck Pierce (Healing Rooms/ NAR)

From Two new bibles, first a look at not such a new one

From Two new bibles, first a look at not such a new one

The first new bible for this Autumn is perhaps not so new as it likes to pretend. The Christian Standard Bible (CSB) is descended from the HCSB (Holman Christian Standard Bible), which was first published in 2004. Often we get to know that a certain bibletranslation is written from the denominational view. The Holman bible (HCSB) distributed by a Baptist company (Holman/Lifeway) got also that label to be a ‘Baptist Bible’.  Perhaps for that reason the Holman disappeared in the name. their aim is like in the previous Holman bible to capture the Bible’s original meaning without compromising clarity and this in a contemporary language.
An optimal blend of accuracy and readability, this translation helps readers make a deeper connection with God’s Word and inspires lifelong discipleship. 
 the publishers say.

They do find that their new translation is for everyone — for readers young and old, new and seasoned.
It’s a Bible pastors can preach from and a Bible you can share with your neighbor hearing God’s Word for the very first time.
In the older HCSB version the Greek word kristos (or Christos Χριστός) was translated as Messiah when translators felt that Jesus was being referred to in a Jewish context, and Christ when not specifically in a Jewish context.  You could call this being helpful for context, but inconsistent in word-for-word translation accuracy.  The CSB has moved to the more traditional use of translating Christos consistently as Christ.

The fear of God's Name has moved the publishers this time not to use the Name of God. At the time of publishing the HCSB we where pleased to find one publisher who at least wanted to show where the Tetragrammaton stood, even when they did not choose for God's real Name, but preferred to print Yahweh. But now we are back to start, they avoiding their readers to see where it is about Jehovah God, omitting the Name of God and replacing it with the non-saying Lord. According to the translation team, most readers responded that they were unfamiliar with the Tetragrammaton (a Hebrew name for God, YHWH, which should be pronounced Yai How Whah = Jehovah), and that it was unhelpful and even an obstacle for new Bible readers. this one must understand from the point of view that most readers became confused and read that it was about Jehovah God (or Yahweh in that version) whilst their pastors said it was about Jesus.

We wonder who can think that it is
The overall thought in changing it was that people can figure out who the ‘LORD’ is easier than they can figure out exactly who ‘Yahweh’ is or why we call him that. Hence the change.
Concerns over this were addressed by Dr. Iain M. Duguid, a member of the translating team,
 “as a translator for the original HCSB and part of the oversight committee for the revision, I’d encourage you not to panic. The CSB retains the strengths of the HCSB and (in my opinion) improves on them. Yes, we have followed the NT and most English translation in going back to the LORD for Yahweh, largely because we felt the previous attempt ended up in inconsistencies. But it is a revision, not a wholesale new translation. Many passages have been left untouched because we felt we got them right first time around. In other places, we have sometimes moved in a more literal direction, for example “Lord of Armies” instead of “Lord of Hosts” and “Children of Adam” for “ben adam.”


Also of interest
  1. Bible: Translations are Reliable
  2. English Bible History by John L. Jeffcoat III and Dr. Craig H. Lampe
  3. Tyndale, the Bible and the 21st Century
  4. The most important translation…

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Word of God presented to people in more than 3200 languages

Illustration of the distribution of Bibles in ...
Illustration of the distribution of Bibles in China up to 1908 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In 2016 a milestone was reached having the Word of God presented to people in more than 3200 languages.

At least 1.5 bil­lion peo­ple do not have the full Bible avail­able in their first lan­guage. Over 684 mil­lion of these have the New Tes­ta­ment; oth­ers have por­tions or at least some level of trans­la­tion or prepara­tory work begun.

There is known ac­tive trans­la­tion and/or lin­guis­tic de­vel­op­ment hap­pen­ing in 2400 lan­guages across more than 165 countries.

As of 1 Oc­to­ber 2016, a new method of iden­ti­fy­ing trans­la­tion need sug­gests over 160 mil­lion peo­ple, speak­ing 1700-1800 lan­guages, may need some form of Bible trans­la­tion to begin.

