In 1380, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Simon of Sudbury became Lord
Chancellor of England. It was an honor that cost him his life. Outraged
by a corrupt church, a failing war with France, and the hardship of
special taxes, England's peasants revolted. Under the leadership of men
like Wat Tyler, Jack Straw, and John Ball, they petitioned for the
abolition of serfdom, and the reform of tithes, game laws and use of the
forests. Above all they wanted the hated poll (head) tax abolished. Archbishop Sudbury had approved this crushing burden. The
Roman Church was at a low ebb of respect at the time, particularly
because of the great schism which had rival popes warring with one
On this day, June 14, 1381, while Wat Tyler
negotiated with the king, the mob broke into the Tower of London,
shouting, "Where is the traitor to the kingdom? Where is the spoiler of
the commons?" When they found Archbishop Sudbury, he was at prayer
before an altar with some of his associates. The rebels dragged all of
them outside and down some steps to Tower Hill where they hacked off
their heads as traitors. Lifting the heads on pikes, they carried them
in triumph through the city.
June 14, 1381