Showing posts with label Petro Poroshenko. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Petro Poroshenko. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Christadelphian brothers and sisters in Ukraine

Kharkov (Ukraine) RailRoad Station ???????????...
Kharkov (Ukraine) RailRoad Station  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Turmoil keeps going on in different parts of the Ukraine.

Sister Elena in Kramatorsk has had to move away to Kiev with her mother and daughter to be away from the bombing.
Bro Alex and Sis Olga in Donetsk had already left to be with their daughter in California on a planned trip before the troubles began.
Conditions in Kiev and in the centre of Ukraine are calm. The only area where violence continues is in the big cities on the east.
Sis Veronika in Poltava reports the brothers and sisters are all well, apart from poor health. The brothers and sisters in Pavlograd continue to meet for their breaking of bread in peace.
Bro Charles in Kharkov is short of work in the market because of the national downturn in business, but is well.
There is a general point which will affect all our brothers and sisters - the drop in value of the grivna (it is now worth 20 to the pound instead of 12) has increased prices in the shops. The annual Bible School is planned for August.