To­day ap­prox­i­mately 100 or­gan­i­sa­tions from more than 60 na­tions form the Wycliffe Global Al­liance. But also outside that alliance several groups, like the Bible students the Jehovah Witnesses and others are working at bible translations.

By pro­vid­ing staff, funds, train­ing, trans­la­tion and sup­port ser­vices, Al­liance or­gan­i­sa­tions are cur­rently in­volved in al­most 2000 of the 2422 lan­guages with ac­tive work.

Wycliffe Global Al­liance or­gan­i­sa­tions and per­son­nel have been in­volved in the trans­la­tion of Bibles and New Tes­ta­ments in more than 900 lan­guages. At least one of the Bible’s 66 books has been pub­lished in an ad­di­tional 600 lan­guages. Many other lan­guages have other ini­tial por­tions published.
Work­ing in com­mu­nity part­ner­ships, Al­liance per­son­nel not only as­sist in Scrip­ture-re­lated goals but also help pro­duce thou­sands of re­sources for lit­er­acy, ed­u­ca­tion, health and other com­mu­nity-based ob­jec­tives along­side Scripture.

An ever in­creas­ing num­ber of Scrip­ture prod­ucts are now in dig­i­tal for­mats as text, au­dio and video. These are of­ten avail­able on web­sites, so­cial me­dia or through a va­ri­ety of phone apps, as well as in for­mats that can be eas­ily shared phone-to-phone in places with lim­ited internet.


Find also to read:

  1. Written and translated by different men over thousands of years
  2. Bible Translating and Concordance Making
  3. Looking at notes of Samuel Ward and previous Bible translation efforts in English
  4. Old and newer King James Versions and other translations #1 Pre King James Bible
  5. Old and newer King James Versions and other translations #2 King James Bible versions
  6. Old and newer King James Versions and other translations #3 Women and versions
  7. Old and newer King James Versions and other translations #4 Steps to the women’s bibles
  8. Old and newer King James Versions and other translations #5 Further steps to women’s bibles
  9. Old and newer King James Versions and other translations #6 Revisions of revisions
  10. Old and newer King James Versions and other translations #7 Jewish versions
  11. Old and newer King James Versions and other translations #8 Selective Bibles and selective people
  12. Old and newer King James Versions and other translations #9 Restored names and Sacred Name Bibles
  13. Old and newer King James Versions and other translations #10 Journaling Bibles and illustrative women
  14. Missed opportunity for North Korea

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Wycliffe Associates supporting underground Bible translators

English: The study translation Bible 2009 Česk...
English: The study translation Bible 2009 Česky: Český studijní překlad Bible 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Bible translation from the jesuit and professo...
Bible translation from the jesuit and professor for oriental languages Ignaz Weitenauer, printed at Joseph-Wolffische Buchhandlung, Augsburg 1783 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In a region with nearly 1,000 languages, representing 280 million people, we find that many are without the Scriptures.

 Bible translators need technology, training, and resources to translate the Bible as quickly and effectively as possible.

Over the past year, 11 of the 28 Bible translators living and working in the Middle East and Central Asia, where there is a widespread, deadly presence of extremists, have been reported dead or missing.

Like everywhere in the world we can find extremist which do everything to get rid of those who do not fit their teachings or ideology.

Bruce Smith, President and CEO of Wycliffe Associates says:
“Given the realities of the world in which these translators live and serve, some people might think the best thing they could do right now is to go into hiding and lay low for a while.”
This would not be in line with Jesus his teachings. He asked us to go out in the world and not to fear man, but in the fear of God try to bring His Holy Name over all the world. Only by spreading the Word of God, people may come to find the Only One God and His only begotten son Jesus Christ.

Even when there are a lot of trinitarian translators and organisations working at bringing God's Word in other languages, this is an important work of the evangelisation. Even when those churches are bringing false human doctrines, by providing the people with a Bible translation in their own language they should be able to come to find the real True God.

Smith says these Bible translators want the Scriptures to be distributed by every possible means, and they
“want an audacious number of printed copies, which reflect their conviction that everyone who speaks their language needs to have God’s Word.”
Wycliffe Associates which empowers national Bible translators to provide God’s Word in their own language, partners with the local church to direct and guard translation work, harnessing their passion and desire for God’s Word, and engages people from all around the world to provide resources, technology, training, and support for Bible translation. It is currently raising $300,000 to equip these local translators with the technology and training they need to work more safely.

