Showing posts with label nazarene man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nazarene man. Show all posts

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Jeshuaists or Followers of Jeshua

Because there being lots of Messianics (Messianic Jews and Messianic Christians) who say they are following the Nazarene master teacher Jeshua, but having made him into their god, several Messianic Jews as well as some Christians want to separate or distance themselves from those trinitarian believers.

Jeshua-ists are believers in only One God, the God of Israel. The God about Whom Jesus came to tell and show the Way to Him. for Jeshua-ist there is no place for worshipping a three-headed god. For them there is only One True God, Who was and is the God of Abraham and Jesus.

Jeshua-ists want to honour the Nazarene Jewish rabbi and want to make his name better known. They want to let the people know that he is the Way to God and the sent one from God who gave his life as a payment for the sins of all, to redeem them from slavery of death for sin.

The majority of Jeshua-ists may have a Jewish background, but there is also a connection made with non-trinitarian Christians who follow the same master teacher and Messiah Jesus Christ..

You may find some WordPress Jeshua-ist websites on the net:

A general platform: Jeshua-ists - Jeshuaisten

A personal site with the name Jeshuaist

A personal site of Immanuel Verbondskind

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Did the Inspirator exist

When we see those different Books who make up that one inspirational Book of Books, we can either see those 40 different authors, Hebrew or Greek writers from 19 different occupations (including shepherd, farmer, fisherman, tax collector, doctor, king)

Could it be possible that  those human writers all speak in the name of the same Spirit?

The Gutenberg Bible displayed by the United St...
The Gutenberg Bible displayed by the United States Library of Congress, demonstrating printed pages as a storage medium. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In these 66 books we hear them telling about history, prophecy, poetry, and theology. Despite their complexity, differences in writing styles and vast time periods, the books of the Bible agree miraculously well in theme, facts and cross-referencing. No human beings could have planned such an intricate combination of books over a 1,500-year time span.

The writers did live in different places and in different times. Strangely enough there seems to be one line in their stories. An astonishing 668 prophecies have been fulfilled and none have ever been proven false. An honest study of biblical prophecy will convincingly show the divine authorship of the Bible, the infallible Word of God. Furthermore, archaeology confirms or supports many Biblical accounts. No other holy book comes close to the Bible in the amount of evidence supporting its divine authorship.

Everything recorded in the Bible is true and factual, and you will also see that men of the Bible recorded things that they had no way of knowing, unless they had been divinely inspired by a greater being than any human being, namely God, the Creator of all things.

Nobody has ever seen God, so how can they know that He exist. "Hè" you could think and say to us "you say nobody saw God, but did not many people see and spoke to Jesus Christ". Then we would say: "Yes, many saw Jesus Christ"; But that Nazarene man who was a master teacher was and is not God; He is the son of God, which is totally different than "god the son". In case Jesus would have been God than all the people who saw him would have died straight ahead, because God is a man of His Word and never lies. So what He said many centuries before the birth of Christ would still happen at the time of Christ or thousands of years later. God who can not be tempted nor say something which is not true said about the nephew of John the Baptist that it was His "only begotten son". Jesus who could be tempted and was tempted more than once, did not sin, which also means that he never lied, so when he said he was not a spirit but a man of flesh and blood, and showed his wounds from the wooden stake where he was brought to death (while God can not die and is an eternal Spirit) Jesus did tell the truth.

Jesus his Father is the Only One God and Creator of heaven and earth.

In nature, in Jesus, in the men or prophets of God, in the people of God, we can see the manifestation of God. The trees, the flowers, the beauty of the natural world, the stars; none of these things can answer straight away, the question if that Creator God has an existing and  purpose.

All the things around us can show that there must be a Greater Power who made all this.

We may be sure that all the created elements show the world their existence and the secrets of the Maker behind it. By those incredible things in the world God His invisible attributes are clearly seen. Because all creatures are created in the image of God, all inherited parts of that godhead and received from Him the possibility to think and to understand where they came from. Either with many or with not many brains people still would have the instinct to get to know their Maker and to know what is good or bad. As such  they really are without excuse. Everybody received the possibility tho think but also to make their own free choice. So when people deceide to ignore what their heart is telling them they are responsible themselves for their choice and way of direction.

Although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools … (Romans 1:19–22)

Paul was saying that what we see with our naked eyes of the natural world provides us with ample evidence that an almighty and eternal power exists which created and brought order to everything around us. We don’t need to depend on the thoughts of mankind: the latest scientific discovery or theory, or the continuing arguments of men. Evidence for the existence of God is all around us, if we are prepared to look and think about it.

Notice too that to deny the existence of God, since He has given adequate evidence to convince us, leaves us in the apostle’s words, “without excuse”. It is inexcusable to deny the existence of God, regardless of what current phi­losophy or polite society might think. Do we first need to believe the Bible to accept this proof? Not so! The Bible is pointing out that the evidence for an eternal power and Godhead is all around. If you can accept that, then clearly the Bible will have other good things you want to know about.


