Prince George Appeal letter Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 14:24:21 -0700 Dear Brethren and Sisters, When Paul was on his second missionary journey he received a message through the spirit of a man from Macedonia asking him to come and help them. (Acts 16:9.) I am making that same appeal to you.
I am the recording brother of a small ecclesia in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada. Our ecclesia has shrunk to 13 members over the past 10-15 years. Most of this has been from people moving to other ecclesias throughout North America most of which are still strong, active members of our worldwide ecclesia.
Prince George is a wonderful place to live and work both in the ecclesia and in our day to day lives. We function with a Sunday school, memorial meeting, regular mid week Bible class and a sisterâs class. We have had a recent baptism from our seminars and plan to run them again in the fall. Our Sunday school has 5 children in it with 1 more on the way. Their ages range from 3 to 9. There is another even smaller ecclesia in Ft. St. James that we also try and support as much as we can, as it is 2 hours west of Prince George. We would love to continue to grow in numbers as well as spiritual strength. Moving here would allow you to work constantly in Gods vineyard to support the ecclesia as well as reaching out to see if there are any other hearts that are open to receive Gods word.
We would be most grateful if any, young or old, would be willing and able to either visit or relocate to our beautiful part of the world. There are wonderful educational and employment opportunities in our small community of about 80,000. Housing is very affordable and you can enjoy all four seasons of weather when you live here. If you are unable to visit or move to our ecclesia we would appeal to all brothers and sisters in these last days to support and help any ecclesia they can. The world is pressing ever closer into our ecclesia's. We need to stay strong and firm in our foundation of God's word in these last days before Christ's return.
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact the pgchristadelphians or by phone 250-962-8191.With love in our Master name. Jonathan Lawrence