According to Wycliffe Associates
Of the 6,901 languages spoken worldwide, only 531 have a full translation of the Bible. A Bible translation is currently in progress for 2,195 languages, and 1,023 languages in the world have at least one book of the Bible. Wycliffe Associates is striving to achieve the goal of beginning the translation of God’s Word into every remaining language by 2025.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Americans really thinking the Messiah Christ had an English name

King James Version of the Bible
King James Version of the Bible (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It is incredible how many Anglophone people we encounter who really think the Messiah had an English name.

We even find Americans like Dan Popp who find it foolishness that Americans don't need to learn anything about the Jewish history or culture, and find it ridiculous that there are folks who go around substituting "Yeshua" for "Jesus". He thinks they are are  not just harmless know-nothings, but it may be that they're trying to re-Jewify something that God has made universal.

He is afraid that the "Yeshua" people are in the process of falling into the first error – trying to mash up Law and Grace.

He really seem to think all the New Testament authors wrote "Jesus" rather than "Yeshua" in the Holy Scriptures. This gives the impression that he is really convinced that the Greek writers used the English translation for the real name of the Nazarene man who gave his life for all living people.

He also does not seem to see that the Apostles wrote "Yeshua" or "Jeshua" in modern spelling or in the spelling of other languages (like in English, Dutch, French) He also seem to think that the master teacher whom he considers also to be God gave Simon Bar-Jonah a Greek name but says it was "Peter". Peter is not at all a Greek name and in other languages we may find his name also be translated as "Peter" but totally differently pronounced than English speaking people do. In other languages they may say Petrus, which Paul freely converted to its Hebrew form, Cephas.

Then Dan Popp says
 No such translation was ever done with the name of Christ in the New Testament. {It's Jesus, not Yeshua}
He also does seem to forget how the names where altered at the time of Constantine, whose real name was also  not Constantine but Constantinus. Though lots of English people do want all other people having the name how they want to pronounce it in their language.

In 325 was decided to agree to let the God of the followers of Christ be part of the godcircle of the Romans and the Greek. some also started to consider Jesus as a god and as such several could agree for a three headed god like in the Roman and Greek culture. those who wanted the Nazarene teacher to be their god did find they had to be the 'upper god' and as such was chosen for the name 'Hail Zeus' or 'Issou' which you can find in many translations of the Scriptures. This Issou became in several languages Jesu or Chesu and in English first Iesus and later Jesus.

Dan Popp questions:
What if God wanted to present His Son as more than just the parochial savior of the Jews? What if He wanted to impart more than the mere sound of the name – what if He wished the Gentile listener to understand the meaning of the name ("The Salvation of Yahweh" or "Yahweh is Salvation.") What if He wanted to crush faux Jews who run around gushing about "Yeshua?" {It's Jesus, not Yeshua}
Again he does not seem to see what Jeshua or Joshua really means and what Issou or Iéssou really means. Jehovah saves, or that the child was given the name as signification, like Joshua, that God was  with it and which parents gave also to honour the God Who brought salvation. Jehovah God is the One God of gods Who took care that this child was born. He was it Who demanded to give the child the name Jeshua and not 'Hail Zeus' or Jesus.

Dan Popp writes further:
So, back to the Yeshua-ites. If the Holy Spirit knows Christ best, never makes a mistake, and has a purpose (though it may be obscure to us) for identifying the Second Person of the Trinity as "Jesus," what kind of malfunction would we be experiencing to try to correct Him? {It's Jesus, not Yeshua}
Here again we do see that he does not want to accept what the Holy Spirit brings over to the world. Nowhere in the Bible you shall find the word 'Holy Trinity', neither shall you be finding that there is a three-godhead, or three-union god. Clearly in the Bible is indicated that God is an eternal Spirit who can not be seen by man and Who does not tell lies. that God told clearly about that man in the river Jordan who was seen by many, that it was his son. God never told it was Him standing there. God also told he could not be tempted, but after his baptism Jesus was tempted more than once. did Popp's god make than mistakes or said confusing things, though Popp himself says that the Holy Spirit, Who is God, does not make mistakes.