Please do read the articles:  Belief in God &  


Read also:

  1. Science and God’s existence
  2. Creator and Blogger God 1 Emptiness and mouvement
  3. My Beliefs and the World
  4. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #1 Creator and His Prophets
  5. On the Nature of Christ
  6. Hellenistic influences
  7. Politics and power first priority #2
  8. Politics and power first priority #3 Elevation of Mary and the Holy Spirit

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Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Not all christians are followers of a Greco-Roman culture

On Fossilized customs some Messianic Christians take all the Christians to be followers of a Greco-Roman culture of names, terms, and festivals, all adopted intact from Pagan sources, yet adapted or mixed carefully with ideas and people from the Hebrew Scriptures.

 We do agree that the majority of Christendom has gone far away from the teachings of Jeshua or Yahush(u)a, the Nazarene who is know better known as Christ Jesus, and of his Jewish beliefs and the first apostles their beliefs. There are even Christians who do not want to recognise that Jesus was a Jew.

 Though at first the Jesus movement was a restricted Jewish cult. After the death and resurrection of Christ on Pentecost many new Jews entered the community. Later were there discussions about non-Jews wanting to join the community, if they had to become Jews and have to be circumcised or not. The apostles tried to keep to the teachings of their master rabbi Jeshua (Jesus), but soon other teachers mixed the teachings of the 'new hype' with traditional teachings of other groups or philosophies. It became so bad the apostles warned their community to be careful for the false teachers. Like any new movement it had real followers and copycats.

The Natsarim were identified as the original followers of Yahusha or Jeshua at Acts 24:5, and with all those who wanted to join the Christ movement 'The Way', were persecuted, despised, and suppressed by the early Christian "church fathers", who were quite different.

 Soon there were people who did find some interesting things in those teachings, but did not like to loose the popularity of the folks. So to keep it interesting and agreeable for everyone they did not want to go against the attitudes and traditions of the people they did want to win for them. Therefore those teachers mixed together practices and beliefs of other systems and not to go against the men in power took on lots of heathen Roman and Greek teachings. They created a system of syncretism. These heresies began through the teachings of Simon Magus, and eventually became the institution known as Roman Catholicism.
Holy Trinity by Fridolin Leiber (1853–1912)
Holy Trinity by Fridolin Leiber (1853–1912) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

With Constantine the Holy Trinity was the solution for many teachers to be able to assure their power and to create their own rich empires of a so called Christian belief. The balance of power brought several schisms, like the Eastern Orthodox Catholicism, and later the Reformation in the 16th century further fragmented the movement; but much error remained from the adherence to the early "church fathers" and their writings.

 These "church fathers" persecuted and despised the first followers of Jeshua or Yahusha, the Natsarim or the sect which was called 'The Way'. They considered the Natsarim or real followers of Christ "heretics" because they obeyed the Torah.

Throughout the ages Natsarin continued their teachings and where the witnesses came new members found truth in the Torah teachings.Disciples from the talmidim educated new teachers who continued to go out in the world to proclaim the Good News. More and more people became baptised by the different 'Christian' groups. Though the trinitarians won ground and conquered many regions, small communities tried to keep the proper teachings of the apostles clean.

When bookprinting brought the possibility to bring the Holy Scriptures in the language of the people to many, several Christians their eyes became opened when they saw what was written in those Holy books and what the Church had told them what was in Scriptures. The Church could not hide the truth any more and more people became to see and understand what was really written in the Sacred Books.

All through Europe small communities of people studying the Bible made that many movements came into existence which had their first priority to follow the teachings of the Word of God, the Holy Bible and not any more the teachings of a indoctrinating Church.

Many believers became aware what was the importance of been properly baptised and formed in the tradition of the first century Christians. Anabaptists and Baptists who worshipped only One God tried to get more people to the Word of God by witnessing all over the world. But also the Baptist movement got burdened by the American Baptist Church Unions who wanted the Trinitarian teaching their main belief. In the 80ies and 90ies of the previous century many Baptists did not want to adhere the trinitarian teachings and looked for refuge by other non-trinitarian denominations.

One of the many small groups, may be a very tiny denomination, but that does not mean they are afraid to be lost in oblivion. As brethren and sisters in Christ they keep following the teachings of the Master Rabbi Jeshua, and take the Word of God as the most important teacher of all. For them every answer can be found in the Holy Scripture and it is God who pulls people into His World. Under the guidance of the teachings of Christ and in the faith that God accepted the ransom of this Nazarene man, the Christadelphians love Jesus, love their family and love their neighbours, believing or not believing people, respecting them as part of God His Creation.

Having celebrated the death of Christ, those brethren in Christ want to share with others the Good News of the Kingdom of God and look forward with other people all over the world to the return of the resurrected son of God.

