Showing posts with label nkjv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nkjv. Show all posts

Thursday, 7 October 2010

A feast for the Word of God

Jeremy Pearce wrote 03 oktober
The summer is over and October is here - the official start of TheBible4Life 'Year of Dedication'!

In this year, overlapping with the 2011 celebrations, we are being called to personal and ecclesial dedication to prepare for and support TheBible4Life project.

The Dedication website has all of the details:

Hopefully you will already have seen the first three monthly pamphlets circulated to ecclesia's encouraging consideration of some of the key elements of our Christian life. There will be three more before the end of the year GW.

A presentation on the project is available for you or your ecclesia. A slightly updated version of the 'official' Powerpoint is here:

A number of resources are being prepared by various Christadelphian organisations including:

Free Bibles
7,500 NKJV Bibles at £5 each for giving to your friends and neighbours

Bible Inserts
A few pages to put inside the free Bibles to introduce the Bible message

Short videos by a scientist, a historian, an archaeologist, a horticulturist and a microbiologist, explaining why they are convinced of the truth of the Bible. 10p each - 30,000 have already been ordered

Bible Newspaper
Contains short simple 'news' items about the Bible for giving away and local distribution.

'Merchandise' for the project. Artwork is here

A public website will be launched before the end of the year GW.
(currently redirected to

A map of the events planned so far is here, most of them including the new revamped Bible Exhibition:

So the challenge for us all is to start our personal dedication in whatever way we feel appropriate and to start raising awareness and support for the 2011 Project in our own ecclesias.

My personal recommendation is the Prayer Diary available from the Office. I have just started using one and can say it has really helped to focus my prayer life in a positive way!

Please pass this on and invite others to join the Facebook Support Group for the project here


Jeremy Pearce