Could it not be that lots of Americans and lots of English speaking people are mistaken to think that all those Biblical characters had English names?

The translation of names happened. So we do not say it has to be turned back. But we have to be honest and have to accept that the characters in the time of Jesus did not have English names and even did not speak English at all. Therefore English people should also accept that others use the real name of those characters or even also use translations to their language of those characters. Also for the way of writing the English people should accept that the way of writing the sounds has changed by the time passing and that we may accept a new modern spelling, but always shave to remind of the old ways.

It is the same for lots of English speaking people who contestate that only the King James version is the True Bible and is the only bible which should be used, as if in the other language or even in English there is no other right translation. Typically of those who so strongly debate for the only use of the King James version is that they often use one of the man versions and never use the original King James translation. And what for use would it be to use the old first translation to reach people and to get them interested in the word of God?

But let us remember that in that Bible is clearly written that there is only One true God and that Jeshua (Iesus or Jesus) is His only begotten son.
Isa 42:8 KJV-1611  I am the Lord; that is my name, and my glory will I not giue to another, neither my praise to grauen images.
Exo 20:7 KJV-1611  Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vaine: for the Lord will not holde him guiltlesse, that taketh his Name in vaine.
Luk 1:30-35 KJV-1611  And the Angel said vnto her, Feare not, Marie, for thou hast found fauour with God.  (31)  And behold, thou shalt conceiue in thy wombe, and bring forth a sonne, and shalt call his name Iesus.  (32)  He shall be great, and shall be called the sonne of the Highest, and the Lord God shall giue vnto him the throne of his father Dauid.  (33)  And hee shall reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer, and of his kingdome there shall be no end.  (34)  Then said Marie vnto the Angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?  (35)  And the Angel answered and said vnto her, The holy Ghost shall come vpon thee, and the power of the Highest shall ouershadow thee. Therefore also that holy thing which shall bee borne of thee, shall bee called the sonne of God.
 Luk 3:21-23 KJV-1611  Now when all the people were baptized, and it came to passe that Iesus also being baptized, and praying, the heauen was opened:  (22)  And the holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a Doue vpon him, and a voice came from heauen, which said, Thou art my beloued sonne, in thee I am well pleased.  (23)  And Iesus himselfe began to be about thirty yeeres of age, being (as was supposed) the sonne of Ioseph, which was the sonne of Heli,

Find the article spoken off:  It's Jesus, not Yeshua


Friday, 15 November 2013

Christian clergyman defiling book which did not belong to him

Like there are many misconception about different Muslims there are also many wrong ideas about Christians. Not all people who receive a correction on what they are saying on the others like that reaction.

Adnan Masih, 26 is a young Christian clergyman accused of blasphemy after he sought to correct misconceptions about Christianity in a Muslim book.
The Islamic extremist Jamaat ud Dawa (JuD) and the police from Lahore, Pakistan are searching for him because they do find this man did something terrible against the prophet and the Pakistani judicial system, makes blasphemy against Islam’s prophet punishable by death.

The story began on 7 October with a misunderstanding. Adnan Masih was replacing his brother at an eyeglass store, the Diamond Glass, where the latter worked. Whilst there, the Christian clergyman saw a book on a shelf by a Muslim leader who heads an outlawed extremist organisation, the Jamat-ul-Dawa. He noted errors in the book about the Bible and penned corrections in it. He then left the store.
The next day Abid Mehmood, a colleague of his brother, filed a complaint against Masih at a police station, accusing him of blasphemy (under Article 295, sections A, B and C of the Pakistan Penal Code). When he heard about the complaint against him, the Christian man denied the accusations.
However, he became the subject of death threats from Jamat-ul-Dawa and eventually a fatwa. Fearing for himself and his loved ones, on 8 November, he turned himself in to local police, asking for protection.
"We're scared," family members said. "Adnan has not written anything against Islam. He only corrected some things about Jesus Christ."
"This is the third case of persecution against Christians based on the blasphemy law in just two months," Fr Arshed John, from the Diocese of Lahore, told AsiaNews. "I hope the police is able to protect him. I call on everyone, without distinction of religion, to pray for this man and his family. "

What the christian family does not seem to understand that first of all you can not write something in a book which you do not buy and is not your own. He should have bought it, read it and returned it with his corrections. But now just writing in something which did not belong to him we can not justify.

