Showing posts with label volgen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label volgen. Show all posts

Friday, 14 October 2011

Set free from any form of mental torment or self-condemnation

James Mason
The words, “For if a law had been given that could give life, then righteousness would indeed be by the law” (Gal 3:21) should give every brother and sister in Christ tremendous comfort and set them free from any form of mental torment or self-condemnation since these words clearly show that not only Paul but God Himself knows not one of us will ever attain to the perfect standard of the law no matter how much we might desire to or how hard we try.

Both God and Christ know that any attempt we make to attain to
righteousness of holiness to make us worthy of eternal life by our own human self-effort is doomed to fail before we even start, thus the glory, the beauty, the wonder and splendour of God’s grace in Christ.
Helen Bliss We should NOT be trying to follow the Law, We should be following Jesus our savior, this is the way of salvation that leads to life. That is what his example is all about.

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Friday, 27 August 2010

A call easy to understand

"'Follow me' said the King.
The call is so simple any child can understand it.
Its meaning is so sublime that no philosopher, be he ever so clever, can exhaust the infinite meaning of the mystery — its genius.
It is not misery — it is joy.
It is not doubt — it is conviction.
It is not fear — it is blessed assurance.
Disciples are bond servants, but also friends who know their Master’s will. They are not dragging themselves along reluctantly hoping that their misery may win them some reward. They follow gladly for love’s sake, trusting that because he lives, they will live also.

The genius of discipleship — the transformation — touches every aspect of life.
Being called, conviction, trust, surrender, purity, peace, prayer, service."

- Dennis Gillett
The New Man
The Genius of Discipleship

Nederlandse versie / Dutch version > Een te begrijpen oproep
2013 update:
You Don't Understand Me
You Don't Understand Me (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Een te begrijpen oproep

"'Volg mij' zei de Koning.

De oproep is zo eenvoudig kinderen kunnen het begrijpen.
Haar betekenis is zo subliem dat geen filosoof al was hij ooit zo knap, de oneindige betekenis van het mysterie kan uitstoten — zijn genie.
Het is niet ellende — het is vreugde.
Het is niet twijfel — het is overtuiging.
Het is niet angst — het is gezegende verzekering.

Volgelingen zijn aandeeldienaars maar ook vrienden die de wens van hun Meester weten.
Zij slepen zich niet aarzelend langs hopende dat hun ellende hen een beloning kan winnen.
Zij volgen graag voor het belang van liefde, vertrouwende dat omdat hij leeft, zij ook zullen leven.

Het genie van leerlingschap — de transformatie — raakt ieder aspect aan van leven. Geroepen wordend, overtuiging, vertrouwen, overgave, zuiverheid, vrede, gebed, dienst".
- Dennis Gillett

The New Man
The Genius of Discipleship
 De Nieuwe Man
Genie van Leerlingschap

Engelse versie / English version > A call easy to understand


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