Showing posts with label Gentile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gentile. Show all posts

Friday, 4 September 2015

London school teaches three-year-old ultra-Orthodox Jewish children 'the non-Jews' are 'evil'

In a time were so much is done in Europe to have an intercultural exchange and to avoid discrimination between the many groups residing in our regions, in a North London Kindergarten the British three-year-olds have been told "the non-Jews" are “evil”.

We can not ignore the horror which was done to the Jewish race but to teach about the holocaust to toddlers is going very far and touching a subject they cannot comprehend.

At the Beis Rochel boys’ school in north London.

A whistle-blower, who wished to remain anonymous, has shown The Independent a worksheet given to boys aged three and four at the school. In it, children were asked to complete questions related to the holiday of 21 Kislev, observed by Satmer Jews as the day its founder and holy Rebbe, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, escaped the Nazis.

The document refers to Nazis only as “goyim” – a term for non-Jews some people argue is offensive.

Emily Green, who used to teach at the same Beis Rochel girls’ secondary school, now chairs the Gesher EU organisation which supports ultra-Orthodox Jews who want to leave the community.
"It's not uncommon to be taught non-Jewish people are evil in ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools. It is part of the prayers, teaching, their whole ethos,”
she said.
Describing it as a form of “indoctrination”, Ms Green added:
“Psychologically, you become so afraid of the world out there after being taught how dangerous and bad and evil non-Jews are, that it makes it harder to leave.”
A member of the Hasidic Jewish Community of Stamford Hill
A member of the Hasidic Jewish Community of Stamford Hill

Three-year-old ultra-Orthodox Jewish children told 'the non-Jews' are 'evil' in worksheet produced by London school 

Monday, 8 July 2013

A disciple of Christ “hating” the world

Since so many seem so offended by the concept...
Renee Lillquist writes:6 juli 16:06
Since so many seem so offended by the concept of a disciple of Christ “hating” the world, its people, and even his or her own life perhaps it's time to set the record straight.

Possibly the best example of the “hate” commanded by Christ (and as it is used in the Facebookgroup Christadelphians) can be found in Genesis 29:30-31. We are told Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. We are also told when Yahweh saw Leah was “hated” He took steps to make her more desirable to Jacob. Occasionally in Scripture the words “hate” or “hatred” are not meant to convey hostility or disgust. Rather, they merely indicate a level of feeling. 
Context, as always, indicates when they are to be taken in such a way. Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. In the same sense, Yeshua says: "Those who come to me and do not hate their fathers, mothers, wives, husbands, children, brothers, sisters, and even their own lives cannot be my disciples.” (Lk 14:26) Surely, he isn't teaching the need for disgust, dislike, hostility, or any other destructive attitude or action. He is attempting to convey the idea that his disciples must love him more than they love their families and even their own selves. Loving the Truth more than others or even self is absolutely necessary for anyone who wants to become Yeshua's disciple.

English: Steps To Christ
English: Steps To Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
At the time of Christ, most Jewish families were involved in religious traditions of human origin. These people and practices did not please Yahweh. Later, when Gentiles received the gospel, there were Gentile families involved in idolatry and other forms of false worship. Yahweh was also not pleased by these people and practices. To believe and follow Christ (then and now) meant leaving these people and their fake religions behind, even if it required a person to forsake his or her own family. It is obvious from Christ's own words that family rules and traditions must never come before Christ's commands. It is obvious we must never cave in to family pressure if it means putting Christ in second place. And it is obvious above all else that discipleship without cost or obligation isn't taught anywhere in Scripture.

Some who are trying to be true disciples may be yoked to a spouse not involved with the Truth, or one who is involved but has chosen not to follow Christ's commandments. There may be a temptation to compromise. There may be a strong tendency to break faith with Christ to keep peace in the marriage. The level of loyalty Yeshua demands enables true disciples to overcome this temptation. There is another test having to do with family pressure. Children can often draw parents away from Christ and his commandments. Again, disciples with the level of loyalty Yeshua demands will convey this message to their children: “You know what we believe and where we stand. We are committed to the Truth and if you turn from it we will not be turning with you.” If love for a child causes a disciple to compromise, it is not the type of love required by Yahweh and Christ. If love for a child causes a disciple to ignore the Child's sinful conduct or become involved in the sin, that is also not the kind of love required. Loyalty to Christ is the highest priority and it does not allow for any adjustments in belief or conduct because of anybody, family or not.


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Friday, 19 April 2013

History of the acceptance of a three-in-one God

The faithful Jewish people and prophets of the Old Testament never accepted a three-in-one God. It is true that the unfaithful among the Israelites often borrowed pagan gods, pagan customs, and pagan concepts (including Baal and Astarte) and added them to their God-given religion. But there is no record (scriptural or secular) of a trinity concept even among them.