In case you want to know more of those very small communities, which can be found all over the world, and who not want to commit themselves to human traditions, but prefer to live according to the Law of God, you are welcome to contact them in your region, or if you do not know where to find them, you may contact us so that we can bring you in contact with a Christadelphian community nearby.

We advise you to take up the Bible and read the words of it like they come to you, stripped from all the denominational and doctrinal teachings, remembering that God wanted everybody to hear and understand His Word. He did not create a difficult Zigzaw puzzle too difficult for uneducated people to decipher. No Gods Word is simple and can be understood by every one, when they are willing to open their ears and eyes.

Dare to start the quest and find others who are wiling to study the Bible with you.

We are here to help you if you want.
Good luck.

In a Christadelphian community you may perhaps not find loads of people, no mega churches, no exuberant pop-songs or loud sounding modern music and pin-up girls dancing around.
In the small communities you might find loving people who are concerned about others and who are prepared to jump in for somebody else. The good works we do are not installed in media adverts or made known with a loud voice. The actions we undertake do not instantly produce large crowds, but the effect we might hope, shall lasts longer and in the end there will be coming more people. But naturally everything begins small. We are like a mustard seed, which you are able to plant in your own garden.

In our churches you probably would not see many miracles happening. But you might hear particular stories  and also hear about miracles. Miracles done all the time lose their drawing power. Do know that love done all the time increases its drawing power.

We do hope you shall come to find out that the Brethren in Christ, or Christadelphians are people who do love the truth of the Bible and feel blessed by the blessing of God which they want to share with others in love. The Christadelphian community is not concerned about figures, quantity, and  the ego, but about quality and care about others.

Please do find also to read:

  1. Bible Word of God, inspired and infallible
  2. Fear of God reason to return to Holy Scriptures
  3. Christadelphian People
Read also:

Christadelphians or Messianic Christians or Messianic Jews


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Saturday, 18 February 2012

About a man who changed history of humankind

Sometimes it is not bad to take your dictionary and historical books with you in the Bible Study class.

With the times developing we can notice that several ideas enter the belief of people, though they are not always as it is written in the Holy books they say they take as their guide.

Like every religion Christianity could not escape the human thoughts and people who brought in their own teachings which they wanted that the whole community would take. In several denominations in Christendom we can find rules or teachings which can not be found in the Bible.

About the man from Nazareth, Jesus Christ many pages were filled with painstaking, sedulous penstrokes. The figure has been some one of much controversy and of opposition.

Though we may not forget that we have a man in the picture with a real historical case. We cannot deny his existence. But some say he existed already more than two millennia ago or even from the beginning of times.
At the Belgian Christadelphian Ecclesia Brussel-Leuven the turn of the year brought some interesting lectures about the birth of Christ and its celebration in many Christian homes.
May we recommend to have a look at the series which goes into debt in the origin of Jesus the person who is been called the Christ or Messiah.
In the articles you shall be able to see that this special man from Nazareth was able to interest many people but also to annoy many others. He came on to this world on a special manner and grew up in an ordinary workers family to become an incredible master teacher, who got many followers and by his death and resurrection changed history and  a lot of hearts of many men and women who got hope for the future.

Please do find the series in English:
  1. Jesus begotten Son of God #1 Christmas and Christians
  2. Jesus begotten Son of God #2 Christmas and pagan rites
  3. Jesus begotten Son of God #3 Messiah or Anointed one
  4. Jesus begotten Son of God #4 Promised Prophet and Saviour
  5. Jesus begotten Son of God #5 Apsotle, High Priest and King
  6. Jesus begotten Son of God #6 Anointed Son of God, Adam and Abraham
  7. Jesus begotten Son of God #7 A matter of the Future
  8. Jesus begotten Son of God #8 Found Divinely Created not Incarnated
  9. Jesus begotten Son of God #9 Two millennia ago conceived or begotten
  10. Jesus begotten Son of God #10 Coming down spirit or flesh seed of Eve
  11. Jesus begotten Son of God #11 Existence and Genesis Raising up
  12. Jesus begotten Son of God #12 Son of God
  13. Jesus begotten Son of God #13 Pre-existence excluding virginal birth of the Only One Transposed
  14. Jesus begotten Son of God #14 Beloved Preminent Son and Mediator originating in Mary
  15. Jesus begotten Son of God #15 Son of God Originating in Mary
  16. Jesus begotten Son of God #16 Prophet to be heard
  17. Jesus begotten Son of God #17 Adam, Eve, Mary and Christianity’s central figure
  18. Jesus begotten Son of God #18 Believing in inhuman or human person
  19. Jesus begotten Son of God #19 Compromising fact
  20. Jesus begotten Son of God #20 Before and After
  21. The Beginning of the life of Jesus Christ
  22. Christ having glory
  23. The Seed Of The Woman Bruised
  24. On the Nature of Christ
  25. Written to recognise the Promissed One