Showing posts with label wegvoering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wegvoering. Show all posts

Friday, 1 October 2010

Rapture articles

In so many letters I receive I am questioned about dead, life after dead, purgatory, hell, heaven and about a rapture, that I find int necessary to publish my articles on the Rapture already before I got totally ready with restoring all the pages of the Belgian Christadelphian Website.

Unamended Christadelphians feel that the Amended will not accept them for their stand that "covenant relationship brings responsibility" not that "knowledge brings responsibility" that the Amended teach according to them.
We think every person is responsible for what he or she is doing and at the end times all people shall be brought forwards to appear in front of the judgement-seat of Jesus Christ.
At the appearing of Christ prior to the establishment of the Kingdom, the responsible (faithful and unfaithful), dead and living of both classes, will be summoned before his judgement-seat, because all the dead shall be brought back to life.  We look in the articles how those resurrected shall have to come forwards to be judged according to their works; and receive in body according to what they have done, whether it be good or bad.
It is not because you are baptised that you can go into unlawful or immoral actions, because you are saved. Every baptised person has to live accordingly his faith and the Will of God.
Is it not so that if we know something we do have to react to it or handle according to it. When we got to know God, do we not have to place Him somewhere in our life? Then when we get to know Jesus and accept him as our saviour, do we not have to follow this master teacher? Therefore if people want to honour God do they not have to act properly to the wishes of this God. So this knowledge of God and His son would bring certain responsibilities, would it not?
If we do not live according to the wishes and the Will of God, we may forget it. then we shall be sinners and be judged likewise.
On how this judgement is going to fulfilment the Rapture articles try to bring an answer.

The Rapture

Rapture Exposed
1.       Rapture what does it mean?
2.       The Rapture or admittance with Christ
3.       Gather together with Jesus Christ
4.       Raptured in clouds


Dead and after

Destination of righteous

Destination of the earth

Evil in the Bible

Fallen Angels

God's design in the creation of theworld

God's His reward

God's promises


Kingdom of God what will it be like

New covenant

One mediator

Patient waiting

Ressurection of Jesus Christ

Satan or the devil

Sheol or the grave


Rapture of Wegvoering

Omdat het nog lang gaat duren vooraleer ik alle webpaginas van de Googlesites terug juist heb gezet, heb ik de artikelen over de Rapture, de wegvoering of Vervoering (voor zover klaar) reeds op het net geplaatst.

U kan ze vinden onder:

De Rapture of Wegvoering

The Rapture

1.       Wat betekent Rapture of Vervoering?
2.       De vervoering of toegang met Christus
3.       Verzamelen met Jezus Christus
4.       Vervoering in de wolken

In het Engels:
Rapture Exposed

1.       Rapture what does it mean?
2.       The Rapture or admittance with Christ
3.       Gather together with Jesus Christ
4.       Raptured in clouds

Vindt ook verder:

Andere schapen

Beloften van God

Bestemming getrouwen en rechtvaardigen

Bestemming van de aarde

Christus Koning

Christus toebehorenden

Christus wederkomst

De gezondene

De Onschuldige

De staat van onze doden


Eén met Christus


God komt ons ten goede

Gods beloften

Heerlijk einde

Hemel en hel



Het Zoenoffer

Hij die komt

Hij die zit aan de rechterhand van zijn Vader


Hoop eerste Christenen

Hoop op leven

Jezus Christus is in het vlees gekomen

Jezus moest sterven

Koninkrijk Gods

Koninkrijk van God

Lam van God

Leven na de dood

Lichaam en ziel één



Opstanding en oordeel

Op wie hoop stellen

Plan van God

Plan van God en wereldvrede

Priesterschap van Christus



Redding door volharding


Satan of duivel


Stoffelijke tegenover geestelijke hemel

Teken van het Verbond

Terugkeer van Jezus

Uitzicht op de toekomst


Volk Israël

Vrijë wil

Wat is Wedergeboorte




Zoon van God