Showing posts with label light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label light. Show all posts

Thursday, 7 January 2016

A heart in the right place and brightly burning faith

Keep your heart right and your faith will burn bright.

'For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.'
Matthew 6:21

Dear God, give me guidance with Your infallible Word
and let my heart be directed by It in the right direction

giving me a faith which can be bright as a light in the darkness
calling others to come to You.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Een hart op de juiste plaats en helder brandend geloof

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Is it “Wrong” to Believe that the Earth is a Sphere?

A response by CC Walker to a brother who believed that based on his reading of the Bible, it was wrong to believe in a spherical Earth. Bro,.

 Walker's response:

Is it “Wrong” to Believe that the Earth is a Sphere?

WE have received the following letter:—
To the Editor of The Christadelphian.

Modern Astronomers and the Dots in the Heavens
Dear Brother Walker.—Referring to your brief eulogium on Sir Robert Ball’s speculation as to the “dots in the heavens” (The Christadelphian, July, page 316), I shall be glad if you will condescend to reply to the following queries through the columns of The Christadelphian.
Terrestrial globe named
Terrestrial globe named "Erdapfel" produced by Martin Behaim. Considered to be one of the oldest globes ever made. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Seeing that the veracity and verbal inspiration of the Scriptures are denied by many on the basis of the revolving globe-earth theory, even to the extent of rejecting the ascension of Jesus into the heaven of heavens as a “geometrical impossibility.” the matter surely cannot be set aside as of no importance, and beyond the province of a magazine devoted to the defence of Biblical teaching and the overthrow of pagan and papal dogmas.

The globe-earth theory is essentially pagan in its origin, and no amount of ingenuity has yet succeeded in harmonizing it with the cosmogony of the Bible.
It is supposed that the theory was first introduced into Europe by Pythagoras, in the sixth century b.c., and he was a rank pagan. It was afterwards adopted by Plato, and latterly modified to its present form by Aristarchus of Samos, “who went to the length of ranking our green world as a planet revolving yearly round the sun.” Through Copernicus and Galileo the theory has acquired a distinct Romish taint.

We may blame the author of “Lead Kindly Light” for following the glimmer of Rome’s magic lantern, instead of bringing his mental difficulties to be solved in the light of the word of God; but what about those who allow themselves to be led by the vapourings of scientific theorists while pondering over the plainly worded inspired narrative of creation? . . .
There may not be much danger of a brother being led astray by the perusal of modern rationalistic literature, for in that case he is prepared to antagonize the fallacies of modern thought, but morsels of error, in the form of “scientific” tit-bits, daintily wrapped up within the covers of a Biblical magazine, devoted to the defence and advocacy of Scripture doctrine, may not give rise to suspicion that there is anything wrong. The wrong is there all the same, and its effects become manifest when he who has swallowed the morsel finds, as the logical outcome of an adopted bastard theory, that the Bible and modern science are at variance, and verbal inspiration a farce. . . .

The late Prof. Woodhouse, of Cambridge University, once wrote, in reference to the globe-earth theory—“We shall never arrive at a time when we shall be able to pronounce it absolutely proved to be true. The nature of the subject excludes such a possibility” (Astronomy, Vol. 1, p. 13).
The “great astronomer,” Sir Robert Ball — wherein does his greatness lie? Certainly not in his discovery or advocacy of scientific truth. He is an evolutionist of the first order, and a pronounced anti-creationist. He is just the type of unbeliever that so-called modern science is producing; the old Scripture - revering type of astronomers, such as Ferguson, Woodhouse, and Herschell, is fast dying out as the natural effect of an anti-Scriptural theory.

But here I must submit my queries:—

1.—Is it not a fact that the Bible teaches that there are but two great lights and but one sun?
Medieval depiction of a spherical earth with d...
Medieval depiction of a spherical earth with different seasons at the same time (from the book "Liber Divinorum Operum"). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
2.—Is it not a pure speculation, unsupported by any natural fact, the theory that the “dots in the heavens” are great suns?
3.—Is it not a fact that the enormously extravagant distances and magnitudes of the so-called “dots” have for their bases, the unproved assumption that the earth is a revolving globe, speeding through space at 68,000 miles an hour, and with an orbit of 190 millions of miles?
4.—Is it not a fact, as Prof. Robert Main, of Greenwich, candidly affirmed, that the theories “respecting the distances of the fixed stars and other cosmical problems” are based upon the “refined speculations of modern astronomy?”
5.—Is it not the teaching of Scripture that the earth, that is, the dry land, is a stationary body, founded upon the seas, and established upon the floods, and with its foundations in the deep?
6.—Is it not the plain testimony of Moses that sun, moon, and stars, were made and set in the heavens on the fourth day of Creation week?

