First: You might have noticed that some pages are added.
Second: since 2013/14 not so many news events were announced or messages published on what was until then Christgadelphian World. After the name change we still published about activities about certain Christadelphians and we had always an open door for Christadelphians wanting to notice others of their activities. This still stand.
From now onwards the news messages shall be presented on the Christadelphian Ecclesia site and I 'll present a short review of them her in a two weekly or monthly overview.
I do hope the readers coming along this platform shall click on the links and find the individual articles of interest to read more about it, on the Ecclesia site.
For the month of July we notice that some of us shall be pleased to have brethren and sisters form England joining us to distribute leaflets and to have some nice Biblestudies and breaking of the bread services together in a nice Dutch environment.
The additional preaching we can do when we meet people on the street is a necessary asset in these days. Also the preaching by the leaflets, magazines and dvd's is an important task we do have to take on. For that preaching work on the publication market and on the internet we always can use some extra people, as well in the centres where we do present a Bible exhibition and more information on our faith.
From Guestwriters and Stepping toes can use some extra writers and for the Sunday School magazine of the Christadelphian Sunday School Union (CSSU), The Word an editor would be welcome.

Our first overview for 2016 brings following notices in the picture:
- Notification and news feed for Facebook users
- Life’s Big Questions, distribution and Google Adwords
- Launch of the new orange Worship Book
- The Bible Learning Centre in Swansea needs help
- CSSU – New Editor needed for The Word magazine
- Nanaimo Ecclesia, Canada
- July 29-August 5 Netherlands Fellowship / Campaign Week
- August 1-6 Harper Adams Bible School
- New Start Study Week
- The Big Conversation UK 2016
- Help requested for Tristen Simmons who has endocarditis