The man writing in the book has also doctrinal teachings which are not justifiable with the Biblical teachings. According to him the Old Testament demonstrates a plurality in the Godhead that is a united One, and this distinction is reaffirmed in the New Testament, but that is not at all so. According to the Holy Scriptures, which we consider to be the word of God, there is only One God.

The Theotokos of Vladimir, one of the most ven...
The Theotokos of Vladimir, one of the most venerated of Orthodox Christian icons of the Virgin Mary. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Some may say "Because of Mohammed’s misunderstanding of what
Christians believed and practiced, Islam teaches that the Christian belief of the Trinity is a polytheistic teaching of  “three gods”, characterized as the “Father”, and the “Son” and the “Virgin Mary”. " They overlook that the Islamic prophet recognises the Jews and Christians who follow good teachings but also see the Jews and Chrisitians who follow false teachings. One of those false teachings of that group of Christians which went the wrong way according Muhammad is the Holy Trinity. That is not about a virgin Mary being God, though at his time and also still today there are Christians, like several Catholics who honour Myriam the mother of Jeshua as Maria or Mary, mother of Jesus and mother of God.

Text of
Text of "Our Father" prayer with Trinity in central column (God the Father, dove of the Holy Spirit, Jesus) and Biblical and symbolic scenes in left and right columns. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The “Virgin Mary” has nothing to do with the Trinity (it is the Holy Spirit, not Mary) which is according many Christians a person or figure. Those Christians do forget that God Himself is only One and is Spirit, not anything of flesh and blood, male or female in the strict sense like they see a human being. Lots of Christians do have 1 God the Father + 1 god the son + 1 god the Holy Spirit, and to our and to the Muslim mathematical thinking 1+1+1= 3. for that we can not say the prophet of that religious group had a wrong impression of those Christians who believe in a Tri-une God. Such a teaching is totally against the Words of God which can be found in many old writings, older than the quran.

Archaeological discoveries have repeatedly confirmed what Christians have already believed, that Biblical manuscripts and fragments dated even hundreds of years before Mohammed are virtually identical to the canonized Biblical texts we have today. From those old textfragments we can see that in later  centuries some alterations may have been brought in the Bible Translations, like the taking away of God His name and putting 'Lord' everywhere the tetragram or the Name of God was written, so that people could not figure out any more who it was that was been spoken of, god or Jesus. This alteration made to fit specific doctrinal teaching could not erase the essence of the real message, which each person still can find when he reads the whole assembly of 66 books.
The Biblical Tetragrammaton, the Hebrew Name f...
The Biblical Tetragrammaton, the Hebrew Name for God the Father. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Those who read the bible and compare the many translations with the old manuscripts will see how much conformity they still have.

When Muhammad recited the Qur’an, he clearly stated that he did not believe that the Bible was corrupt at that time and called upon Christians to adhere to the Scriptures that they already possessed.

Today, looking at some fundamentalist Muslims and hearing what they say about the Christian Scriptures, comparing them with the texts archeologist found until now, we could question them: "Since the Scriptures we have today are the same Scriptures that Christians had even well before the time of Muhammad, when do you believe the Bible could have possibly been corrupted, who corrupted it, and how was it corrupted?"

It is true that there are many Christians believe in something wich is nowhere noted in the Scriptures. We still offer 1000 € to the first Christians who can show us where in the original bible texts was written the word 'Trinity'.

The Muslims, like many Christians, Jews and gentiles should know that there are Christians who do not believe in a Tri-une God, but believe the Only One God, who does not tell lies and said about the Nazarene Jew Jeshua, whom we believe to be Jesus Christ the Messiah: "This is my only begotten beloved son". Jesus is the son of God and not god the son, nor the god the sun, nor god the light which we should honour. Jesus prayed unto his Father and told us to do likewise. We only should believe in One God only and One God that is not Triune.  Not three gods.

Islamic picture of Annunciation (Mariam)
Islamic picture of Annunciation (Mariam) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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