Believing, as I do, with you, that it is “necessary to bring everything to the test of the Word of God,” I present these questions in all good faith for your serious consideration.

Faithfully yours, in the pursuit and defence of all divine truth,
T. Griffiths.

Remarks in Reply

We would not discuss this matter were it not that our brother does himself and others an injustice in proclaiming the well settled belief of so many of his brethren a “wrong” and “bastard theory” and so forth; and quite unfaithful to the Word of God.
This is not the case at all. Speaking for ourselves: before we learned “the truth” we were quite well convinced of the spherical figure of the earth from perfectly candid study of natural phenomena, and of navigation, which certainly “works” on the spherical basis. And we have found nothing in the Scriptures to unsettle this conviction in the least. Quite the contrary. In fact, the “enormous distances and magnitudes” which appear to be a stumbling block to our brother, are to us only the fitting suggestions of the Infinite and Eternal. And this is the impression of many of the brethren, as it was of the late Dr. Thomas and brother Roberts.

Though we thus believe, we are in no way responsible for the denials of ignorance and unbelief. To us, the mention of “geometrical impossibility” as an objection to the ascent of Jesus into heaven, is merely an indication of the objector’s lack of true understanding alike of The Acts of the Apostles, and of natural phenomena.

Admitted that “the globe-earth theory” is of “pagan” origin, it is not therefore untrue. Much natural truth is of “pagan” discovery. We do not reject it on that account; and as to Galileo and the “Romish taint,” we have always understood that the whole weight of Papal authority was thrown against “the globe-earth theory,” which it has since been compelled to accept as true.
Orlando-Ferguson-flat-earth-map (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Newman’s “religious difficulties,” which he solved by surrender to Rome, were not like natural phenomena which can be put to the tests of observation and measurement. It is scarcely right to allude to the result of scientific observation and measurement, obtained through centuries of patient labour, as “the vapouring of scientific theorists.” In these days of the discovery of the North and South Poles, and of record-breaking travel round the world, we can surely be permitted to hold to the belief in a spherical earth, without throwing ourselves open to a charge of unfaithfulness to the Bible.

With regard to the remarks of Professor Woodhouse, we are inclined to think a great many of his brother professors would have differed from his conclusion. It would largely depend upon just what he meant by “absolutely proved;” and as he is dead we cannot ask him.
So far as we understand, the prevailing type of “Scripture-revering Astronomers” is that of believers in the spherical earth. Indeed, we know of no “astronomy” apart from such a belief. But as to our brother’s queries:—

Answer 1.—No; the Bible does not absolutely limit the number of “great lights” to two; nor does it affirm that there is absolutely only one sun in the universe. It tells us that this is so with reference to the earth (which is obvious enough to the most elementary observation), but it also tells us that God made “the stars also,” without telling us what the stars are. Later, an apostle speaks of “one star differing from another star in glory,” without defining the extent of the “glory” of any. Modern astronomy reveals very great “glory” among the stars, and though, of necessity, largely speculative, is far from being the profanity that some well-meaning souls imagine it to be.

Answer 2.—No; there are “natural facts” underlying the “speculation.” Such are the ascertained velocity of light, the eclipses of Jupiter’s moons, the fact that the best telescopes will not resolve the stars into discs as in the case of the planets; the fact of the existence of the planet Neptune as simultaneously discovered by Adams and Le Verrier; the facts of parallax and spectrum analysis. “Natural facts” are the essence of modern astronomy.

Answer 3.—Without committing ourselves exactly to the figures named, we may say that what our brother calls an “unproved assumption” is with us a well-settled conviction, for reasons which may be found in any good work on astronomy, Sir Robert Ball’s “Story of the Heavens,” for example.