God His People had, like we should have only one God in heaven who was and is the only one Who should be worshipped. The Elohim Hashem is the Creator of everything Who gave His Name to be honoured and showed His works on earth as in heaven.

He has been the Creator of everything and be willing to receive all of His creation as His beloved ones. Every human person should be His child, respecting Him as the Only One God.

Adam and Eve very well knew Who their Creator was but doubted at a certain moment His position. They learned their lesson when it was to late. Their children where brought up with that knowledge and also their grandchildren got to know the reason why they only should believe in that One God.

In time human people grew away from the Creator of all things and later they even started to believe they could create things themselves.

The Hebrews got in their tribes people who were very close to the Creator and who showed them the way to God. God saw their honesty and their belief and promised many things which came in fulfilment except the few things still to happen.

Judaism is monotheistic and personal and from the tribe of king David, a very devote Jew was born, who became a master teacher and got several followers. Those followers, at the beginning mainly Jews believed the words of their rabbi Jeshua, who later became better known as Jesus from Nazareth, being the Christos or Christ Jesus.
English: Jesus Christ - detail from Deesis mos...
English: Jesus Christ - detail from Deesis mosaic, Hagia Sophia, Istanbul (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Also gentiles or non-Jews came to the faith in this young man, who died for the sins of many, and believed that the Father, Jehovah God had resurrected him. Many saw in this wonder and the actions he had done the proof that he was the Messiah. As son of God they respected him and saw him in the work God had done for the earth. This son of man, son of Adam, son of Abraham, son of David and son of Joseph and Miriam (Mary/Maria) attracted more people to come closer to God.

In the Roman Empire there were many gods honoured by the gentiles and it looked very attractive to keep certain attitudes going. But the apostles soon saw false teachings spreading around and warned that people had to be very careful. From the very beginning, of course, Christians not only believed in God in the sense in which the Jews did, but they also believed in Jesus Christ. But they did not believe in him as a 'god son', that idea became only introduced many centuries later.

The first followers of Christ became a Jewish sect called The Way which professed monotheism in the same terms as did the Jews. As the Hellinistic teachings influenced certain Jewish teachings the followers of Christ did not escape of those influences either. In the fourth century the false teachings brought more confusion and with the upheld gentile traditions or pagan rituals looked more attractive to many Christians like the movement became more known.

"Speculative thought began to analyze the divine nature until in the 4th century an elaborate theory of a threefoldness in God appears. In this Nicene or Athanasian form of thought God is said to consist of three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all equally eternal, powerful and glorious." - Encyclopedia Americana, 1944, v. 6, p. 619, "Christianity".

During the fourth century Egypt was going to give to the church the Arian heresy, the Athanasian orthodoxy, and the monastic piety of St. Antony and St. Pachomius, which spread with irresistible force over Christendom.

The worst figure for Christianity was Constantine (C., Flavius Valerius Constantinus) who during the decline period of the Roman Realm was the Big Emperor (306–337 C. T.) and tried to merge Christianity with particular pagan customs and doctrines. He undertook the first steps to make this merger religion as the official state religion. Accordingly Greece became a part of Christendom. He moved the capital of the realm of Rome to Byzantium, which he named in honour of himself Constantinople.
It was Constantine who decreed (March 7, 321) dies Solis—day of the sun, “Sunday”—as the Roman day of rest [CJ3.12.2] and that day would be later taken on by a great deal of the Christian community as the new day of rest instead of the Sabbath.

Read more about this in:

  1. First Century of Christianity
  2. Position and power
  3. Raising digression
  4. Hellenistic influences
  5. Politics and power first priority #1
  6. Politics and power first priority #2
  7. Politics and power first priority #3 Elevation of Mary and the Holy Spirit
  8. The History of the Development of the Trinity Doctrine
  9. How did the Trinity Doctrine Develop
  10. Altered to fit a Trinity
  11. Preexistence in the Divine purpose and Trinity



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Monday, 1 February 2010

Do not forget the important sign of belief

Galatians 5:6 (52 kb)
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

ThoughtsPhil Ware
    Ever notice how we get to fussing about things that are important, but still aren't the most important things of our faith? So often, when we get to fighting, the most important thing of all gets lost. In the first century, this fight often had to do with Jew/Gentile issues. While race, culture, and heritage are important, what really is most important is faith expressing itself through love. In our high tech world today, isn't it interesting that the most important issue is the same as it was two thousand years ago -- faith expressing itself through love?
    Dear Lord, please help us tear down every wall that divides and separates your people. Forgive us for our pettiness and prejudice toward each other. Stir in us a deep longing to share the unity of heaven in our world today. In the name of Jesus, the atoning sacrifice for all the peoples of the world, I ask this. Amen.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Wees druk bezig met het belangrijke teken van geloof

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