Several Bible Students wanted to indicate the importance of Christ his offering and found themselves as Friends of the Nazarene. Our Belgian Bible Student Movement of "Vrijë Christenen" or "Free Christians" found the same spirited people to discuss the Word of God. Notes and ideas where interchanged.
Mark Heber Miller brought with his spiritual community of Messianic Christians during the years 1997 through 2001 a monthly On-line Biblical Studies Magazine.
In the mid-90s he determined to create a fresh version of the New Testament, at first designed for computer use on the Internet, which became printed by Living Waters.
Background information: Biography
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The texts on which the OLB modules MHM and MHMNC are based consist of a new version, the 21st Century Version of the Christian Scriptures© [NCMM], as an additional part of Nazarene Commentary 2000-2002©. This rendering by Mark Heber Miller may be considered a literal version with limited paraphrase.
The Nazarene Commentary Modules for OLB > MHMNC > (MHMNC for OLB - 1,8 Mb)
+ MHM bible module > (MHM for OLB - 560 Kb)
2016 update
We are sorry that the Online modules are not working any more, but I do hope to have a new working module ready in 2017.
2016 update links