Answer 4.—No doubt Professor Main meant to qualify results and figures by his remark—not principles. These are too well established to admit of doubt by any Greenwich professor. With very small parallaxes distances are, of course, correspondingly indefinite. This appears to be all that Prof. Main wished to emphasise in his remark, the context on which we do not know.

Answer 5.—It is certainly written: “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods” (Psa. 24:1, 2). It is also written: “He stretched out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing” (Job 26:7). We do not find the passages at all irreconcilable, or even difficult; and we do not believe that the burden of either of them is mainly (if at all) the figure of the earth; but rather the majesty of the Creator.

Answer 6.—Moses’ testimony is not so “plain” that it cannot be misinterpreted or misunderstood. He speaks of “the heaven and the earth” as being in existence “in the beginning;” and therefore it does not seem to be inadmissible to suppose that “the host of heaven” was likewise then in existence. Moses’ testimony was given to Israel in what might be called the infancy of the world, when men did not know the extent of the earth, let alone that of the sun, moon, and stars. And, as we believe, it was given (by God through Moses), not so much to instruct Israel in cosmogony in detail, as to impress upon them the idea that The Most High God is the Possessor of Heaven and Earth (Gen. 14:22). And this against the claims of the gods of the nations, as was abundantly proved in Israel’s history. As to “the fourth day,” we do not know of any “day” in the literal sense apart from the sun and its motion. And, therefore, if the “days” of Genesis 1. are to be taken as literal days, we feel bound to admit the sun as the origin of the “light,” and “evening and morning” that were the characteristics of “the first day.” How can you have “evening and morning” without the sun? We must settle up “the plain testimony” of verse 5 with that of verses 14–19. As we said before (The Chri tadelphion, 1910, p. 269), “If we understand Moses as saying that the sun came into existence on ‘the fourth day,’ we make him contradict himself; we make him present us with day and night, evening and morning, without the sun upon which these things depend.”

Under these circumstances we prefer another interpretation, holding always in reserve the thought that presently Moses will be on the scene again, and that we may then, perhaps, be permitted to hear the divine interpretation of the divine utterances of so long ago.—Ed.

Walker C.C. "Is it 'Wrong' to believe that the Earth is a Sphere?“ The Christadelphian (1913) 50:346-348

Contemporary reactions:

Dan Gaitanis
As someone who enjoys this kind of thing, I found this really interesting--but I dont really get what the debate is here--the Bible isnt a book of Astronomy, meaning we dont need to go to the Bible to figure out the composition of the universe. God created it and its awesome, but to say we have to search scripture to try our faith about the universe?
Why not just look at the night sky and be amazed? And take a telescope to see even more stars than you can see without it. A few nights ago I (finally) found Neptune in my telescope, and it amazed me as to how it was discovered in an even smaller scope than mine--it looked like a tiny, very faint, slightly blue, ball, about the size of a period.

As for the stars and sun and moon being literally created on the 4th day, I dont buy that--I think they were already there--it doesnt make sense that the Andromeda Galaxy (2 Million light years away) can be seen from earth with the naked eye, when,if the stars were created only 6000 years ago, we wouldn't see the light from Andromeda for another 1,994,000 years.

There was a time when folks' interpretation of scripture led them to deny evidence for a round earth, or for the earth going around the sun. Today we believe those things, and the Bible verses that have a flat earth at the center of the universe are not only not a problem for us--they're completely invisible. We can't even spot those verse when we read them.

It may be that today, our interpretation of the Bible still forces us to deny other evidence for other things. There are plenty of Bible believers (inside and outside Christadelphia) who deny the evidence for an old earth, for example. Because they sincerely believe that their interpretation of the Bible is the only one, and that interpretation tells them they must choose between God and the evidence.


 the first generation of Christadelphians:

"The inconsistency spoken of between nature and scripture, arises not from antagoni
sm, but from the misinterpretations of both. It is man’s interpretation of the one set against man’s interpretations of the other. It is not nature versus scripture, but false science against true theology, or false theology against scientific fact. Some scientific men, we believe, view the Scriptures through the distorted medium of “confessions of faith” and doubt them, and theologians view science and call it false, because it does not take to their turn-pike road"

“The Christadelphian: Volume 1” (Birmingham: Christadelphian Magazine & Publishing Association, 2001), 93–94.

When we conflate our own interpretation of the Bible with its original meaning, and denounce science because it clashes with that uninspired, fallible reading, we're making the same mistake that brother WDJ (quoted above) warned against.

In the original post, we have an example of a sincere brother who took the Bible literally in a consistent way, and felt compelled to denounce the idea that the earth was spherical. Brother Walker not only accepted as reliable the science of the day, but warned against the extremes of literalism:

"This is not the case at all. Speaking for ourselves: before we learned “the truth” we were quite well convinced of the spherical figure of the earth from perfectly candid study of natural phenomena, and of navigation, which certainly “works” on the spherical basis."

The Earth seen from Apollo 17.
The Earth seen from Apollo 17. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
"Admitted that “the globe-earth theory” is of “pagan” origin, it is not therefore untrue. Much natural truth is of “pagan” discovery. We do not reject it on that account; "
"Moses’ testimony is not so “plain” that it cannot be misinterpreted or misunderstood. He speaks of “the heaven and the earth” as being in existence “in the beginning;” and therefore it does not seem to be inadmissible to suppose that “the host of heaven” was likewise then in existence. Moses’ testimony was given to Israel in what might be called the infancy of the world, when men did not know the extent of the earth, let alone that of the sun, moon, and stars. And, as we believe, it was given (by God through Moses), not so much to instruct Israel in cosmogony in detail, as to impress upon them the idea that The Most High God is the Possessor of Heaven and Earth (Gen. 14:22). And this against the claims of the gods of the nations, as was abundantly proved in Israel’s history."

The relevance of this 100 year old correspondence to contemporary Bible-science difficulties hardly needs emphasis.

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Thursday, 8 August 2013

Darkness, light, burning fire, Truth and people in it

Dan Gaitanis wrote:

I'm on a train headed home from the best Bibleschool I've ever been to. Eastern was absolutely wonderful.

All three speakers said something that I can take away from it:
John Bilello said in his exhortation, "Don't confuse the truth with the people in it."
 I thought that was a great quote--quite often we follow certain people who we think have it all right, when in reality, they could very well be wrong. Not everything said in every Christadelphian class is exactly right on everything, whether the speaker is from the USA, Australia, England, or wherever.

Mark O'Grady made an object lesson--he said "Say we were in a complete eclipse and it was midnight and it was pitch black in here and someone came in the room and lit a candle/light. That light would shine, you'd be able to see it from all over the room. If they lit a bright light it would dispel all the darkness that's in the room. Say someone walked in here and they had a box, and you say 'well, what's in your box? (imagine Mark saying this like a really excited person)' and they said 'oh I've got a box full of darkness!' And you take it to the center of the room take the lid off! What happens to the darkness, does it fill the room? So what's that telling us? Light overcomes darkness. Be not overcome with evil, says Paul, but overcome evil with good."

And Jonathan Bowen told us a sad story about one of his friends from high school, who he got in a debate with about heaven/hell-going. And Jonathan won the debate, but his friend thus left Christianity because he was no longer worried about burning in hell, so basically, even though Jon won the battle, he lost the "war", saying that we shouldn't be out to "win", but rather to "win someone over to Christ". How often do we do that?
 We have these stupid divisions and such and people leave because of them. So we might win the battle of being right, but we still lose in the long run because we lost a member of the body, or a potential member of the body.

I can't say enough about how wonderful it was to be with those brothers and sisters. It was my first time and I was welcomed with open arms and felt right at home, almost as if I'd known those people for many years. Those New England people are pretty cool. And I've known that xD
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Saturday, 22 December 2012

Ember and light the ransomed of Jehovah

We have come in those days when many cry out to Allah, God against their oppressors, and He shall send them a Saviour to defend and to get them out of the slavery of this world. In Scriptures it is indicated that there shall come a time when religion shall set up against religion and children against their parents. Everywhere in the world we can see severe discussions going on between youngsters and their elders. Young people also protest against the situations around them and are faced with different religious groups which pull them from one site to the other. Men and women have absolutely no regard, or fear, for the Word of God any-more.

In certain Christian faithgroups today they call Ember Saturday in Advent. It is a day of Fast and Partial Abstinence as they prepare for one week from today the coming of the Lord. Today they find themselves at a Major Feria, not Privileged Station at St. Peter‘s.

In most of the Christian faithgroups they soon remember the birth of Christ Jesus (born 17 October 4 bCE) on the birthday of the goddess of light. They seem to find it appropriate to celebrate Jesus his birthday on that pagan day because they consider Jesus as the light of the world. And he was and must be our light. He should be the one who pulls us from the dark and lightens our path making clear all the signs which direct to the One and Only One God, God of gods, the Father of Jesus Christ, Jeshua, the son of Mary (Miriam/Maria) and Joseph,  from the tribe of king David.

Heavy-laden under the yoke of sin humanity went astray, and many lost the Magnetic North. In Jesus god has given the world the most accurate magnet.

The days are filled with pictures from Syria and the desert in Jordan with in the camps thousands of people fighting to have something to eat and hoping to find something to warm themselves. They do not like the water in the Unicef camps and are thirsty in the desert crying out to let the wilderness rejoice, and flower as the lily. They also should learn as a lot of people in the West that  the desert places of the Jordan shall blossom and rejoice; the glory of Lebanon has been given to it, and the honour of Carmel; and God's people shall see the glory of the Almighty God.

Let the wilderness and the dry place be glad for them, and let the desert rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It blossoms much and rejoices, even with joy and singing. The esteem of Lebshall be given to it, the excellence of Karmel and Sharon. They shall see the esteem of יהוה {Jehovah}, the excellency of our Elohim. (Isaiah 35:1-2 The Scriptures 1998+)
The time has come that those who have faith and believe in the creator of all things, have to say to those who have an anxious heart, "Be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you."

Jesus was placed on this world by his Father, Jehovah God, on a miraculous way, and to bring what you call a miracle as well, namely the offering of a peace which shall endure for ever.

The Jew from Nazareth, born in Bethlehem, was to open the eyes of the blind shall and to unstop the ears of the deaf. As prophesied he did many miracles in the name of his Father.The lame man came to leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute to sing for joy. And he gave hope to all who were willing to listen. He was the man who was prepared to give his blood and his body as a Lamb of God to bring the most acceptable offer to God so that no other offering would be necessary.

In the night he was born a great falling star also showed the way to shepherds and magi, wise man who crossed the waters in the wilderness, and streams in the desert; to see that the burning sand shall become a pool, and the thirsty ground springs of water; in the haunt of jackals, and that where they lie down, the grass shall become reeds and rushes. And a highway shall be there, and it shall be called the Way of Holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it. It shall belong to those who walk on the way; even if they are fools, they shall not go astray. No lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast come up on it; they shall not be found there, but the redeemed shall walk there. And the ransomed of the Holy Most High shall return and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

Say to those with anxious heart, “Be strong, do not fear! See, your Elohim comes with vengeance, with the recompense of Elohim. He is coming to save you.” Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf be opened. Then the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb sing, because waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert. And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water – in the home for jackals, where each lay, grass with reeds and rushes. And there shall be a highway, and a way, and it shall be called “The Way of Set-apartness {1}.” The unclean does not pass over it, but it is for those who walk the way, and no fools wander on it. {Footnote: 1See Ps. 77:13.} No lion is there, nor any ravenous beast go up on it, it is not found there. But the redeemed shall walk there. And the ransomed of יהוה  {Jehovah} shall return and enter Tsiyon with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. (Isaiah 35:4-10 The Scriptures 1998+)
We may live in a time of crisis where disappointments abound but with the birth of Jeshua, Jesus Christ, we have received a Saviour, the Messiah.For us he must be the most magnificent present, the brightest light-spot in these dark times. Out of all the noise of ongoing shooting these days we should hear a loud voice in heaven saying that time has come for the deliverance and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ.

And I heard a loud voice saying in the heaven, “Now have come the deliverance and the power and the reign of our Elohim,{1} and the authority of His Messiah, for the accuser of our brothers, who accused them before our Elohim day and night, has been thrown down. {Footnote: 1See 11:15. }
(Revelation 12:10 The Scriptures 1998+)
The most important day we all should remember is the day God liberated His People from slavery and let the exodus begin to come to the Holy Land, plus the day that Jesus remembered that and installed the New Covenant and afterwards was killed to accomplish the promise of his Father. For the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before God day and night, is now cast down by that simple man, who was a magnificent teacher.
With him light came into the world to darken the greyness of the death and to bring it into oblivion. And they have conquered the accuser by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they did not spare themselves even unto death.

“And they overcame him because of the Blood of the Lamb, and because of the Word of their witness, and they did not love their lives to the death. “Because of this rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has little time.”
(Revelation 12:11-12 The Scriptures 1998+)
We are aware that the earth which shall not be destroyed did not end to exist on the 21st of December 2012, like some thought it would. Had they had read the Bible they should have known better.
The world has to see first the enragement and those who want to make war with the remnant of the seed of the woman, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus. A third world war is inevitable. Inescapable shall be the last and greatest tribulation the world has to face. When the time has come to that point people should have found their place, either on the site of God or on the site of the world.

These dark and short days, make time to think about the light and the real most precious present you can receive and have for a life in eternity.

The nation of Israel gave birth to the Immanuel, the God with us by the Messiah, who gave his life for all mankind. Jesus, the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world, won the victory over sin and death.


Following on: A season of gifts


Please do read:
  1. Jesus begotten Son of God #1 Christmas and Christians
  2. Jesus begotten Son of God #2 Christmas and pagan rites
  3. Jesus begotten Son of God #3 Messiah or Anointed one
  4. Jesus begotten Son of God #14 Beloved Preminent Son and Mediator originating in Mary
  5. Religious Practices around the world
  6. Not bounded by labels but liberated in Christ
  7. Zeus een heerser van hemel en aarde + Heil tot de gezondene van God of Zeus


Find also:
  1. The Song of The Lamb #1 Visions, symbols and suggested meanings
  2. The Song of The Lamb #2 Sevens
  3. The Song of The Lamb #3 Daniel and Revelation
  4. The Song of The Lamb #4 Methods of Interpretation
  5. The Song of The Lamb #5 Revelation 5
  6. The Song of The Lamb #6 Revelation 14
  7. An unblemished and spotless lamb foreknown
  8. 144 000 following the Lamb
  9. Kingdom Visions of a Man, Throne and Great crowd
  10. Kingdom Visions of Rainbowed angel, Lamb in Mount Zion
  11. Kingdom Visions of God’s judgements and Marriage of the Lamb
  12. Seals, a flying scroll, a statue and blessings

 Of interest:
  1. The Importance Of Scripture
  2. The importance of Reading the Scriptures
  3. Liberal and evangelical Christians
  4. The great ideal of this age
  5. A promise given in the Garden of Eden
  6. Clean Flesh #2 Purity of Jesus
  7. Jesus spitting image of his father
  8. Jesus begotten Son of God #10 Coming down spirit or flesh seed of Eve
  9. Christ having glory
  10. Jesus begotten Son of God #20 Before and After
  11. How The Seed Of The Woman Was Bruised On The Heel How Christ Fulfilled The Promise.


Other faithgroups websites:

Do You Want To Know Your Future?
Do you ever think about your future, both near and far? Do you ever ask yourself, what this life is about and why am I here. Does your life hear have any real, genuine meaning? Why does this world seem like each generation gets worst and worst. Why are there more and more and earthquakes and natural disasters each year? What is this world coming to or should I say what is coming to this world? These are all very valid and significant questions to ask, especially when you have tragedies like children being massacred in schools and on the streets of our inner cities every year. If you’ve asked these questions, maybe I have your answers. It’s All been written out for us in the Book of Truth. This book is made of a total of 66 books

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Friday, 14 October 2011

God's Light

Do you want to switch on the Light?

Corinthians 4:6
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

Watch this nice video:
God's Light

God's light.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Light within

The Light Within

is the presence of God in our hearts
which illuminates truth
and strengthens and guides us.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Innerlijk licht 

Link update 2016:

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Honesty beginning of holiness

Walking in the light

To walk in light means for everything that we hide nothing for God. We tell Him everything, exactly such as it is. To those that or not sincere God does have aversion. God does not ask firstly that we are holy or perfect, but first of all to be honest. That is the beginning point of real sanctification, and from this source of honesty already the other originate. And if there is one thing for us all what we can do, then it is to decide to be honest. Confess for this reason your sins directly to God. Call sinful ideas no longer at beautiful names to excuse for them. We will never get to know victory over sin if we become not honest.

Dutch original / Nederlands origineel > Eerlijkheid begin van heiliging
2013 update
Honest (soundtrack)
Honest (soundtrack) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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